The Mayor

November. 12,2011      NR
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Senior love lives abound in The Mayor, the true story of an 88-year-old tailchaser, an adoring widow, and a raunchy gossip queen living it up in a retirement home in Texas.



hyped garbage

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Aiden Melton

The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.

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Roman Sampson

One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.

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An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.

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Emily Aberg

What a humanizing, funny and sad portrait of life. This documentary shows the octogenarian cast as people, rather than stereotypes or tropes, and it made me realize that's so often how I see the elderly. The movie doesn't assuage any fears you may as a viewer have about getting old and death. But it does portray the people in our midst who think about it more often than many of us, and how they behave in their day-to-day lives. The cast is so different from the non-elderly in some obvious ways, but it also shows similarities and flaws we all share, and it's done in a way that's respectful and true. It's a great movie, and I look forward to more from this director.

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I must admit that, given the subject matter of 'The Mayor,' I was quite hesitant to see it. I just couldn't imagine that a documentary about the life of elderly people in a convalescent home would be entertaining. I couldn't have been more wrong. 'The Mayor' is an artful and captivating work exploring the lives of the elderly. The film maker gets up close and intimate with the subjects, all the while maintaining the tact, respect and reverence they so deserve. This film will change your perception of the elderly and on life in general, while reassuring you that you too could be living it up well into your 80s and 90s. Jared Scheib has launched his film career with nothing less than excellence and I look forward to his future projects.

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I could not wait to share this movie with my girlfriend. What an inspiring story of a man who makes the most of his life. This movie has depth that few movies have. Sam Berger is an 88 year old living at a retirement home in Dallas. He is very charismatic and pursues the women at the retirement home. He is not manipulative, but he does seem to have a way with the women there. I think he is the perfect example of how one can enjoy life when they get old. I hope to get a copy of the DVD and share it with my family and girlfriend as soon as possible. It seems that few elderly people are able to see that the true beauty of life is the relationships we form and the attitude we have. Jared Scheib even said that Sam's attitude is what made his such a magnetic character.

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I saw this film at the Dallas VideoFest in September. As a young adult without grandparents, it was fascinating to get a behind-the-scenes look at what life is like in old age - both the ups and the downs, though it was largely ups. I really enjoyed the balanced perspective there. I also thought the characters were very well cast and honestly portrayed, which gave the film an air of credibility that I wasn't sure it would have.To top it off, the Sam (the main character) was there in the audience. Suffice it to say he made his presence known!I'd highly recommend The Mayor to anyone in my age group (which you could call 21-35).

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