Punk's Dead: SLC Punk 2

February. 11,2016      NR
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Trailer Synopsis Cast

Punk's Dead, the sequel to 1999 cult hit SLC Punk, is a punk romp through the Utah hinterlands. Ross, Penny and Crash, young outsiders from different tribes, embark on a road trip to a huge punk show. Ross, 19, is the love child of Trish and Heroin Bob, who died before Ross was born. During their odyssey, and with the help of a healthy dose of drugs, alcohol and punk music, Ross shreds his darkly Gothic outlook and embraces life. His mother Trish, who raised Ross alone in her steam punk shop, discovers that he is in a crisis. She recruits his 'uncles,' Bob's old SLC gang, to help find him. When all collide at the concert, they are forced to deal with their unresolved relationships with Bob.

Ben Schnetzer as  Ross
Devon Sawa as  Sean
James Duval as  John The Mod
Sarah Clarke as  Trish
Hannah Marks as  Penny
Machine Gun Kelly as  Crash
Adam Pascal as  Eddie
Michael Goorjian as  Bob



So much average

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Best movie ever!

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It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.

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Arianna Moses

Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.

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This turned out like an extended version of a Boy Meets World episode with more content related to my actual life. And it's significantly less corny. But the character development is nothing compared to the original SLC which may have to do a lot to do with it being told in 3rd person. It's also a road trip film and if you read Chuck Klosterman's take on road trip films, this is spot on and the film isn't about the anything other than an interpersonal character growth/reflection. I think the punk aspect is mostly an aesthetic and not very necessary to to the overall story, unfortunately. A lot seemed forced to make this happen, and as a fan of SLC Punk, I appreciate the attempt.

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Moe Shunpiksure

I was glad when it was over.I wonder why anyone would make such a listless movie.The characters each seem indulgent yet none are developed to the point where they provide any interest.The usefulness of a car ride as a sort of journey device is marginalized by the redundant and boring settings.The production value is mix and match mediocre.The narrator's bad acting is creepier than the creepiness of employing a dead narrator character.The climax of the story is not even anti climatic, but at least you know the end is near.

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Courtney Brooke Bandish

I was really really bummed.. This movie was Terrible which emphasis on the capital T. I loved the first one and always will and respect Mr. Merendinos efforts to try and create another punk inspired movie with a uniqueness all its own. But this was a huge, HUGE fail. Probably my least favorite moment was the use of the word "fag" which I have zero tolerance for and in this day and age should never be used in a script. You couldn't find a better pejorative, Mr. Merendino? Moving on..The acting was mediocre at it's best. Sarah Clarke brought nothing new to the character of Trish. Her acting was bland, boring and could barely keep my attention. There was none of the quirkiness that I came to love with Annabeth Gish's portrayal of Trish. Jenny Jaffes character (can't remember the name and Ijust watched it) was ridiculously overdone by over dramatic acting and just plain, not believable. If acting is her career of choice she needs to rethink it. Ross was plain boring. Penny and Crash were pretty decent as far as acting goes. I give MGK props on his acting as this is, what I believe to be, his first major acting job. Bob really disappointed me. I felt his narration and acting were forced. As for Johnny Jekyll and Sean, well what can I say, they carried this movie. They were the only characters and narratives that brought even a hint of entertainment to this dull, lifeless film by bringing the nostalgia I had waited for. They were the only ones who's acting I can say was good. The worst part of this movie was the utter lack of character development and aimless plot. They could have developed Pennys character, for instance, when we see her (a little dramatically) bashing her father's car with no real explanation of motive (aside from the hit to the face) Merendino had a perfect chance to develop Pennys character but for whatever reason he chose not to. So, then, why did he even put that scene in the movie if he had no intention of expanding on it? Who knows but it's a good question to ponder. It was not just Penny though, the entire movie lacks any real character development necessary to bring this movie to life with characters that are relatable and interesting. Huge fail. And the plot? Boring and aimless with no real point. I mean, my 13 year old son could have written a better screenplay. The concert scene was drawn out and way to long. And the pivotal climax? Well that never happened. *Yawn* I could go on and on. When the credits hit, I was left scratching my head in astonishment asking myself "Did the movie really just end like that? Apparently, yes it did. Maybe he wanted to end it like that because he has plans for a trilogy? Scary thought. I'm also curious as to why he claimed there would be a couple awesome surprise cameo appearances. I suspect it was to get people excited about whom they could be. Will it be Mark? Could it be Stevos dad? Or maybe Sandy? Although Merendino made it clear Stevos (Lillard) and Mike (Segel) would not return, many fans still held onto hope that maybe they would at least make a brief cameo. So, in essence, I believe these supposed cameo appearances were just a ploy to excite fans enough to donate money to the indiegogo platform. Why, you ask? Because exploiting fans excitement was the only way they were going to get enough money to make this God awful POS. Again, I LOVE SLC Punk! I was a fan of Punks Dead page for years and kept myself updated on everything that was happening in the making of the film. Although I was skeptical I kept an open mind. I wanted so badly for this to be another cult classic. What it ended up being was another ultimate sequel fail and huge disappointment to many fans. And the fans that claim to love it? They must be delusional. Sorry. Not. Sorry.

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Such is life that I will never be able to be 21 again and see SLC Punk for the first time. It's a movie I proudly watch with my kids. Punk's Dead is incredible. As an alternative Mom, I identify with Trish. I've got responsibilities but I still can't fit in. I think it's okay and my kids turned out okay. Punk's Dead is nostalgic, pays homage to SLC Punk and Punk Rock, I cried a few time and laughed a lot. The actors old and new are amazing. Hannah Marks reminds me of myself at her age and Ben Schnetzer is perfect, portraying a kid that grew up to fast. I like the different vibe between the kids who are just having fun and the adults bitterness.

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