Herr Meets Hare

January. 13,1945      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Bugs disguises himself as Hitler, Stalin and Brunhilde when he confronts Nazi Hermann Goering in the Black Forest.

Mel Blanc as  Bugs Bunny, Goering, Hitler



Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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If you don't like this, we can't be friends.

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Good concept, poorly executed.

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Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.

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This short opens with Bugs emerging from a hole in the Black Forest; after consulting a map he comments that he 'knew he should have taken the left turn in Albuquerque' as a fat Hermann Göring goes by. Bugs asks him the way to Las Vegas; and he says there is no Las Vegas in Germany; Bugs appears genuinely shocked but takes it in his stride. Bugs goes in to torment him by suggesting that his medals are fake, prompting Göring to start cursing Hitler... just as Bugs disguises himself as Hitler! There are more gags that I won't spoilt... one of which was so good that it was recycled to use in 'What's Opera Doc'; possible the best Bugs Bunny short made.This wartime short was pretty funny and if anybody deserves to be laughed at it is the Nazis. While some fun is had at the expense of German stereotypes I can't see too many modern Germans being too offended by anything here. The jokes were good; I particularly liked the way Göring tried to capture Bugs using a vulture. It was unusual to see Bugs get caught although Bugs being Bugs he turned this to his advantage and got to have a joke at Hitler's expense. If you are a fan of Bugs Bunny or if you are interested on wartime propaganda this one is certainly a must see.

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Just rewatched this Bugs Bunny cartoon on the Hollywood Canteen DVD after first seeing this on a local children's show called "Buckskin Bill's Storyland" back in the late '70s. Back then, I didn't know about Hermann Goering or Stalin but I did know about Adolf Hitler and about how evil Germany was under him so it was very hilarious whenever Bugs disguises himself as Der Fuehrer and deflates Goering's ego by taking medals off of him causing him to lose his pants! A couple of notable firsts in a Bugs Bunny cartoon happened here: He says his first "I knew I took the wrong turn at Albuquerque" when he finds himself at the Black Forest and does his initial Brunhilda disguise to the music of Wagner 12 years before the iconic What's Opera, Doc? This short is a bit politically incorrect by today's standards and dates a little badly but you might get a little pleasure out of seeing the American rabbit punch holes at German stereotypes, American vernacular, and Russian accents. So on that note, Herr Meets Hare is worth a look.

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A lost Bugs Bunny hits the surface in Germany's Schwarzwald where he meets up with Goering (Eh Doc, which way to Las Vegas?). Goering tries to catch him with his bird as this Bugs short is taking all the well-known steps: Bugs dresses up a couple of times (including one time as Hitler), and Goering is foolish enough to fall for it. Then Goering finally catches Bugs and takes him to Hitler. This is such a funny scene! As Goering goes in he shouts 'Heil Hitler'. Hitler doesn't even look up from his solitaire card-game (!) and says: 'Heil Me'. That really cracked me up.A funny propaganda short, this one: 7/10.

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The first time I saw this cartoon was on the same Internet site where I found "Tokio Jokio", and let me tell ya: Aside from Bugs Bunny disguising himself as Hitler and Stalin, this cartoon is tame enough even for cable (and it was. A CN special on World War Two cartoons managed to show this uncut). Besides, today's kids wouldn't get the jokes, so why are the PC Police making older cartoon viewers suffer by banning this and other WW-II cartoons from all media?BTW: The scene where Bugs Bunny dresses as the Brunhilde and dances with Hermann Goerring was later re-used in the magnificently done, Chuck Jones-directed, "What's Opera, Doc", only Goerring was replaced with Elmer Fudd dressed in Viking garb, there was a duet called "Return My Love" (that ALWAYS made me cry everytime I watch it. Why, don't ask?) that was sung by Elmer and Bugs, the scene was longer than it was in "Herr Meets Hare", and the setting was excellently done by the late, great Maurice Noble (1910-2001).

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