American Courtesans

July. 12,2013      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

American Courtesans is a feature documentary that takes you into the lives of American Sex Workers. These women candidly discuss what brought them to the doors of the sex trade, what they found when they got there and why they stayed. Follow eleven Sex Workers through the streets, massage parlors, brothels and strip clubs to New York high rises and the bell captains in Vegas. This is a story, a different kind of American Story, that will leave you speechless.



Sorry, this movie sucks

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Nice effects though.

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Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.

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At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.

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I just viewed "American Courtesans" over the past week. This look into the lives and thoughts of a variety of women in the field of erotic labor is a "must - see" for anyone who wants a real comprehensive understanding of the people who offer Escort services, their life backgrounds, and how they view the value and the challenges of their profession. I would encourage and recommend viewing of "American Coutesans" to anyone with preconceived notions about erotic services and the people who provide that work. Those notions will be changed by the end of viewing the film. This documentary stands with the best of "Identity Politics" film -making such as the seminal documentary on LGBT individuals, "Word Is Out". I highly recommend this documentary to any academic with curriculum involving human sexuality and culture, social movements, and marginalized and stigmatized social groups.

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Saw this film this weekend with two of my friends. This film taught me a lot, and started me thinking. After seeing American Courtesans we went out to a cafe and a 2 hour debate followed because we each had different ideas about what the message was. In the end we agreed that it was as simple as these women trying to tell people what life as an escort is like. I'm not sure they had an agenda, or if they did I'm not sure it was the same. What we all did agree on is this documentary was good. If I were to have any complaint it would be that the theater was so packed that there were people sitting on the floor. I found myself connecting with the women because I could see their faces. I left the theater smarter, I left the theater inquisitive, I left the theater wanting more of what they were saying. American Courtesans is a very good film.

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rebecca hastings

I attended The Women's International Film and Arts Festival in Miami, Fl for the third year and once again saw so many great films and this year it was "American Courtesans" that caught my attention. I have watched many films/TV/News shows on this subject, but this was the most informative film I have seen regarding the adult industry. It was personal and up close. I found myself wanting to know each of the women and as the film went on I realized that it was a human and civil rights documentary, much like "Free Angela" which was played on opening night.I think there are times we believe that women's rights are equal in the United States today, but then you see something like this and you realize we have a long way to go. The escorts in the film were smart and articulate and their stories were more interesting than fiction. I found myself tearing up in the middle and wishing I could become a part of this movement. Kristen DiAngelo, the films producer had to leave before the screening, but I had met her opening night. After the film I had a million questions that I wanted to ask, and wished she could have stayed. Two of the women in the film had attended the screening. Pearl Callahan and Skylar Cruz. We questioned them for so long that Pearl almost missed her plane.I can see this film being around for a long time and becoming the subject of women's studies classes here in the US (my major). It drove home the point that this is not an issue of race or money, but a women's issue that effects all of us. The sets were fabulous, and the women were candid. Definitely not a docudrama, but a documentary about these women's lives. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to know the truth about the escort industry. If there was one complaint I had, it was that the room was too light and during the night time scenes I had a bit of trouble seeing the screen. The sound was so good, that it was hair raising, and the editing much better than any documentary I have seen.So, my opinion is go see this film. Whether you are female or male, you will not believe what these women's lives are like in this day and age. I had never really thought about it before, but I wish I could become involved and help to change the laws.

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I thought American Courtesans was awesome, and I loved how much courage these women had to come out of the shadows, and tell their stories, knowing that they are hated by many, and Totally misunderstood. What we publish in the main stream media is only what they want the public to know. I think this is just the beginning and that more of these stories need to be heard. I also thought this was a very realistic view of the sex industry and they explained many of the myths and misconceptions surrounding sex work. Personally I have a huge problem with my tax dollars being on these human right violations. The public has no clue how much politics and religion has to do with our current laws. Nor is anyone questioning all the false data being run in the media, it is as if journalist do not even bother to research what they are publishing. I found the voices of these women to be empowering, and admire them for taking this stand. There will be a next generation of sex workers, and society should be ashamed of the way we are allowing these women to be hunted, harassed, jailed, raped, and murdered. This film is not to be missed.

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