The Second Front

April. 26,2005      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

In the midst of World War 2, intelligence services from England, Germany and Russia collided in a fierce fight for the mind of Nicky Raus, a genius German Jewish scientist who's developing a weapon of tremendous power. An American agent, Frank Hossom, enters the game when German agents undertake a daring operation stealing the scientist. Frank has to get the scientist back - dead or alive. His mission is complicated by his developing relationship with Olga Ryabina, Nicky's lover, an actress forced to work for KGB. The love triangle and the international intrigue weave into a deadly net.

Craig Sheffer as  Frank Hossom
Todd Field as  Nicolas Raus
Svetlana Metkina as  Olga Ryabina (as Lana Litwak)
Ron Perlman as  General von Binding
Aleksey Serebryakov as  Veklich
Aleksandr Dyachenko as  Lubenets
Aleksey Chadov as  Bykov
Oleksandr Kobzar as  German Sharpshooter
Serhiy Romanyuk as  KGB Colonel



Purely Joyful Movie!

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Good movie but grossly overrated

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A Masterpiece!

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Tymon Sutton

The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.

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I agree - this has to be one of the worst movies ever. I must admit that the designers of DVD cover work harder than the director to cox us in renting such movies. This was the case for me too. I wish I had read the review before I rented this movie. I agree; even if I'm given the option for free rental - it is still not worth it. The other thing I don't understand the 10 line minimum on the review on of a movie I really don't have much to say about. So I'm just going to keep writing and wasting some lines here. But I'm writing to be heard and to save others to refrain from renting this movie. There are other great independent titles to get!

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Ron Perlman, your best bet would be to "Alan Smithee" your name in the credits and deny any involvement with this for the rest of your life. This movie was SO INCREDIBLY BAD, it just defies explanation. And it's not "funny bad", like Plan Nine From Outer Space or Santa Claus Conquers The Martians. No. It is "seriously bad", as in "I just found out my grandmother died in a car wreck" bad. The horrendous acting by the "leading" man (and all the actors - sorry, Ron, you weren't convincing at all), the terrible "plot", the imbecilic love story aspect, the unbelievable gaffs in continuity - I could go on. DO NOT PAY MONEY TO SEE THIS. And if some else has rented this and invited you to watch, believe me: You can find a million better things to do with your time. Like, maybe, watching the grass grow, or finding some paint to watch while it dries.

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I am a woman who appreciates war movies. Good war movies, that is. What I consider to be well-made war movie traits are an adherence to fact, correct use of language (e.g., Italian characters speaking in Italian and, bonus points, acted by Italians), a compelling story, and lack of jingoism. Oh yes, and NO "LOVE TRIANGLES" (note to movie makers: not all women need romantic subplots to watch a war movie. I mean, really, a "love triangle?" Millions of people were being slaughtered. Doesn't that fact make any stupid "love triangles" utterly irrelevant? If you really want to attract women, perhaps have war movies that focus on women who made a difference.)A few war movies that I've appreciated that utilize some or all of these traits are "The Longest Day" (my entrance into war movies), "Band of Brothers," "The Tuskegee Airmen," "Kelly's Heroes" (Donald Sutherland. Priceless.), "Life is Beautiful," and "Breaker Morant." This movie, unfortunately, did not have any of these traits, save for the use of native language. Utterly pointless story and annoying characters. I can even make an argument for blatant false advertising - if you watched the movie, did you see the tanks or spitfires that are depicted on the DVD cover? Yeah, me neither. Although the sea plane was cool.... Save your time. Save your money. There are countless other movies that are much more deserving. "Kagemusha," for example....

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OK. Who's in this? Craig Sheffer? I'm sorry, but looking though his filmography, I didn't see anything memorable in which I'd seen him perform. The rest of the cast are Internationals and that's certainly forgivable but, the question I raise is why was Ron Perlman in this less than outstanding film? And, as a sadistic Nazi at that? No, sport's fans, it certainly didn't work for me and although I didn't have quite the same reaction as the first reviewer, I was glad I'd rented this one at Blockbuster's (on the night of the Superbowl because I was likely one of the few in Sacramento watching the poor old Seahawks get their lunch) instead of investing the price of a Senior's admission to see it on the wide screen. Very disappointing, Ron. Better stick to Hellboy.

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