Darkfall Resurrection

January. 03,2013      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Anonymous Set in outer space, on the planet Akoh, The elder Zeav Keela tells his last story to a group of students. Recalling his younger years, Zeav and Alexandra are madly in love and plan to elope. Alex's father Jake is a Professor of Geology working on a mining moon near the edge of the galaxy. Unbeknown to Zeav and Alexandra, he has made a significant discovery and is keeping a dark secret from his daughter. Soon, it all starts to unravel, as members of Jake's team awaken Henton, an Ancient and evil Vampire trapped by a curse for thousands of years. Things spiral out of control when Henton is released and spreads his vampirism throughout the mining Colony. Sadly, Alexandra with her lover, must confront her dying father's dark secrets and meet their own destiny. This is an Epic Tale about betrayal, unrequited love and timeless tragedy.



Just perfect...

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Good start, but then it gets ruined

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A Masterpiece!

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Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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This is a truly awful movie... Only watchable if you are making fun of it with a group of friends, and even then you had better be bad movie experts, as this movie gives you very little to work with. I do not think the creators of this bit of cinema art have even heard of the concept of lighting. 90% of this movie is just dark scenes full of people you don't care about talking in very bored sounding voices about some plot involving space werewolves. I could actually see some scenes where one of the actresses was trying not to laugh. About halfway through this turd, we are treated to a full length music video from what I assume is the directors crappy industrial band... only the sound quality is so terrible you can barely hear the music they are playing!! In addition to the aforementioned music video, the 70 minute running time is padded out with about 15 minutes worth of pointless framing story, and the credits of the movie seem very padded out and full of made up names. I refuse to believe that it took an 11 person CG department to create the Windows 95 era 3d effects, most of which are not even animated. In summary... you have been warned!!

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This movie was a real surprise. I love the dark Gothic theme and the make up effects for the vampire characters worked well. The lead blonde character looks great and I really admire the bold special effects. The wacky story and comedy keep you engaged and watching through to the end, although the ending was a bit of an anti- climax for me as I wanted the film to keep going as I was really enjoying it. I can't wait for the sequel if there is going to be one or not? But it is an amazing concept Vampires and Werewolves in outer space with all kinds twists. I loved the the lead male character he is such a hunk! I really hope to see this guy in more movies as he is adorable. Real eye Candy for the ladies. I was also really surprised to find so many great characters in this movie. The music is fantastic, a real standout. This composer is going to be as big as John Williams in the future. A terrific effort! As I am a fan of classic film scores.

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I love a quirky Sci-Fi movie with a bit of a twist. This movie started off well, then slowed down a bit for an off beat scene, then picked up again with great stuff that flowed through to the end. I'm not 100% sold on all the gore, but I really like the story and for an independent this feature seems to be a pretty good effort. There's some action and a dose of dark humour which makes for good entertainment. I loved the space battles in particular. There are some standout acting performances In this film. I loved the main Vampire, It reminded me of Bela Lugosi. A great find , great casting and very convincing makeup effects by the makeup crew, obviously They seem to have done their homework on this film. A very entertaining film.

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Hi, I am one of the few people who have had the chance to see this Movie. It is a very entertaining movie that just got better and better as it went along after a slow buildup to the main story.It was a total surprise, the movie has some fantastic makeup, costume and visual effects which are comparable to the really big budget Hollywood Films. To the credit of the film makers, they have really pulled off a gem with Darkfall Resurrection considering it is an small independent Australian film with a fairly modest budget with no big name stars. The Acting was well rounded and executed by the cast with some standout performances by Hunter Macmahon and Jennifer Douglas who in my opinion steal the show with their on screen chemistry and many great one liners, this is also a credit to the writers.Do not overlook this great little Aussie Movie, it is well worth seeing!!Marnie

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