Terror of Dracula

March. 10,2012      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

When Jonathan Harker, a young solicitor from England travels into the heart of the Carpathian mountains to meet with the ancient Count Dracula, he discovers the bloody terror and plague that now threatens to cast its shadow over England! Meanwhile, Quincy Morris summons his old friend Professor Van Helsing when a mysterious illness consumes his wife. Are the two puncture wounds on Lucy's throat the work of a vampire? It's a race against time as our heroes fight to save the souls of their beloved from the clutches of the original screen terror...THE TERROR OF DRACULA!



You won't be disappointed!

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I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.

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Maleeha Vincent

It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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TERROR OF DRACULA is yet another screen adaptation of the Bram Stoker novel, this time made by a couple of Canadians on an indie budget. As such, this looks and feels like nothing more than an amateur dramatic production of the book: shot in just a handful of locations, with actors playing dress up and delivering their lines monotonously. It's automatically one of the worst Dracula films out there purely because of the lack of money and the subsequently fake look and feel, no matter how much the directors love their genre.

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Daniel Mortimer

I had to write this review to counter the one posted as it was clearly made up and posted by one of the crew or cast members from this film . The Budget was spent all on the graphics and nothing else . the acting was at best stale flat and boring . 90% of the film is filmed in 1 of 3 rooms with 2 or 3 people in shot at any one time ( notice I did not use the word Actor as this would give you the wrong impression ). I found the film dull and boring from the start to the last word at the end.it was meant to be set in the 1800's yet clearly there is a T.V Ariel in shot . the plot was thought up over a doughnut and the script over a coffee ..The Ending had what could best be described as a stumble of a finish. Only Watch this if you got 98 mins to burn . 1/10 ..total wast of time I would sue the film company for visual and verbal assault if I could.

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This is a difficult one to review. The 9,9 out of ten given when I was seeing this flick was surely added by the film makers themselves. The love for old school Gothic horrors by Anthony D.P. Mann is well known for readers of Fangoria or people who see his introduction on the DVD. He adores Hammer and Amicus and Jess Franco for their love towards the Gothic feeling. By saying that you know that this flick moves away from the new styled horrors with flashy editing and gore.The film opens with stating that this should be classified under Hammer or Amicus horror flicks. That should be great but the Gothic atmosphere is never there. The budget was too low to give it that feeling. The edited it slowly and added the VHS look over the film, scratches included but that doesn't make it a Hammer. Hammer and Amicus used real effects and the two effects here are done CGI wise. Many of the actors did appear for the first time and it shows. Some acting is really wooden. What Anthony did was staying as close as possible to the real Bram Stoker script. If you have seen Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula then you will recognize some scene's here in Terror Of Dracula. But there is too much talking in stead of action. Anthony plays Dracula himself and you can see that he loves the character. Maybe indeed old school buffs will love it. I love the Gothic horrors but therefore I missed the typical nudity and bloodletting. Maybe it looked more like a 50's 60's flick...Gore 0/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 2/5 Story 4/5 Comedy 0/5

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This is a Canadian film, that will surprise you with its twist on the old Dracula story and its quality. The film has been made to look and feel like the old hammer productions and pulls it off with flying colours. The film was shot in the Kingston, Ontario region with a small budget. The film takes us from Transylvania where Dracula lives then on to England for the finally. But as everyone tends to know the "Dracula" story now a days, its the differences that will grab ya in this film. Anyone who likes horror with story and without to much gore will love this film. The film is not rated but anyone 13yrs and over should have no problems or even mature kids as there is little gore. It is great to see something this good come out of Canada! This film is sure to become a cult classic!!

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