Black Mirror: Black Museum

December. 29,2017      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Plot Unknow

Douglas Hodge as  Rolo Haynes
Daniel Eghan as  Scientist with Tablet
Jo Wheatley as  Middle Aged Woman



Touches You

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I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.

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Mandeep Tyson

The acting in this movie is really good.

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Black Mirror starts off (except for the pilot) as an incredible series aiming to bring something new to your average netflix show. It scores multiple touchdowns with each and every episode trying to figure a new, cool, terrifying way technology could benefit and at the same time ruin human society.And at the pinacle of the series, when it gains enough traction to gain money, it goes the infamous route of "make money over inovative stories".Season 4 quickly decended into the "soap" tropes every episode and tried to go so low in its season finale with recycling all technology of previous episodes (which breaks the fourth wall multiple times so often it makes me puke) it ends up making forced story plottwists that are so incredibly predictible I end up wondering if the writers still take their audience seriously.

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I was on guard the entire time watching this episode because I thought at some point, Rolo Haynes (Douglas Hodge) was going to do something nasty with or to the somewhat stranded motorist Nish (Letitia Wright). The tables are turned at the finale when Nish gets her 'revenge' against Rolo for turning her father into a virtual reality game, one of the premier attractions of the Black Museum. That was another bit of misdirection as well, the title of the story hinted at a racial component, but that's something that never really entered the picture. The three part format was reminiscent of Season Two's 'White Christmas', and now that I write about it, there's an interesting dichotomy there with Black/White. Pretty interesting, don't you think? Of the three stories, it's hard to tell which one was the most disturbing. One of the neat things about the episode was the way it wove elements of prior season stories into this one. As an example, widower Jack (Aldis Hodge) is shown reading a comic book adaptation of 'Fifteen Million Merits' in the second segment. There are more for astute viewers, and actually, that's one of the clever things about the series that writer Charlie Brooker does to keep viewers engaged and returning.

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Takes concepts from many other episodes, which isn't bad in itself. But it cheapens an episode like White Christmas: Back then the thought of imprisoning a cookie for months, years, or centuries really gripped me and I could see how someone could justify those actions despite their immorality. But COME ON, I just cannot buy people wanting to eternally torture thousands of copies of someone, it was so over-the-top that it didn't move or effect me at all. The ending resolves none of this, with the girl ending the suffering of just one of the copies of her dad and treating the guy who imprisoned him with the same torture. I had a few other gripes, but the episode was still OK, just not up to the standard that previous episodes of this show have set.

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Johnny H.

**Review may contain slight spoilers**Jesus; this episode... this EPISODE! Black Museum just might be one of the very best episodes of television I've ever seen; and that's saying something in my books. I love Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, Sherlock, Doctor Who and of course Black Mirror. However, it takes something truly special to have a single episode stand-out from the crowd in general, because whole shows like Black Mirror tend to be fantastic overall. The series is one of the best science fiction stories on television, and it arguably transcends the likes of The Twilight Zone for some. The revelations in this episode, the twists, and the sub-plots are all amazing, adding to one of the best Black Mirror reveals to date.And much to my surprise, this episode actually had some moving moments as well. Considering the stuff Black Mirror usually covers, I didn't expect to be moved the way I did. I take my hat off to Charlie Brooker for this one. He's now become one of my favourite writers.Want some truly smart sci-fi? Look no further. Black Museum is a classic!

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