Electrocuting an Elephant

January. 12,1903      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

This is a film taken of the execution of Topsy, an elephant employed to help build Luna Park on Coney Island.



You won't be disappointed!

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I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible

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Kaelan Mccaffrey

Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.

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Lachlan Coulson

This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.

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This is just silent film footage of the elephant murdered by Coney Island workers because after one of her trainers burned her trunk she became difficult to handle. A depressing watch and one that makes me so glad we now have organisations like PETA.

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When i seen this clip i wondered if it was real , once i researched it an found out that it was . What made me mad was that because the elephant killed the trainer because he was abusive to her, she was then punished for it by being electrocuted. Now in them days the American society for prevention of animal cruelty to animals didn't want the elephant to be hanged but found it OK to electrocute it instead, an lace it with potassium cyanide. We are the only species on this planet of causing such cruelty, of electrocution, murder, rape , war etc....more and more things like this just makes me disgusted an clearly Edison enjoyed and made money out of. This shows greed for money on Edison's part. Even in todays they put animals down because there meant to be "violent" what people don't understand we are the ones "humans" that make animals violent, you look at clip of explorers going near wild animals, which then are shocked that the animals attacked.Well if you go into animals territory where they feel threatened the will attack to protect themselves and there young. S o it was no surprise when i read that the elephant attacked and killed 3 people because no doubt she was provoked. I just thought if he wanted to make his invention of electricity popular then why kill for it, very sad and sick.

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This vicious little film is horrendous. My low rating for it comes for two main reasons. The first is that it is an animal snuff film and I find that whole concept so vile it turns my stomach. Filmed over a hundred years ago, I can only hope that we've evolved into something a little more humane and compassionate. This film is complete and utter exploitation, made to cash in on the sensational aspects of the film and the subject. Historical interest aside, this is something to watch only if one finds themselves in the grip of morbid fascination.Reason number two? Look at the way that the camera is set up. It is placed in the best possible location to fully capture the full effect: long march forward of the elephant, perfect view of the electrocution platform and a cold and clinically dispassionate viewpoint of the elephant with smoke coming out of it before it finally collapses. Sickening.Thomas Edison did many great things for civilization and his talents and intelligence aren't in doubt. Nobody is perfect, but when you realize that this film provided A) an opportunity for him to trump early cinematic competitors with a sensationalist film of an elephant being electrocuted and B) he filmed the execution to demonstrate the greater effectiveness of DC as opposed to AC, you can't help but wonder if the scientist in him was a little TOO dispassionate and cold. Any number of Peter Cushing's mad scientists would be proud. The rest of us should be ashamed and revolted.

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Boy, talk about a gratuitous documentary. Imagine the pre-production scene that happened!Edison: "Hey, an elephant killed some people, LET'S ELECTROCUTE IT BEFORE CAMERA!""Really, Mr Edison, is it decent?""WHO CARES! ELECTRICITY! ZAP! ZAP! ZAP!"Seriously, this is a very odd piece for PETA to use in their campaign for animal rights. I'm not a very PETA-person, but I'm with them on electrocuting elephants, which Edison surely should have been. This is a very disturbing piece of work, especially when you see that the shock did not kill the poor animal.

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