Horrors of War

March. 25,2006      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

HORRORS OF WAR derives from the "B" movie, Grindhouse tradition, made to play like a like a midnight movie. It is an independently-produced film made in a B-movie style, yet with a dramatic grounding and an eye toward bigger production values.......FILM SYNOPSIS: 'Feeling the pressure from Allied advance, Hitler unleashes his secret weapons giving rise to a type of warfare the world has never seen. Throughout the European theater of WWII, Lieutenant John Schmidt comes face to face with these "weapons." The Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S., precursor to the C.I.A.) initiates missions behind enemy lines to find the source of the weapons terrorizing U.S. soldiers fighting the Third Reich. Schmidt is joined by Captain Joe Russo and his group of war-hardened GIs who have experienced for themselves the all-too-real horrors of war in battle. Together, they must find and destroy Hitler's horde of nightmare weapons before his horrific vision can be fully realized

Jon Osbeck as  Lieutenant John Schmidt



A waste of 90 minutes of my life

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Erica Derrick

By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.

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Allison Davies

The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.

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Raymond Sierra

The film may be flawed, but its message is not.

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HORRORS OF WAR is one in a sub-genre of 'Nazi zombie' movies that have done the rounds for a good few years now since OUTPOST came out. This one's an indie and thus looks exceptionally cheap from beginning to end, not to mention disappointingly tame. The first hour and a bit merely consists of guys in army uniforms going through exercises in a mock-war scenario; it's not remotely convincing and instead looks like a regular paintball game. The only horror content is right at the end and even then it only consists of a couple of zombie masks. The fear factor is nil.

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when i first bought the movie, i was encouraged by it's front picture and the 4 awards on it! i knew it was low budget but the sight of Hitler and the march of his soldiers was tempting... any way, i watched it and then got depressed for 4 days straight... it's an awful movie with the same scene repeating itself and with monster/zombie masks as if it was 50 yrs ago! i really liked the doctor who is by far the worst actor in the world.. who doesn't know how to cough.. i am able to make a better movie with only a few of my friends, a camera , some masks and guns ,and not more then 5000 dollars :) p.s: the only way a person would watch this movie is because of the picture on the cover :S

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Michael O'Keefe

A war movie of a strange ilk. As if war itself isn't enough to fear. With Hitler in desperation, and an obsession with science and the paranormal...a secret weapon is needed. The maniacal leader orders a lab to create impervious super-soldiers to fight the Allied troops. The prototype zombie-like Nazi warrior attacks like a deprived animal. The American army reassigns soldiers to find and destroy the lab that created the wild eyed crazed creature. The actual war scenes fall short of looking real. With a bigger budget this movie could have been something worth remembering. The cast includes: Jon Osbeck, Joe Lorenzo, David Carroll, C. Alec Rossel and Jason Morris.

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This movie was made with a bunch of WWII re-enactment types, and it shows, with a bunch of overweight, middle aged guys wearing WWII uniforms.Throw in some werewolf makeup and some zombie makeup, and there you go.The plot line goes something like this, the Nazis are developing hard to kill zombies to reek havoc on the advancing allies. Except these Zombies tend to kill German soldiers as indiscriminately as they kill allied soldiers.So the guy who first encounters them is sent on another mission to scout out a factory, but he never gets there because his squad stops off to rape some French babes and get mauled by their werewolf brother. Except one of his surviving squad members is infected with lycanthropy, and they send him out to help find the Nazi Zombies on the next mission. Can we call them Nazombies for short?) Toss in some bad CGI, some filming of some WWII re-en-actors, and voilà, you have a mess of a movie made for about $12.65.

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