The Legend of Sorrow Creek

August. 04,2007      R
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Kayla and Jesse loved spending their childhood summers at their grandfather's secluded cottage in the pristine mountains of rural New England. Now, fifteen years since their last visit, the sisters return along with Kayla's boyfriend Dean and his best-friend Tobe for a much-needed break from their busy lives in New York. But when a simple fishing accident leads the foursome to follow an unexplored shortcut through the woods, the lives of this small group of friends are shattered forever as they suddenly find themselves facing the shocking and terrible curse of one of America's most haunted places. Written by Michael Penning



Surprisingly incoherent and boring

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Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike

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The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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This is a pooh pooh movie. It is not scary. It has an awful story line. It has awful acting. It a pooh pooh movie. Pooh pooh pooh. It you want to get scared see Sleep Hollow (1999) do not see this movie.

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Two sisters, Kayla (Ravensbergen) and Jessie (Caron) are deep in the woods with their boyfriends hiking to their Grandparents cottage. They come across the remains of a house on the way there where a terrible evil once happened. Without knowing they unleash a supernatural force that follows them to the Cottage. Jessie's body is discovered and brought to the cottage where it reanimates and tries to kill them. Writer/Director Michael Penning working from no budget makes great use of his location and wisely delivers solid atmosphere into this weird tale of supernatural. The movies strongest point is keeping the audience off balance and wondering what is coming next. Along the way there is some hair raising moments and a few genuine scares. Penning put together a good cast here which helps considerably. This is no masterpiece but a tidy little horror film that does what it set out to do.

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may contain spoilers This is a really good movie and is surprisingly a low budget film and you don't even realize it. The acting is very good, the teens are appealing and are very good actors and fit perfectly for this movie. The plot line and development is really good and keeps you hooked through out the entire movie. The scare factor of this movie keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time for you to be ready to jump. The only negative to this movie is it might be just a little difficult to follow through but if you keep up it is an excellent movie. The filming is pretty decent and the setting is really good. The only other thing is the lighting is a little dim to see in some parts of the movie where it is darker. This is an over all good movie defiantly and enjoyable viewing Just be ready for the ending.

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A slightly better than passable B grade movieThe storyline isn't bad but never seems to be completely fulfilled. Nevertheless, the movie kept me interested till the end. So, let's start with the acting:The acting, overall, wasn't bad with the exception of a couple of minor characters. While professional, the acting lacked polish but was overall believable (for the most part).Plot development: Plot development was definitely lacking in this film with the main characters doing some truly unexplainable things in this movie. It seems like the screenwriter went out of his way to make the plot less than believable. From the scene where one of the characters inexplicably removes the car keys from his friends backpack (preventing escape of course) to the placement of a butchers knife in the bedroom, leaving a convenient, if inexplicable, murder weapon, the plot elements were not placed well. All of these things could have been accomplished without resorting to cliché' or unbelievable behavior.Photography: I thought this was the most professional part of the film. The camera work was very well done and allowed for some excitement in what could have otherwise been some rather boring scenes.Directing: I think the director did the best with what he had to work with. I think a slightly better script with better placement of plot elements to move the story along would have given this movie a much better rating but I still enjoyed it overall.

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