In a Spiral State

September. 29,2009      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

In the city of Los Angeles, millions of lives intersect everyday, but each individual is still isolated from the whole. A number of strange incidents occur to four men and four women, just as their own lives begin to spiral out of control. Surrounded by con artists, frauds, drug addicts, and homeless people, a story starts to form in a screenwriter's head. Little does he know, his characters seem to have come to life as well. Things takes a surprise turn, as these LA residents find themselves locked into a mystery together. While relating to quantum mechanics, our own spiral galaxy, and the struggle of human existence, an urban love story grows out of the vine of disconnection.

Ofri Fuchs as  Daya
Adam Meir as  Gadi
Bianca Allaine as  Marlena
Jed Rowen as  Nikolas
Elissa Dowling as  Honey
Jessie Anne Spence as  Yasmine
Mae Moreno as  Marlene



The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.

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Ava-Grace Willis

Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.

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Have you ever wondered what a David Lynch film would look like if Lynch had no talent? This is your answer. The commentary tract with Ramzi Abed and friends is quite instructive. The film looks like a student film project, and Ramzi and friends sound like unformed adults still searching for clues. The dialogue is atrocious. An aspiring writer would only fight to have his or her name removed from the credits on this film. No one who worked on the film including Ramzi Abed has any idea what the film is about. They admit this.While Ramzi has not yet demonstrated any talent for making a compelling or even competent film he has proved that he knows how to convince people with money that he can as this is not his first film. That or he has a lot of money himself that he inherited.Perhaps someday Ramzi will make a film good enough that he can graduate from film school and then go on to make a film worthy of our time. Regardless of whether he ever develops any ability he will continue to make films because he is a proved talent at finding money to make films.Perhaps he should be a producer instead?

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Somehow this got released somewhere.. Hopefully by accident. I don't even know where to start with this one. The visual effects are GOD awful (the intro scene alone was a great example). I even think there was some Japanese movie that did the whole 'spirals have meaning' or something like that. I'm not going to mention the acting because you can't even call it that. Sometimes awful movies are fun to watch in the company of funny friends or when you are bored out of your mind; this movie just.. doesn't deserve a minute of your time.I just farted and that was more entertaining than this movie.

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I ended up watching it twice actually. I watched it last night then this morning, and ordered the DVD from Amazon here in UK. I thought it was going to be a weird movie from the start but I had no idea how weird. It's not like anything I've seen before and my boyfriend loves cult movies and obscure art films. This is weirder an dare I say more original. It's obviously small budget and also obvious that the director and actors and all made it their own weird way. But I've never seen anything that played with the feeling and mood of reality TV like this did. It was like taking shows like Intervention and Big Brother and putting them on acid or something. Also it's like an anti-drug movie but the movie itself feels like a drug. I thought I was hallucinating parts of it when it was playing on the computer. Now mind you I did only see it on our Mac computer at home and not in a theatre or DVD but I will when I get it. I think some people will for sure hate this movie expecting anything normal or plot driven like a Hollywood film. This is totally art-house weirdness. It's like a documentary but it's not. It's like a J-Horror film, but it's not. It's definitely a mystery and sci fi. I'd say it's like taking The Secret and Pi and Slacker and The Wall and The Blair Witch Project and making them into one movie. Now that's effin weird! Can't wait to trip out to it with friends on telly.

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shelagh gunn

I managed to sit through about 15 minutes of this film with my partner before scanning through it to see whether anything even remotely interesting happens! It appears to be an extremely low budget film with special effects straight out of ghost or early superman films, with locations as interesting as my friends couch! As for the storyline, the majority of what i saw was 5 minutes each of watching people having phone conversations with very little dialogue at all and the acting, well, it reminded me of a bad porn film! Even from just scanning through 'in a spiral state', I felt 'mind-numbed'!! I've never commented on here before but this film inspired me to register in order to warn others not to waste their time and money!!!

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