
January. 01,2012      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A Birmingham-based band are ordered by their unhappy record company to an old warehouse; the goal being to re-start their ailing careers with a kick-ass new promo video. Unfortunately the band and their entourage find themselves targets of a mysterious knife-wielding maniac, haunted by the voice of Satan, and out for revenge

Laurence Saunders as  Zack
Joe Egan as  Big Al



Why so much hype?

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Undescribable Perfection

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ridiculous rating

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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Theo Robertson

Love Meets Murder are a band who are failing to sell records . Their manager has a word with their record label who come up with the bright idea to do a promo video at a deserted warehouse somewhere in the Midlands . While the band and their entourage are making the video a murder takes place and it soon becomes clear that this murder will be the first of many DEADTIME cost a grand total of £25,000 to produce so it deserves some congratulations . It was also filmed in Wednesbury and anyone who feels the need to stay in the English West Midlands is a braver man than me so again congrats to the production team . This will be the only praise they shall be getting for making this unlikable little monstrosity When you watch a film and the only positive you can say about the characters is that they're not as bad as the mad serial killer that's not much of an endorsement . The whole idea is to make you empathise and understand the characters and their predicament . Watching these self centered slags taking drugs and have it off is slightly alienating . The last vestiges of any sympathy I might have had for them as soon as they found the body of the first murder victim where they had two choices to make 1 ) Leave the warehouse 2 ) Carry on making their promo Guess what option they choose ? Worse than that it's set in the present day( 2012 ) as far as I know and yet not one single person seems to have brought a mobile phone with them . Very disadvantageous if you need to call the police and tell them you're getting stalked by a madman waving an axe about . This entirely sums up the clumsy ill thought out scripting of the story where common sense is totally ignored and if the screenwriter can't be bothered why should the audience be ?

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Mathias Dubois

I really have to break a lance for this highly underrated movie. Deadtime is an amusing slasher that picks up the tradition of the genre, as established somewhere between the 70's. It doesn't ask to be taken seriously for one second and features some decent performances and dialogs. Although the story and sceneries aren't shy to refer to classics of the genre, it features a very own twist and thus escapes the trap of being a single patchwork of past successes. the music is good, the figures quite believable as a Rock'n'Roll band and they are obviously having lost of fun in the production. The effects are decent on regard of this being a low budget production and I really had quite some fun.Now a little word on the side: obviously, many people rated this movie with one or two stars out of ten: these people should take a moment and think about how much worse many productions are and this also include some high budget ones. If this movie deserves the lowest note, we would have to introduce an additional minus scale for some other movies, so I can't take any judgment seriously that doesn't give it at least 3 stars. (Besides I suspect that some puritan crusaders are just spending their free time cruising IMDb to give any horror movie the lowest rating, regardless of its quality).

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I'm sorry but found Deadtime very much an entertaining movie! This Shocker! Rocker movie ticks all the right boxes and some, it's quite funny in parts too. With a couple of interesting cameo performances particularly from Leslie(Eastenders)Grantham, Terry Christian and Joe (Sherlock Holmes)Egan who all add to the mix of this delicious BLOODY yarn. The basic story line is a rock band well past its sell by date and now a burden to its record company, are giving one more chance to make good on their contract. So are sent to a warehouse to shoot a promo for their forthcoming musical release, which they hope will resurrect their careers. Unfortunately the desolate location is a 'Psychos wet dream' and all hell breaks loose when a murderer decides to join the shoot. It's Brutal, Bloody, British Indie Movie Extraordinaire, for starters the budget wouldn't even cover the transport taxis on a Hollywood movie. Bearing that in mind this movie is a triumph on many levels firstly it pays homage to the slasher genre credibly, its full of fast, fun and furious BLOODY frolics. Not to the mention the Blood and Guts and there is lots of it! Did I mention its gore? It was rumourer that it even had to be censored at a R rating due to some really gruesome Killings in the movie, what bloodier than this? Well the D.V.D extras may be worth a look at if you fancy even more blood. Before I start slating the movie or its actors which a lesser more cynical, malicious or possibly even agenda driven critic might to choose to. It's worth mentioning the performances are both credible and believable for the genre with some exceptions of lesser characters. That blip aside Jimmy the bands manager played by (CarlColeman)the lead fronts the film with refreshing honesty as an Idealist who loves music, but not the industry and believes in his band. Anji his girl friend (Elizabeth Shalavi) adds a bit of comedic northern spice to the mix and not forgetting Zac (Laurence Saunders) who's performance is also witty and sharp. This trio all shine above the rest, also the castings of Carl Coleman and Elizabeth Shalavi movie are bold as they are refreshing both leads are black think (Hunger Games) but this shouldn't be about race but end results. So leave your brains(PUN) at the door, get the beers, snacks, popcorn in and have a good night in and believe you me, it's highly likely you will enjoy this movie. My only criticism is it should have been released for HALLOWEEN!

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Simon Gaffney

This rollicking film sizzles with energy; a boisterous romp of pure Brit' horror. OK, it's low budget, OK, it's got it's flaws, but go with it as viewer wanting entertainment, not a grizzled critic that hates everything. Some familiar faces, some lovely moments and overall it's a high octane, tongue in cheek British comedy horror film that is played for laughs. There really is some great music here with some great performances and great effects and the overall cocktail adds up to a scenario that draws you in and sustains your interest. I watch a lot of horror movies and this one has a few rare things - atmosphere and a sense of fun. Enjoy it for what it is and have a giggle.

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