New World Order

March. 13,2009      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Filmmakers Luke Myer and Andrew Neel make it real hard to just laugh away the crazy conspiracy theorists in their new feature documentary, New World Order. In fact, what they do instead, is humanize their efforts. What makes the documentary work is that rather than focusing on the theories, Myer and Neel focus on the people.

Joe Biden as  Self (archive footage)
Bill Clinton as  Self
George W. Bush as  Self (archive footage)
Alex Jones as  Self



Too much of everything

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hyped garbage

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Best movie ever!

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The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.

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Alex Jones is just one of many conservatives in America that are funded and promoted by the Koch brothers, just like the Tea Party movement, Libertarians and many Republicans. Alex Jones' task is to defend the interests of the monopolist Kochs, which means supporting cuts to health care and social security, badmouthing the Soviet Union, and distracting people from the problems of monopoly capitalism in America. You don't get to appear on The View if you're against the establishment. The Kochs are not the only elite group in the USA, but they're definitely one of the most important and influential. They do have one redeeming value though - they seem to be against big wars. Alex Jones is a vile lying character.

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It seems to be a minority of viewers who can see that this movie was made with the intention of basically mocking some of the more ridiculously-hardcore conspiracy theorists. The title is misleading, as before watching the movie you expect it to have been made by conspiracy theorists in support of their theories. After viewing it, while many maintain that impression, some do realize that this movie isn't meant to prove or disprove anything. It's just meant to expose a sect of fanaticism, like Religulous, Jesus Camp, and Trekkies did, albeit in tongue-in-cheek fashion. The film makers clearly meant to remain somewhat ambiguous about their intentions. They may even have meant to deliberately mislead many viewers, a kind of "conspiracy" against those of substandard intelligence. This movie mocks them without letting them know they're being mocked.

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First things first, the elitist drivel I read in the reviews would have made me laugh if i felt like we even saw the same movie. ... The reason I say that is, this movie was objective, not sympathetic of the activists being followed because they are delusional (remember conspiracies happen.. Iran/contra..Pinochet...Watergate) but proud of the dedication it takes to actually live your ideals and be active in what you care about. the fact that the directors were surrounded with some of the most voracious researchers for so long becomes evident if you actually watch them interviewed on the Alex Jones show on or in their other promo for this movie. They are along for the ride, you cannot forget that, they are the first audience to this film as it happens live. The fact that they don't get involved with the material itself is because that is not the goal of this film .. and totally uncalled for in a day where polls show 80 percent of the people don't believe every last lie the dick and bush team posted on their road too more then a couple mass graves/torture photos and emails/halliburton contracts ups in the mid east. I mean lets remember who we are talking about. this movies is perfect for anyone wondering what the rabbit hole is like on a day to day basis, but will never convince you there's a microchip in your credit card/phone/passport. and considering how stupid some people are it makes sense this movie would get praise from some people who don't even understand the point. i see it as such... That America might be eFFed up enough to murder 3,000 people ONE DAY, and beautiful enough for us to tell you why it only takes 10 minutes to scramble an F16 in June and an Hour by September THE NEXT DAY (pentagon papers put themselves in the way)

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I got the impression from comments here and articles elsewhere that this documentary would be another expose on the alleged New World Order and related subjects. But that's not what this is at all.This film isn't about conspiracy theories; instead it's an intimate look into the lives and mindsets of people who honestly believe in them. It's fairly objective and relatively nonjudgmental -- so much so it might even come off as a sympathetic review of what they have to say if you're already a believer.However, if you previously dismissed people like Alex Jones as kooks, you might gain a very different kind of sympathy here, and it becomes more difficult to call those "911 was an inside job" demonstrators stupid. While misguided, all the people featured in this film are depicted as victims of obsessions that have targeted each of their specific vulnerabilities. This documentary doesn't support their positions but instead demonstrates how such ideas can take hold in otherwise rational people.Again, this is not done in a mocking tone. It's actually hard to come away from this film without feeling sorry for all the people involved. By their own actions, admissions, and candid comments, those featured here reveal that they're the ones actually wearing the blinders they're committed to telling everyone else to take off. On some level Alex Jones even seems to understand this, but his occupation forces him to stay trapped inside his obsessions. For others not so invested, time might be a simple cure if they can get away from the cult-like reinforcement their obsessions have encouraged them to seek.

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