The Forest

April. 14,2011      R
Trailer Synopsis Cast

By taking her own life in the infamous Suicide Forest of Mount Fuji, a sexy American cover-girl supernaturally transforms into a demonic spirit to wreak a violent revenge, one by one, upon those who helped her ex-boyfriend leave her. .

Michael Madsen as  Lt. Brandon Ross
Johnny Young as  Koji
Sonny Saito as  Dr. Kohara



Purely Joyful Movie!

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Must See Movie...

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Hayden Kane

There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes

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It appears the other viewers of this movie must have watched a different movie then I did. I actually bought the DVD on the strength of the other reviews, what a mistake that was. The acting was extremely bad, the sound was variable through out, over all quality was terrible and the film was extremely boring with nothing to hold the attention. The characters were banal and one dimensional you did not care about anyone as they were instantly forgettable.I managed to sit through half the DVD before I switched it off and put DVD in the garbage. I was really disappointed as I expected this to be a real scary one. Nothing to scare you here, you wont be scared to go down to the forest after this travesty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tomoyuki's Jyukai and Naiishi's Shadow Woods are not on par with The Forest. This movie is the best look there is on the topic of the Fuji forest, especially cinematically which is well shot and a gripping plot. Serafim kept the creepy images at play without being heavyhanded about their social ramfications. All in all the characters aren't memorable as in hey you're about to watch the Godfather and see Michael Corleone confront his inner demons, but they're very realistic especially as an ensemble. The blonde, main brunette, cop, photographer are good. I heard the crew had a number of problems with reshoots but they did a seamless job of suturing together a mindbending story which never feel out of its own flow. The pace is excellent. I could have apprecaited more blood and gore otherwise I don't think this movie qualifies as a slasher film. It's more of a Japanese horror piece slash supernatural thriller with a consummate first person shooter style procession ending that is pretty chilling and active at the same time.

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This is an excellent horror film. It gives me hope in horror films because I've been disappointed so many times with typically cheesy dialogue and bad acting. The Visible Dark is the opposite - the film is of high quality in all aspects from story line, writing, cinematography, and an awesome performance by Michael Madsen and writer/director Shan Serafin. Having the story based in Japan around actual Japanese cultural beliefs about life and death made the story unique and interested enough to do research outside of watching this film. The story keeps my interest all the way through, is grippingly suspenseful, has plenty of comedy relief, and has several classically horrific moments that would make you cover your face with just enough room to watch with one eye. This film is worth watching if you're a critic of horror.

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This is one of the better ghost stories I've seen in a while! And the ending is creepsville. Not to give away too much but the final scenes totally will have you on edge!! You could say this is sort of like a Japanese Horror flick but, having seen "The Audition" and "Ringu," I'd say that this film isn't exactly of the same odd J-horror ilk. This is more like "The Ring" or "The Grudge." It's a more thoughtful movie, almost like a police story at first and then becomes a nightmare in the end. There is one shot that is insanely creepy. Actually a lot.The shots of the Fuji forest are probably the real deal. Which helps. I got a little confused in the middle but the ending pretty much sums up the loose ends. It's not quite as well done as The Ring but it's in the same vane. Michael Madsen is good. And the hacker is great! If you want a good scare, this film will do it.

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