Bare Witness

April. 17,2002      R
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Professional killer Gav Reed commits a grave mistake allowing himself to be videotaped (as she always does, for a documentary she hopes to sell to Hollywood about the real nocturnal 'eldest business' there) by Julie Spencer, one of Max 'Slim' Reuter's hookers and porn actresses, whom he had sex with before - and while making a most incriminating call about his murder attempt at a high society campaign party for mayor Garland's electoral challenger Mary Washington, where the bullet is however caught by councilor Frank Constantine, who also survives. Gav's client, businessman Ian Hunter, who was videotaped earlier, has his girl Marina shoot Gav and then Julie, later Slim who. Rough but effective police detective Killian investigates, helped by Julie's friend Carly Marsh, and unravels even more sordid connections.

Angie Everhart as  Carly Marsh
Daniel Baldwin as  Det. Killian
Evan MacKenzie as  Ian Hunter
Catalina Larranaga as  Julie Spencer
Mark Sivertsen as  Gav Reed
Robert McRay as  Nix
Angela Sargeant as  Mary Washington
Kathleen Kinmont as  Det. Holly McGee
Ed Bernard as  Capt. Moody
Darcy Shean as  Miriam



Captivating movie !

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If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.

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Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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A last-ditch entry into the 'erotic thriller' genre that started back in the early 1990s when the likes of BASIC INSTINCT popularised the genre. BARE WITNESS is lamentable in every respect: a rubbish, predictable storyline, gross sex scenes, cardboard acting, and thrills that'll make you laugh rather than jump.The villain of the story is a corrupt mayor who attempts to murder a rival; unfortunately for him, the assassin is caught on a sex tape filmed by a high class hooker. Soon enough the hunt is on for the tape as the hooker's friend and a cop join forces to help bring down those responsible.Everything about the film screams bargain basement and the shoddiness is unbelievable. The sex scenes are about as explicit as they can be in a non-pornographic production and yet they're deeply silly and/or sleazy, depending on your taste. Angie Everhart is about as appealing as a 2x4, while a chubby Daniel Baldwin wanders around and must be wondering what happened to his career. Unfortunately there's absolutely nothing to recommend about this one, which has to be the nadir in the careers of all involved.

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I could have taken a shower or do some other work left but i watched this movie on disc then soon after that i thrown it in the garbage drum do you want to know why i did that here are some reasons below.I love soft-core films i have seen plenty i know many actresses that i can name who do this better always for example Gabriella Hall a legend in this business but i guess i expected too much from this project like action & hot sex yes there are some scenes here but too short the director didn't even shot it properly the editing is done by some kids i guess leaving good scenes out of the final cut,i am just assuming but when you watch the film you will feel it that something is missing i will be honest here i pick up any Shannon Tweed film i enjoy it every time they are way better then this,the whole mafia type storyline here is laughable.The Plot:a hit-man makes a mistake by allowing himself to be video taped by some actress Julie while having sex with her then gets killed,the police investigates with help from Carly Marsh but the bad guys are after her too how the detective Killian protects her & solves the crime the answer is in this film.The Cast:the men in this film are worst at acting most of them are middle aged,& as for the ladies Lauren Reina,Catalina Martone & Angie Everhart impress but the script & characters are limited there are not much scenes of these beautiful women for the viewer to enjoy they just fade out soon once again i have to say i felt the scenes looked edited.This film tried hard to do something like Steven Seagal do but it fails,if you are tricked by the poster,cast or hot scenes then please don't bother looking into this movie you will be disappointed,this is just an absolute waste of time nothing more.Overall Bare Witness 2002 is not even recommended for die hard Angie Everhart fans it is boring,filled with pointless dialogs one top of that the runtime/length drags for no reason my rating for this is 2/10.Skipp It

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Not quite as bad as it's made out to be. You can't expect too much for a direct-to-video production anyway. It did have the egregious Daniel Baldwin (one of the less talented Baldwin brothers, and that's saying a lot!) acting to best of his (extremely limited) ability. Angie Everhart shows her chops (among other things) by credibly pretending to be attracted to Baldwin. Catalina Larranaga also shows that she can seriously act, and deserves a shot at some roles where she doesn't have to get naked. Don't get me wrong, I liked seeing her. A lot. But she is pretty enough, and talented enough to do better things. Good luck to her. Lauren Reina also shows some real talent. She doesn't seem to have much of a credit list, so who knows if she's still in the business? But both of these young women put in as good of a performance as the material allowed. The plot had some big holes, of course. But I've seen worse. Some of the supporting actors weren't very convincing, such as Willie Gault and Joe Costanza. The direction was reasonable. Overall, I couldn't really recommend this one unless you want to see it for the under-appreciated young actresses, or for the nudity.By the way, I saw on a different website some talk of a Swedish version/edit of this film film with considerably more of the sex scenes. I understand about editing for TV, or theatrical releases, (apparently not an obstacle for this film) but why edit these films down for cable TV, or especially DVD release? I'd really like to see all of a movie, whether it involves sex or not.

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(Some Spoilers) Doing a documentary on L.A prostitution striper and part-time call girl Julie Spencer,Catalina Larranaga, has all her "tricks" or customers taped with a hidden camcorder while their both doing "it". Getting into hot and heavy action with her "John" a hyped up Gav Reed, Mark Silvertsen, the two are interrupted and Juile is told to wash up and leave. It turns out that big city real-estate tycoon Ian Hunter and one of his henchmen Nix, Even MacMenzie & Robert McRay, pay Gav a visit talking over a contract hit of mayoral candidate Mary Washington, Angela Sargeant, that's to take place that evening, all this is being secretly taped by Julie's hidden camcorder.Rav goes to a campaign dinner, disguised as a waiter, for candidate Washington and shoots City Councilman, in fact the City Council President, Frank Constantine (Don Short) who got in the line of fire injuring him. Later Rav is killed by Hunter's hoods to keep him quite if he decided to spill the goods on, or blackmail, the person who paid him to assassinate, which he failed, candidate Washington.Hunter later that evening goes to Julie's place of work, a sleazy L.A bar where she's a stripper, and asks the owner Slim (Joe Constanza), who's anything but, that he's a movie producer and want's to borrow her, at a good price, for the evening in a porno flick that he's doing. Julie like Rav ends up dead with a bullet in the head and dumped in a dumpster not far from Slim's bar.It's then when Hunter somehow finds out about the tape and has his hoods break into Julie's apartment. After knocking out both her roommate Carly, Angie Everheart, and Det. Killian (Daniel Baldwin), who was there interviewing her about Julie's murder, they take all of her secret tapes. It's only later that that it's discovered that it's the wrong tape! Not the tape with Hunter giving Rav the letdown and instructions on killing Mary Washington. The films plot has bit more meat to it, besides the graphic sex scenes, then you would have expected from a soft-core porn movie with a good twist ending that you realize is coming long before the movie "Baer Witness" ends.Both Danial Baldwin & Angie Everheart do their best to make the film believable with Baldwin's impression of a rebel ,do what I wanna do, cop and Everheart's of an ex-hooker with a heart of gold bartender and part-time stripper. Hunter wanting to have a road built from L.A to a desert casino that he owns plays both sides, running for L.A mayor, against the middle to get whoever gets elected to do his bidding. The fact that the attempted assassination of Mary Washington was a failure and City Councilman Frank Constanstine, who was the one that Hunter really wanted to be mayor, was wounded played right into Hunter's hands. This all set things up up the real attempt to murder Washington at the end of the film. Finding the missing tape in a electronic store where Julie had her VCR sent to have the tape, that was stuck inside, removed has Hunter and one of his cronies Marina, Lauren Reina, chase Carly all through L,A. Hunters attempt to retrieve and destroy the incriminating tape before it's made public eventually blows Hunter's grand plan to control whoever becomes mayor and pull his, or her, strings to do whatever he want's him, or her, to do. Slim earlier got wise to Hunter's plans, after Det. Killian and his partner Det. Daulton (Willie Gault) paid him a surprise visit, ends up getting whacked by Marina to keep him from blackmailing her boss who she later sells out. Marina ends up selling the incriminating and politically explosive video tape to CNN News Network,for a hefty fee.

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