
November. 24,2014      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Sarah Duncliffe (played by Rachel Kerbs) battles suicidal thoughts and disturbing hallucinations of her deceased sister (a victim of a tragic childhood accident), an abusive ex-boyfriend who continues to stalk her, and the banal existence of an empty marriage. Weeks away from delivering a child that she feels undeserving to parent, Sarah finds her life taking a surprising turn when she accidentally meets her new neighbor who harbors an amazing life secret and shares a personal connection that will change her forever.

Rachel Kerbs as  Sarah Duncliffe
Rick Montgomery Jr. as  Jedediah Cross
Kate Jurdi as  Sarah's Mother
Kevin O. Peterson as  Doctor



Thanks for the memories!

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Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike

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Fresh and Exciting

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Matylda Swan

It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.

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Uneventful. Slow.We kept waiting for something to happen. Anything at all but it kept just trotting along at the same pace. Anticlimactic. Maybe if you've never seen a movie before or haven't seen many movies you might find it watchable. Wasted the whole night in this movie, wish I turned it off at the beginning and put something better on.

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"Blessid" is a difficult film to strongly recommend. On one hand, some of the story is exceptional and quite original. But, on the other, the story also has a lot of distractions...things that could have been shortened or eliminated in order to make the film work better. I talked with the screenwriter for the film, Robert Heske, and it turns out he agreed with some of my concerns. Additionally, I then learned that this is Heske's first full-length film and despite being a bit rough, there is a lot to like and the film shows lots of promise.The story begins with Sarah (Rachel Kerbs) married and soon to have her first child. She should be happy, right? Well, in this case no...Sarah is extremely depressed and suicidal...with no direction in her life and a loveless marriage. Some of it is perhaps due to her husband but most is that Sarah is tormented by baggage. Through the course of the movie, you learn that when she was a teen, her sister died and she and her mother blame her for this. So no matter what good happens in her life, Sarah is filled with guilt and is just miserable. Even a stint in a psychiatric hospital did nothing to help Sarah with her self-hatred. However, when a strange new neighbor, Jedediah (Rick Montgomery Jr.), moves in, her life begins to show! He's an odd sort of guy and a man with many, many secrets. What they are and how he helps her, you'll just have to see for yourself. Suffice to say, the two are very well written, complex and interesting characters. Plus the actors really did an amazing job in playing these demanding parts. I especially was excited watching Montgomery, as there aren't many meaty parts for middle-aged guys...and he makes the most of it.As I mentioned earlier, the film has a few problems. When it's not focused on Sarah and Jedediah, the story seems confusing and a bit overly complicated. Frankly, I just wanted to see more of these two people and the others didn't necessarily have to be in the film or their parts could have been trimmed a bit to help the movie. According to Henke, the original film actually did have much more in it about strange friendship...I would love to have been able to see what didn't make it into the movie.What we are left with is a film that isn't perfect but which shows a lot of promise for the screenwriter. Additionally, two actors who may not have an extensive set of credits but who deserve to be seen more. Overall, this is enough to give "Blessid" a mild recommendation and it's available now through Amazon Prime. Also, parents might want to beware, as the language can be a bit rough...which isn't surprising due to the woman's depression and the folks in her life.

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J. S.

Blessid is a taught film that successfully manages to combine drama, action, and even the supernatural into an engaging story. Everyone -- below the line and above -- does great work!(The cinematography was especially refreshing. It's clean and crisp and professional, and it captures the East coast hamlet where the film is set very well. It's always nice to see a film that is shot somewhere OTHER than Los Angeles!)I know that Blessid has had a deservedly successful festival run, so I'm looking forward to its eventual distribution. Check it out when you have the chance!

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I feel I need to preface this review of the movie BLESSID explaining the first day of shooting was at my home, specifically in our greenhouse in exchange for tickets for my family to the premier and my name in the credits (well sort of anyway, LOL). That being said, I have no financial interest in the movie success.It was fun and interesting watching the crew at work setting up and working through the scene. There is so much work in planning and execution for every detail. Lights, camera, audio, all working around Rachel Kerbs to get exacting imagery to tell the viewer a convincing tale. The work obviously stayed focused throughout the entire production as the movie far exceeded my expectations. I was taken by how well the story flowed from scene to scene, a true testament to the collaboration between Producer, Storyteller Bob Heske and Director Rob Fitz. The lighting, photography, and the soundtrack all worked so well. I have a critical eye and the one thing that stuck with me was the fact no details were left uncovered or glossed over. The actors were convincing and natural throughout the film. The whole movie was buffed and polished. To the entire cast and crew I say, Bravo!

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