
March. 04,1973      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A young boy struggles to overcome his speech problem and strained relationship with his parents.

Patricia Neal as  Dr. Roberta Clemm
Jean-Pierre Cassel as  Roger Tunnell
Britt Ekland as  Chris Bentley
Lynn Carlin as  Mrs. Baxter
Scott Jacoby as  Roger Baxter
Sally Thomsett as  Nemo
Paul Eddington as  Mr Rawling
Paul Maxwell as  Mr Baxter
Ronald Leigh-Hunt as  Mr Fishie
Marianne Stone as  Woman

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To me, this movie is perfection.

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I'll tell you why so serious

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Excellent adaptation.

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Don't Believe the Hype

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First of all, the (valid) complaint of some of the other reviewers has been remedied -- this film has now been released on DVD (PAL, Region 2, for the moment). Second, and most important, this film could enter the human development curriculum as a primer on how to treat young adolescents as human beings about to enter and make their contribution to the world, as opposed to mindless sleeping-and-eating robots who need to be sheltered and isolated for as long as possible. Of course, the parents and one of Roger's teachers try the latter approach, but the boy has a mind of his own and finds friends and allies in his neighbourhood and school who accept him as he is -- a bright and resourceful human who is twelve -- and accept him into their social circle. The adult characters are "drawn" a bit one-dimensional, probably so that Roger's friends and allies can contrast clearly with his parents and English teacher. For example, the speed and ease with which Roger is accepted by the romantic couple Chris (Britt Eklund) and Roger T. (Jean-Pierre Cassell) seems a bit contrived, but it doesn't matter. Neither does the fact that a school speech-therapist (Patricia Neal as Dr Clemm) can spend so much one-on-one time with one of her students. What really matters is Scott Jacoby's portrayal of Roger. It is, quite simply, a marvel to watch, and the whole film rides easily on his still-boyish shoulders. (In the same year this film was released, Jacoby won the Emmy for his portrayal of the son of a gay father in "That Certain Summer". One can see his award-caliber acting in this film, as well.) One last point: don't look for a remake of this film any time soon. In my humble opinion, today's society could not deal with a twelve-year-old who makes his own decisions and leads his own life outside his home, in spite of his (crazy, control-freak) mother and absent father, even if he is ready and able to do so. Kids today are "property", and involvement by outsiders, however benevolent, can easily be seen and condemned as a threat to the parent's authority.

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I saw Baxter, (not to be confused with the movie about a Pittbull) years ago. It's a movie I have never forgotten. This movie is one of the most heart wrenching and yet beautiful films I have ever seen. Sadly I have never been able to find a copy of it and for some strange reason, this masterpiece has never been released on VHS or DVD. A young teenager with a speech impediment who is emotionally neglected by his selfish parents moves from the States to England with his self obsessed mother. He also has a caring speech therapist who actually seems to understand his isolation. He befriends a couple who become a surrogate big brother and big sister to him.He also befriends a young girl as well but through a series of events, he ends up having a traumatic breakdown ending in one of the most tear inducing scenes ever filmed. This movie is a tear jerker, but it is not manipulative, but honest in it's portrayal of a lonely unhappy boy. Watch it if you can find it, and I truly hope you can find it.

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This movie has never been released on video at all and is unfortunately a largely forgotten minor masterpiece. The movie is called "Baxter!" -- not to be confused with the other movie about the dog from the early 90s. This film is an actor's show case with child star Scott Jacoby, Patricia Neal, Britt Eklund and Jean Pierre Cassell. It was directed by the British director Lionel Jeffries and had a brief release in the U.S. in 1973 and has played on television a few times but has never had a video release.The plot centers around a preteen boy with a speech impediment who goes to live with his abusive mother in England. He makes friends with the beautiful model (Britt Eklund) who lives upstairs and her French boyfriend (Jean Pierre Cassell). The boy suffers a psychotic break when he learns of the model's death and ends up in a catatonic state in a mental institution where his speech therapist (Patricia Neal) tries to reach out to him. The ending is one of the greatest emotional triumph when he finally is able to express his grief with the help of his fellow sufferer, Jean Pierre Cassell.It could be dismissed as a three hankie "weepfest" except that the performances are all stellar and the tears in the final scene are all earned by genuine feeling for the plight of this lost soul.I would be overjoyed to be able to experience it again if it ever came out on DVD or even videotape for that matter.

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"Dear dad, I wish this journey would go on forever" writes young Roger Baxter to his ever-absent father, on the flight from America to England and right away tears up the letter and flushes it down the toilet. That's how this exquisite film about troubled adolescence, indifferent parents and the painful realization of commitment and loss begins. And it's no easy ride. Steering clear of the clichés that usually burden these movies, it offers us a clear and passionate view of the mind of this teenager in the way good British films do, in a simple no-nonsense way. (Kudos to actor-turned-director Lionel Jeffries for his efficient "invisible" direction).A little about the story: Roger Baxter comes to London with his divorced mother. They are rich and he's enrolled in a very exclusive school, which he hates. His mother is a self-absorbed artistic socialite who has little time for her son. His father is still in the States and he's as absent to his son as he is to us viewers (we hardly ever see him). Also Roger has a speaking disability (he cannot pronounce "r") which further separates him from the rest of the "normal" people. The sun shines for our hero through a handful of encounters: to a young couple (a French chef and a Swedish model) who become surrogate older siblings, a young girl who's as close to a romantic interest that Roger comes to but not quite and the Speech therapist who's a much stronger mother figure than his own mother. Through a series of events Roger has his psyche shattered, but the end of this film, a great scene between Scott Jacobi and Jean-Pierre Cassell, is both optimistic and touching.The acting is uniformly very good, but special mention must go to two actors who really carry the film. Scott Jacobi as Roger Baxter gives the performance of his career, while Patricia Neal as the speech therapist conveys both the quiet authority as well as the human warmth needed in the part (Favourite scene: Roger is on the verge of a nervous breakdown and his mother, not understanding what is happening with her son, slaps him. Patricia Neal grabs her wrist and in a very quiet voice says: "I am not a violent person and I will probably hate myself in the morning, but if you as so much as touch this boy I will break every bone in your body").When the movie came out in the early seventies, a British film critic called it "a small masterpiece". Do find out for yourselves that indeed it is so.

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