Rock 'n' Rodent

April. 07,1967      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Jerry heads out to his night job: drummer for an all-mouse rock band in the basement of a high-rise. They are loud enough to wake up Tom, despite his attempts to block the noise. Tom's attempts keep running him afoul of a rather mean-tempered dog.



Very well executed

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An action-packed slog

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Quiet Muffin

This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.

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The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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I will warn you, I will not be kind to this episode as I do not believe it deserves such. Jerry and his band keep Tom up all night while Tom just wants some sleep. Tom does nothing wrong in the episode and the torture, yes, torture, gets to the point where Tom cries in this episode. Tom does not even really win in the end either. For those reasons, this episode is the worst of the entire show for me. At least Year of the Mouse and Jerry Jerry, Quite Contrary had redeeming parts for me; there are zero of those here.

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Having hit rock bottom with Guided Mouse-Ille, director Abe Levitow bounces back with this lively, if not wholly original short that sees Tom's sleep disturbed by Jerry and his hep pals as they play loud jazz music in a basement nightclub.The swinging music definitely helps this one to trundle along at a decent lick, but Levitow also manages to throw in some well timed laughs, the occasional genuinely inspired moment (Jerry's shower—a wrench on a water pipe—is pure genius) and suitably colourful visuals. Not the greatest entry in the entire Tom and Jerry canon, but after the wreck that was Guided Mouse-Ille, it's actually something of a minor miracle.

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Now Rock 'n' Rodent definitely could have been better, but this is actually in my opinion one of the better post-60s Tom and Jerry cartoons. There have certainly been a lot worse, especially Switchin' Kitten, but there have been better as well, I personally would put The Cat Concerto, Mice Follies, The Little Orphan and Neapolitan Mouse above this. Rock n' Rodent does have its problems, the animation is not great, lacking solidity and vibrancy, the pacing is uneven and the ending did have a "that's it?" factor about it. However, the story is good and original enough and I loved the concept. Plus there were some nice visuals, such as the descending down to the mouse nightclub. The soundtrack is upbeat and catchy and there are some funny visual gags where I did feel sorry for Tom. So overall, it wasn't brilliant, but it isn't terrible either. 7/10 Bethany Cox

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Tom can't sleep cause Jerry is up all night at a club making a ruckus. This is one of the shorts i don't like. Tom has no real foil in this one. He hardly interacts with Jerry at all & the "hep" music club just makes this one feel more dated then episodes that were made even a decade prior.

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