Dead Wood

January. 01,2007      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Four friends escape the grime of the city and head out into the woods for a peaceful, relaxing weekend...



Thanks for the memories!

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To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.

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Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.

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Kaydan Christian

A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.

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An independent British horror that left me with bitter feelings. I mean, it could have been so good wasn't it for the fact that here nothing really happens. Well, there are things happening but it all starts too late and no blood flows, maybe some parts are a bit scary but it then you are too far into the movie to be surprised. It isn't really a slasher it's more about the supernatural. And indeed, dead wood is the exact word for it. Some kind of ghost appears and make people disappear into trees. The effect is quite effective and that's what people are talking about but as I said, it's bin too late. You are waiting for things to happen, for example, like the girl getting undressed, just when the boobies should be in site they cut over to another part of the story, I mean, if you tease us with nudity than give it. Also that there isn't really blood in it makes it fail too. It's sad, as so many films, it starts of pretty well but then Dead Wood becomes really a dead wood.

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synopsis: a group of friends go to the forest to camp and are preyed upon by an evil force born from the forest. well it does what it says on the tin. if you watch this expecting a classic then you have the wrong mindset for it. this was never meant to be a classic, this was never meant to be the godfather, just a fun little trip for the viewers. the scripting, dialogue and acting aren't very good at all but it can all be taken in fun as the film expands it's throwaway characters and the one's we're supposed to care about. this isn't done well but somehow i couldn't help but care what happened to them. the camera-work is basic at best with the director assuming a half 'last house on the left' gritty realism and half 'the Blair with project' uber realism feel. it works in places and falls short at others. saying that, it doesn't detract from the basic experience of the film. no arty, film school camera tricks here. i read in fangoria that the film was shot on 35mm and considering, it's a good transfer. colours are bright and there are only a small selection of blurry frames. the transfer is quite pleasing to the eye with a wealth of colour and brightness to feast your eyes on. i do recommend turning both the colour and brightness on your TV down to enjoy the supple tones of the transfer. the score is typically suspenseful and if i am honest quite typical of a genre film. it didn't really do much for me at all. good composure but ultimately too formulaic to bring tension. this is the kind of film which you should go into expecting nothing more than cheap thrills. if you are looking for more then i could recommend a lot of films but if you just want to watch a horror film which provides the basic needs of a horror fan then go for this. you won't remember it and you won't talk about it but in my opinion it's not a waste of 90 minutes so much as a giving away.

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Matt Ryan

OK, obviously the previous comments have been written by crew or cast of the movie, they are pretty much exactly the same and they would be the ONLY people to find this load of crap entertaining! Firstly, yes this IS yet another run of the mill teen slasher/lost in the woods with no mobile phone signal piece of garbage! Secondly, there is NOTHING good to say about this movie! The acting was absolutely diabolical, I've seen better acting at a kids nativity play! And the script (if there actually was one) was just beyond belief! The previous comments say something about being scary and funny with great visual effects and music, well sorry but you have to be kidding! They also mention that there are great and sensual sex scenes! What???? The sex scenes are like something from a REALLY bad porn movie! I am angry that I wasted 90 minutes of my life on this monstrosity of a movie! 1/10 and I'm only giving 1 because zero wasn't available! NOT SCARY! NOT FUNNY AND NOT GOOD!

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I don't even know where to begin with this movie. The other post's on here must be from part of the film company or the directors themselves , because this movie is horrible.From the acting, which is some of the worst you'll watch, even for a low budget horror film. To the story itself, a wood witch who turns people into trees?I should of known right from the start when "Milk" ,yup that's his name, climbs a tree to get "bird eggs" for them to have for breakfast. This coming from a guy who said in the beginning of this crap that he really hasn't been camping before.Or when "Webb"(really creative names btw) drowns while swimming with a naked girl,who happened to show up at their camp in the morning and cook them breakfast, all the while his (Webb) girlfriend is watching from the beach while he swims with naked girl.I mean, even in Junior High School you would never get away with that with your girlfriend. I don't know who they made this film for, but do yourself a favor and don't let it be you. You watching this film is the only "horror" you'll get from this film.

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