Second Coming

June. 30,2009      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Growing up as identical twin sisters, Lora and Ashley Gerritson always had a special psychic bond. When one would feel pain, sorrow or happiness, the other felt it too. Lora's life is suddenly changed when she begins to receive chilling visions from her sister, Ashley. Something is horribly wrong...she can feel it.

Michael Ray Davis as  Sheriff



Sadly Over-hyped

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Don't Believe the Hype

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Portia Hilton

Blistering performances.

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One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.

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Second coming failed to capture my attention. The story was over-dramatic, poorly written and the situations were unbelievable. It seemed to have been written by someone who had never been through anything similar, and wrote about what they imagined it would be like. About a quarter of the way into the movie, I realized that the story was not interesting, and my mind started wandering. By the end of the movie, I was having to rewind just so I would be able to see what happened. And when the movie ended, I had not even realized this until about 30 seconds into the credits.I can, however, say the camera work was well done. It's just unfortunate that the camera had to be focused on such poor acting. If visuals made a movie good, this would have been a great flick.

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For a film with so much promise it was disappointing, thinly plotted and the acting ranging between horrendous and unbelievable.The plot had more holes in it than swiss cheese and it's the worst clichéd ending I've seen in a movie for some time. The final scene would have ripped my heart out, if the entire movie hadn't been so painful to begin with. I was numb! From the very first scene - one was left wondering, if the sister was trying to reach out to her twin for help, or simply scare her to death which would have been better for the audience and saved us from two hours of the worst acting I've seen to date. It was a horror in the true sense of the word.

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Finally got to rent this. Huge fans of indie films and huge fan of horror cheese B-grade flicks. Unfortunately this was not what I expected. I was very impressed with the quality of the production. The IMDb budget says 1.5 million, which is BS. I read on the true budget and I was shocked. Lets just say the story is a bit predictable and the effects are so so, but its actually a small indie paranormal drama with touches of gore here and there. But there is quality here. First of all, for an indie of this price range it looks awesome, very professional. I did like the whole tinnitus thing, the ringing in the ears condition, I thought that using this as part of the story was amazingly original, never heard of it before, and I watch a lot of films! Very good, good, good job, can't imagine what these guys can do with an actual budget! Also read some great reviews on this film on other sites, so I hope it does well. As a movie fan, I am always on the lookout for small quality films like this. A surprise, total surprise.

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OK ...I watch a lot of bad movies. I pride myself on that fact. many times there are some gems in the B rated bombs. But this movie is one of the worst I have watched. I like a good horror movie...but one with a plot of and sense of movement. The opening scenes seemed pretty good. Decent music and imagery. Then it goes down hill from there. One of the main characters has a disability (Ringing in the Ears called Tinnitus). Now this will in turn threaten to reveal his secret. They made that too much of a focus of the movie. So what he has ringing in his ears and accidentally left an ear plug somewhere where that he shouldn't have been. No need to keep bringing it up. So this guy is having an affair with this girl and in a motel she falls and hits her head on the end table. So instead of letting everyone know of his affair he decides to dump the body. Now her twin sister is trying to find out where she is and what happened to her. Well after seeing her sister over and over again (as a zombie like ghost) and even pointing directly to the location of the body she finally finds her. Now the body is recovered and she is set out to deal with the one and only suspect that killed her. Bad thing is that she didn't have much of a plan. Only to pretend to be her twin and met the guy where the body was dumped. The idiot didn't even believe he killed her. So all is revealed there and even though she had a gun....somehow she manages to get herself strangled. So the last scenes of the movie are of the "spirits" of her and her twin walking out of the water. So you mean to tell me in this movie the bad guy wins. And not one but two innocent people die.Good things about the movie: imagery Bad things about the movie: music sound effects long and drawn out misdirection of plot low grade acting from some not all actors

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