Tripping the Wire: A Stephen Tree Mystery

May. 19,2005      R
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Everybody's guilty of something and Detective Stephen Tree has to use his gut to figure if their guilt is worth his time. Tripping the Wire goes beyond the classic whodunnit. It's a story of loyalty, betrayal and the secrets people will die for - or kill for - to protect.



The Worst Film Ever

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People are voting emotionally.

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A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."

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It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,

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This is a good Canadian mystery movie. It is gritty and the acting is very good. The plot is interesting (it is well written) and it kept us interested in it the whole time we watched. It is kind of predictable at the end but still a good movie and worth watching for a Canadian made TV movie, especially for a Canadian TV movie the quality is very good since they probably didn't have much of a budget to work with as most Canadian TV shows and movies don't. You can tell watching it that the budget isn't very huge but they've done well producing this movie on a low budget. The look is very gritty and it is shot well by the cinematographer and director.

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A good film, ostensibly set in Canada. It is more about mood, ambiance and loyalty than murder. Clark Johnson is a very charming man in a role that could be unsympathetic but he pulls it off. Steven Tree as a character is flawed, drinking, pills. He fools around with the wrong woman. He has a nasty secret. The hints we get about his nemesis are intriguing, we want to know more. the cast is well chosen for their roles although the acting is a bit spotty. I think it is well worth seeing again as I am sure I missed something the first time through. The film is shot almost entirely in close-up creating a claustrophobic feeling rather than one of intimacy. I have the feeling this is the first in a series but I couldn't find anything. I look forward to another.

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