Antfarm Dickhole

November. 21,2011      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Hailed as having "the most WTF moments in movie history" Antfarm Dickhole is the story of rampaging army ants that have nested inside a living human body. The unwilling host discovers that when bullies attack him, the ants defend their nest. Thus begins a tragic tale of what happens when the powerless become powerful.

Bill Zebub as  Ant-thony



The greatest movie ever made..!

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The first must-see film of the year.

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The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.

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The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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This movie is a must see, once you see this movie you will never see other movies the same as you see this movie. The visuals in this movie are spectacular everything you want is here in Ant Farm Dick Hole, it has a great plot and a amazing story you have to see to believe. This movie is so good, i would rate it 100/10, in fact i would even go as far as to say this movie is even better than Panda Fighter or Cool Cat Saves The Kids. 1,000 out of 10 great movie and storyThe story is about a guy masturbating, what more could you want in a movie. The movie visual effects are outstanding, you can actually feel and see the guy masturbating in this movie, it gives it more emotion. Ant Farm Dick Hole expresses great acting and feel to the movie, so if your interested you should see Ant Farm Dick Hole.

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Salam Tawfiq Al-Shawi

A movie that is based souly off of a guy masturbating and half naked "actors" taking their sweet ass time to lay down on a towel or in a convenient pose for the weird pedophile/weird masturbating guy to shoot his dollar store toy ants out of his dollar store dick and somehow kill them but overall it is one of the "classics" and is a great movie/porno to scar your kids physically and mentally from and overall just make your kids turn out to be a weird emo pedophile but damn did it make me laugh my ass off at how poorly scripted and filmed this movie or porno i don't know which it is so i rate this 10/10 because it deserves an Oscar for being one of the most visually scaring retarded movies out there.

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Antfarm Dickhole (2011) 1/2 (out of 4) The title pretty much tells you what to expect out of this "Z" grade horror film. A man discovers that ants have laid a nest inside his penis and whenever he wants, they will attack those who have picked on him.CARRIE it's not but ANTFARM DICKHOLE will probably gather a few interesting viewers who are wanting to see something wild, over-the-top and different. There's no doubt that there really hasn't been a movie like this one before and that in itself is worthy of one viewing but unless you're a major fan of these types of low-budget movies then it's doubtful you're going to be able to make it past the ten-minute mark.The film features pretty much everything you'd expect including the awful acting, lousy editing and all around low-grade filmmaking. With that said, director Bill Zebub at least manages to create something that you can at least call original but one wishes there had been a slightly bigger budget. The film is advertising itself as having the most "WTF moments in film history" and this might be true to a point but there's still several awful moments or moments meant to be humorous that simply don't work.One could really argue that one shouldn't be too harsh on a "film" like this and to a point I'd agree. However, at 85-minutes the movie drags incredibly long and one only wishes that it was just a two-reel short.

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For a B, or even a D movie that this is, there are some wonderful aspects to such a low budget, poorly acted movie as this. First, the plot is original and hilarious. Second, it has just what D movies are made for: lots of people dying, and lots of naked women. Third, it has one of the most obvious and offensive titles ever. Fourth, everyone's name and many of the words have "ant" substituted in it, such as "ant- nihilation" instead of "annihilation" and "ant-ticlimatic" instead of "anticlimactic". Fifth, the dialogue surrounding evolution and relationships is very well written and deep; juxtaposed against the poor acting and strange script makes it stick out and brilliant.These actors own the terribleness of the story line, the people dying own being eaten alive by ants, all the while centralizing around a man masturbating a lot and shooting ants from his penis to get revenge. Oh, and the girls in the bikinis are the smartest people in the film? Classic.

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