Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion

June. 15,2007      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Unborn in the USA: Inside the War on Abortion is a 2007 documentary film featuring interviews with pro-life activists across the United states. Its tagline is, "How the pro-lifers are winning". The film was started as a thesis project by students Stephen Fell and Will Thompson of Rice University. The film chronicles major events such as the annual March for Life and the 2004 March for Women's Lives, and features interviews with members of the Army of God and other pro-life activists.



Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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Surprisingly incoherent and boring

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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The woman who was so offended because little children saw the pictures. Yet, it was fine with her for attacking those same little kid's father- literally beating on him. Then, there's the students who complained about the graphic photos on their college campus. The way I see it is, those pictures are the voice of the aborted babies. I'm not religious, not a Republican but I am a person who is greatful that my mother didn't abort me.Z3

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The woman at the end made an excellent remark "whos going to take care of these children" the same thing being said the same thing being pictured, there not getting it...without Free Will there is No god...its like they keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different (crazy).An idea that i guarantee would work, Work on what would happen to these unwanted children when they are born, we have so many already, work on the answer to the unwanted children, im sure god is asking., work at a different angle instead of, good lord this same old thing. The church should also be something you can trust and that is not true anymore. How dare the preacher hit back, this woman, He appeared soo small in many eyes and lost support for such., while holding a child. This man called her something terrible and no she should not have slapped him, but he (a man?) did not handle that right, These supporters of pro life truly need to go about it at a different angle...Change peoples views with a different angle.!!

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Roland E. Zwick

Like some kind of movie-making magicians, those responsible for "Unborn in the USA" have pulled off quite a remarkable feat of documentary legerdemain. Though obviously pro-choice themselves, instead of launching a diatribe against the pro-life movement, they have allowed those on the other side to speak for themselves in their own words. The result is that the pro-lifers are not reduced to the simpleminded caricatures we so often encounter in media portrayals of them (think of that sweet but rather pathetic and utterly befuddled anti-abortion protester standing all by herself outside the clinic in "Juno"). Indeed, virtually every person interviewed for the film falls on the pro-life side of the issue and most of them come across as decent, well-intentioned individuals who are willing to put themselves on the line for a cause that means so much to them personally.Somehow, directors Stephen Fell and Will Thompson were able to gain remarkable insider access to some of the key players in the pro-life movement, including Focus on the Family, a Colorado-based Christian organization that, among other things, trains college students to go forth and spread the pro-life gospel (this is the aspect of FOTF's ministry on which the movie primarily focuses). Even when the filmmakers interview a member of a group like the Army of God - an organization dedicated to eradicating abortion through any means possible, including violence against clinics and abortion doctors - the directors make sure to counter them with people on the pro-life side who vehemently condemn those actions. The movie also features women who have had abortions and now go around the country voicing their regret.In fact, so potent and powerful are the images that one begins to wonder if the movie might not in actuality be a product of the pro-life movement sent out as a kind of Trojan Horse to lure the unwary to their side. Indeed, the filmmakers stay almost entirely offstage in this film, voicing their own pro-choice opinions only in the title cards that are frequently interspersed between interviews."Unborn in the USA" functions almost like a Rorschach-blot test for pro-lifers and pro-choicers, since viewers on both sides of the issue may be able to project their own beliefs onto the movie and have them reaffirmed by what they witness here. It's a tricky gamble Fell and Thompson have taken with their approach, but the result is a thought-provoking and challenging movie that definitely cries out to be seen.

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One viewer argued that the filmmakers have a pro-choice bias because they filled 2 percent of the screen time with the black-and-white factoids, including one that represented the medical community's position that abortion and breast cancer are not linked. Another viewer implied that this film is pro-life because it focused almost entirely on pro-lifers.I think both viewers are wrong and I think trying to figure out whether the filmmakers are biased or trying to manipulate us is a waste of time. Ninety percent of the movie is footage of pro-lifers in action and pro-lifers discussing their work in their own words. That's pretty much exactly what the movie promised at the outset. If the film had teased "a complete, thorough, and balanced look at the abortion debate," then you could accuse the filmmakers of pro-life bias. But it didn't do that.

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