Uncle Saddam

July. 04,2000      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Everything you've ever wanted to know about Saddam Hussein (but were afraid to ask).

Saddam Hussein as  Himself
Wallace Langham as  Narrator (voice)



This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.

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Tayyab Torres

Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.

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Anoushka Slater

While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.

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Mathilde the Guild

Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.

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Ryan Miller

This movie is very interesting. I do feel that most dictators are very "quirky" and even the American President does have "bunkers of sorts" I do think it is interesting to learn about him and the cultures. The cleaning issues are a very personal thing. Look at Howard Hughes or Sienfeild for that matter. Over all a good watch, but just like Bowling for columbine, And Farenheit 911 you have to take these as mostly opinion biased. The movie unfortunately has that obnoxious feel of a college film because of the stock footage and very aged. This gives it a very good feel, but does not mix with the things he shot on DV very well. All in all i'd have to give it an 8, it's good, i like it, i'd like to own it, but I won't be swallowing this information whole.

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Saddam, (Which is the Australian title) was quite a good insight into this psychopath and his rule.It didn't make rethink my opposition to the Iraq war but rather, why the hell did the West support this guy in the first place.The director has done a good job at letting us see how Saddam ran the country into the ground but fails mention how he got the money and the weapons which he used in his atrocities. But then again that isn't the point of the movie.For those who think Bush is a freedom loving person either don't know or care that he is overlooking similar human rights violations occur in Uzebekistan as it has become an ally in the War on terror.

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I cannot recommend this documentary enough. Anyone who has doubts about Operation Iraqi Freedom should try and view this film if only to see Saddam Hussein in his element. You begin to understand the meglomania and psychosis of this ruthless tyrant.Particularly eye-opening are the opulent lifestyle and architectural and artistic excesses of this man who built billions of dollars worth of palaces for himself and his close followers and let his people suffer and die. His systematic placement and subsequent elimination of family members in places of power is a symptom of his paranoid delusion and cheek of his murderous schemes would astonish medieval king. It becomes clear that the Baathist/marxist policies of Saddam do nothing to elevate the lives of the average Iraqi and merely spread the misery equally among anyone outside Saddam's circle of influence in Iraq. Particularly weird are Saddam's discourse on body odor and bathing.

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This documentary is a very compelling and surreal glimpse at the narcissistic and eccentric (former) dictator of Iraq. The movie has a narrow scope. If you watch with an expectation that you will come away with a better understanding of the Iraqi people and their plight, you will be somewhat disappointed. It simply tries to convey the unbridled ego, callous brutality, and campy, over-the-top style around which this sadistic tyrants world revolves.It shows, in part, what can happen when you couple paranoia and absence of personal and financial limits. My mouth was left hanging open through most of the film. I am not going to give any spoilers but the `art' museum and its curator is unbelievable. And describing his family as dysfunctional is the epitome of understatement. It is like crossing the Manson family, Deliverance, and Julius Caesar and adding a healthy dose of crystal meth.It is amazing that the director got the footage he did considering the lengths he went to get what he got. I wish there were more but in some regard I am not certain I could have taken more in one sitting.This is a must see. Evidence that this kind of evil must not be allowed to exist. It would be funny if it were not so horribly true.

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