Satanic Panic

August. 13,2009      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Inspired by true accounts and the craze that took place in the late 1970's and early 80's, follows in the footsteps of classic horror films from that generation. In 1980, ten year old twins Toby and Cindy Richards were abducted by a group of demented satanic cult members. Cindy managed to escape, but Toby was never found. Twenty-five years later, a group of six friends take a canoe trip to re-kindle their friendship, only to find themselves in trouble with crazy, small town locals and the same satanic cult that took Toby years ago. Can the friends make it out of the town of Thornwood alive and in one piece, or will the become victims of sacrifice.

Tim Krueger as  Tim Richards



Sorry, this movie sucks

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Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,

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Humaira Grant

It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.

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Fatma Suarez

The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful

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SATANIC PANIC claims to be a throwback to the '80s horror films of old, but instead it turns out to be your usual shot-on-video lunk-headed time-waster. The plot follows the predictable mates-in-the-woods storyline with a bunch of airheads heading off for some rural fun only to run afoul of the least menacing Satanic ever. The execution is average and certainly not the worst, and there's plenty of ominous music, but the film as a whole is entirely unmemorable.

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Obviously, the folks who wrote the above reviews saying that this is scary and a good movie are the director and his crew. No one, no matter how drunk, stoned, or deluded could seriously think this movie is anything of than a cow pie. I truly mean it, this is every bit as bad as Manos. The only way watching this movie would be enjoyable would be to MST3Kie it. I'm not sure there's enough alcohol in the world to make this good. I can't wait to hear the commentary. If they say a single positive thing, I will know that there was something in the water. I'd rather drink the water from Cabin Fever than drink whatever would make you think this movie was good.

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Watched "Satanic Panic" on-line last night, and I have to say I became a bit "Panicked" when the film opened. It begins in a docu-style (A.K.A. "Blair Witch Project") with a rather flamboyant Satanist showing us photos of his poodles… Huh? I watched a few more minutes and just before hitting the "Stop" button, the movie changed to a more traditional Indy-style horror film. A brother and sister (twins I believe) are abducted by a satanic cult, but the girl manages to escape and tell her horrific story to the local police and press. Now we fast-forward ten or so years and a group of old friends are gathering for a weekend of camping and reconnecting. Although these characters tend to be a bit cliché, so does the whole (slasher in the woods) scenario, so I won't harp on the film for that. Truth is, there were a few fresh story line twists here, including a terminally ill women and a past (lesbian) affair that garnished a few extra bonus points for "Satanic Panic". At least there are a couple of characters that gave the viewer someone they could feel for. From this point on, the story moves at a much quicker pace and our cliché characters are dropping like flies, in some unique fashions and this is always a good time for horror fans. Decent gore and acting, the one thing that continually bugged me was some of the costuming choices. The Satanic robes were a bit silly and cheap looking. The Orville character, which's supposed to be some creepy backwoods-guy, wore overalls and a straw hat. I think having him look like one of the mountain men from "Deliverance" instead of a "Hee Haw" reject, would have done the film more justice, but maybe I'm missing the point here… Not likely to tread any new water or win an academy award, but fun for the most part. Besides having the crap scared outta me in the opening scenes, I found "Satanic Panic" an enjoyable low budget horror movie, and certainly worth a viewing.

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I have seen some bad films in my time, but this is about as bad as bad gets. The atrociousness begins with the "re-enactments" of various witness accounts of satanic activities that occurred during the 80's. I knew I was in for one hell of a bad ride judging from the "acting" of those doing the reenacting. But, being the glutton for punishment that I am, I persisted in watching this "horror" unfold. And unfold it did, all over my computer screen, my keyboard, and spilling over onto my pants and shoes, which I ended up throwing out since I couldn't remove the stench. Yeah thats how bad this "flick" is. Pinkish watery blood...need I say more. Or how about a horribly made-up redneck vagabond with clean overalls. I mean, come on!! Don't people get paid to think this crap through before filming? I can't get back that 90 or so minutes but I CAN spare someone else. Do yourself a favor and just say "no thanks, I'll skip this one". I wish I had.

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