
January. 01,1994      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Based on a true story. When a handsome and mysterious gun runner draws Alexis, a young American woman into Ireland's fight for freedom, their loyalties to their countries and each other are put the the test. As a new recruit and an American, Alexis is an obvious suspect when the IRA learns that they have been infiltrated. After Alexis is ordered to bomb a British police station to prove her allegiance, her would is torn apart by her lover's dark secret and the terrorists who want her dead.



Must See Movie...

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Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful

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Ariella Broughton

It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.

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Mal McKee

I only watched the first half hour of this. I just couldn't go on watching such a train wreck.Firstly, I'm extremely sceptical that this is a true story, or even based on a true story. I'm no fan of the IRA, Provisional or otherwise, but their dialogue and actions are far from any reality in Belfast. The IRA were ruthless terrorists and murderers, but they were as professional as such an organisation can be. This movie depicts them like characters from the USA Wild West era.All the characters who were supposed to be from Belfast had fake Republic of Ireland or fake stereotyped 'Oirish' accents. Not one of them had a Belfast accent, or even anything close to a Northern Irish accent.The acting was shoddy, though I think that was due more to poor directing, terrible script and the struggles the actors had with trying to get the WRONG accent and turn-of-phrases right.Apart from one scene in the first half hour which panned across the Belfast skyline, none of the rest of it appeared to be actually filmed in Belfast.I would suggest that anyone interested in the Troubles avoid this movie but then again, few films about the Troubles rise above the level of mediocre.In fact, avoid this film whether you are interested in the subject matter or not!

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You can tell from the moment the film began it was a low budget movie. Yet historically, those who joined the Irish Republican Army were mostly from lower income/working middle class families so the low budget filming and actors makes it more real. The acting is not superb but I felt the action and plot were developed very well. For the most part the intensity builds nicely especially at the scenes when the girl is hiding out with the woman who owned the pub. Its based on a true story and I did not think the lead actor did a great job of capturing the audiences attention span nor did she come off as genuine. Yet I did enjoy seeing the suspense build watching the UVA and IRA trying to hunt her down. The last scene was full of suspense and kept me drawn to the movie.If you enjoy movies based on the Troubles and Civil War that took place in Ireland, then this is a solid film to watch. There are a few twists in the movie and several characters such as Belle and Damien who have such strong personalities that add flare to the story line and focus of the film.

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i went on a realflix viewing spree recently and watched several independent films recommended by that site. "patriots" was one of those movies.before writing this review, i noticed the previous reviewer's distaste for this picture but, to be honest, i don't share his view. you can certainly tell this movie was shot low budget-- there are no stars i recognized-- but i found the characters believable and the plot compelling.i would caution viewers not to expect Hollywood here... this is an example of film-making on a shoe-string-- with that in mind, i give it a higher mark. still, it would have been nice to see a few more dollars thrown at this one.

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Purportedly based upon a true story, this film depicts the circumstances surrounding the recruitment of a naive young American graduate student by the IRA who want to use her to infiltrate and blow up the headquarters of a Loyalist paramilitary group in Belfast.It turns out however that the recruiter is something other than what he represents (not giving the plot away here), and while the bombing plan succeeds the rest of the story is all about the perfidy and cynicism of all the parties to the Irish "troubles". What I liked about this obviously low-budget melodrama was that it tried to show the dark side of bright and shining 'causes'. What it failed to do however was to rise above cliche in its depiction of the characters involved. I found the portrayal of the IRA as sadistic brutes to be a bit over the top and it failed to address at all the dark side of Loyalism, which, since the 1990's, makes the IRA seem almost moderate. In short the film fails miserably to tell the real story of what is happening in Belfast and instead gives us a stock Perils of Pauline melodrama with the main hero being, yep you guessed it, a Belfast Prod with a Heart of Gold. Political movies work best when they take a stand. Trashing all parties in a conflict in the name of peace is not only limp-wristed, but also a bit dishonest and we never get to hear from the poor woman again because she was taken into the warm embrace of the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms...I would really like to know how she feels about her experience now.

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