Bloodwood Cannibals

December. 12,2010      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A documentary film crew is stalked by a pack of cannibals.



Wonderful Movie

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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BLOODWOOD CANNIBALS is once again another dull indie horror flick set in the local woods. A couple of extremely lame Bigfoot hunters head off on a hunt for a remarkable creature, but instead find a random cannibal tribe with a penchant for human flesh. What follows is an odyssey of wooden acting, terrible costumes, cheap gore effects, and very bad action scenes, although not until the very end. It's lame and inane.

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Low budget doesn't even begin to COVER how bad this movie is. The opening sequence with the 'nature documentary narration' was cute. It would've been quite effective, had this been a campy comedy. Unfortunately, the film takes itself waaaaay to seriously. Begin with the horrible opening music. The soundtrack sounded like a bunch of power tools being banged together with handsaws and socket wrenches. The 'host' with his FAKE Australian accent was too annoying for words. It seemed like he was trying to channel Steve Irwin, which was a slap in the face to the Irwin family. He was hammy and overacted every line of dialogue he had. Even his SENSITIVE moment by the fire, talking about the plane crash, was overdone.The 'assistant', who was brought along to be a 'step and fetchit' for the producer, was bland and one-note with every line she delivered. There was absolutely NO inflection in her voice whatsoever. She sounded like she was reading a pizza menu, for f***s sake.The 'feral' girl they found was terrible. I was a performer in a traveling carnival show for a little while one summer. I volunteered to be 'Zoma the Wild Girl'. I had to act like a savage, and let me tell you, I scared the bejeezus out of the customers with my act. This girl couldn't scare a friggin mouse. She was too clean and too neat to have been living in the woods for as long as they say she did. In fact, all of the 'cannibals' were a little too neatly pressed.Segue to the tavern, where everyone was enjoying a pint. The exterior, where the producer and the tracker were attempting to 'flirt' with each other. It reminded me painfully of a seriously badly acted porno, it was that clumsy and uncomfortable.The dialogue was wretched. Overall, there was nothing to like about this film. And it doesn't even really QUALIFY as a 'found footage film', as the majority of it was shot from a third person perspective.

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Brings me back to the days when I use to do sleep overs at my friends house. We would try to stay up all night watching scary movies with Elvira "Mistress of the Dark", Svengolie, or other similar late night horror guides. For the budget, this is a well directed film with the potential to become a cult classic. The only disappointment is the director kills off the key character making it difficult (but not impossible), to make a sequel. Who kills off Indiana Jones??? I would to see more about the background of the character Nigel. Perhaps he will consider a prequel explaining how Nigel got famous. I would definitely recommend this movie.

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This is a movie that interested me from the time I picked up the DVD case. My wife and I watched the movie and enjoyed the storyline. I will not give away the story but it is a good twist on the cannibal genre. If you truly want to enjoy this movie, be sure to watch the extras and go to the websites that are mentioned. The acting is what it is. The special effects are good for the budget. I would to see more about the background of the character Nigel. I would like to know what exactly happened to him that made him famous. I hope there is a sequel, or a prequel. I will definitely be waiting for it. I hope they have a bigger budget for the next movie, I know the director has the right ideas to change cannibal movies for the better.

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