The Magic Voyage

April. 09,1992      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Christopher Columbus decides to go on a journey to prove that the Earth is not flat. His companion is a smart wood worm who's on a quest of his own: to save a beautiful fairy princess from the evil lord Swarm and his insect army.

Michael Habeck as  Columbus
Beate Hasenau as  Königin Isabella
Lutz Mackensy as  Bieber
Hans Paetsch as  Erzähler
Corey Feldman as  Pico (voice)
Irene Cara as  Marilyn (voice)
Dom DeLuise as  Christopher Columbus (voice)
Dan Haggerty as  King Ferdinand IV / Swarm Lord (voice)
Samantha Eggar as  Queen Isabella (voice)
Mickey Rooney as  Narrator (voice)

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Waste of time

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One of my all time favorites.

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Great Film overall

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Fresh and Exciting

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Ahhh, bad animated films. We love these kinds of flicks don't we? We love moaning about the annoying characters that we want to bash their brains out, we laugh at the rushed and cheap animation and we cringe at the crappy songs that won't make any of the Disney songwriters cry in their sleep.Now with this little beauty here called The Magic Voyage, you have to take it with a magic pinch of salt.You can either call it a horrible horrible film that has no redeeming qualities and is just annoying to watch, or you can go the extra mile and call it a bad film but still unbelievably funny to watch.Guess which path I'm taking Sherlocks? Yep, that's right, the second path because I found the Magic Voyage to be a hysterical piece of animated trash from our good ol friends in Germany.Now I can sort of see what they were going for here, they wanted to give Disney a good run for their money and try to make an animated film. They tried but they more or less failed on all accounts.The animation here is unbelievably bad, like Paddy The Pelican levels of awfulness. This kind of thing would feel more right at home on 70's Saturday Morning TV with some other "classics" like all those toons focusing on those popular stars.Oh yes you're also in for a treat, because like it's little brother Felix The Cat, half of the dialogue doesn't even match with the lips. Great fun for all, you could take a shot each time they make this error.Voice acting is pretty bad, not like Felix though but still bad nonetheless. Look Mr DeLuise, I love you man but you just wasn't right for the role of Christopher Columbus and the less said about that wood character thingy the better.Are you a person who loves history? Too bad, better look elsewhere because this is also packed with tons of historical accuracy, it goes completely off the walls and makes even Pocahontas look even more accurate by comparison.Oh yes and this film doesn't know when to take a quick breathe just like Felix, so it's pretty loud half the time. I'm pretty sure, if this film was a real person, it would be dead in under 10 minutes or so.Magic Voyage was hysterically bad and incredibly funny to watch. It's basically a trainwreck that is so big you can't help but just watch it anyway. A gigantic failure for all involved and pushes animation back 80 million years. (Hold on, did animation even exist back then? Beats me.) Right, I'm off to make my own historically inaccurate animated film. Byyyeeee.

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What was Germany thinking? I mean, seriously, WHAT WAS Germany THINKING?! Now, I may not be so hot on history, but I've heard that in 1492, Columbus sailed to America and killed all the Tainos who did no harm but hunt for food. Now I know what you're thinking: that part about Columbus killing Tainos wasn't true! But that would be nothing compared to this movie. First of all, it's too noisy! The Germans behind this film feared that if the film stopped being cartoon-like and bouncy, it would lose kids' attention. That, however, is not true. Second, it has the same problem as the Titanic Animated trilogy: being historically incorrect! Why would a woodworm know that the Earth is round? What is he, an insect-like Albert Einstein?! I read the history textbooks about Columbus and the discovery of America, but I don't see any mention of talking wood-worms, evil insects, and a "befuddled, kid-friendly version" of Columbus himself! Third, the animation. I think I'm starting to notice that the animation was done by the same idiots who made that obnoxious Felix the Cat movie and the god-awful Legend of Zelda CD-i games. Again, what was Germany thinking about making this movie?! Fourth, the dream sequence. WHOA! Did Columbus pulled a telescope out of his cojones?! This is supposed to be a kid's movie, not Last Cannibal World! If Germany wanted to make a cartoon movie that is not historically correct, why don't they make an animated musical about Germany during Hitler's reign and portray Hitler as a bouncy, fun-loving kid friendly leader who was tricked by a talking mouse into thinking that the Jews are bloodthirsty monsters and must be converted by turning them into statues and then use a magic wand to turn them into Nazi soldiers with big smiles on their faces?! Yeah, let's see them make a historically incorrect cartoon movie based on that one!

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Gee. remember the woodworm that told Columbus was round, remember the firefly princess and the Aztec temple and swarm lord in America, whats that, you don't, well neither do i. besides that, the dubbing in this movie is awful, the animation is awful, and a odd dream sequence. another thing is the movie never shuts up, it always has loud sounds and its annoying. there's also a scene where Columbus is HANGED! Final Verdict, 1/10. maybe if Germany read our text books they would get our history right, but has a kids film it hold up, because they don't know whats going on. i like nearly any movie i see, even battlefield earth, a awful movie. so this movie is stupid.

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Tommy Nelson

Remember Christopher Columbus's voyage and how he found America? Do you remember Christopher's traveling companion Pico the wood worm? I don't either. Do you remember how Columbus's worst enemy was a swarm of evil bees who held some sort of bug princess captive? Neither do I. In fact, you can't even say this movie has any fact to it. True there was a man named Christopher Columbus, but that's all they got right (and the names of the ships), everything else just makes no sense. Whoever animated this must've been high, and whoever wrote it must've been mentally retarded.Pico the woodworm (voiced by Corey Feldman) somehow becomes best friends with Christopher Columbus (voiced by Dom Deluise) and they travel off to prove the world isn't flat. Pico meets Marylin the fairy princess of the moon sprite (Whatever the heck that is), and keeps fantasizing about her. Columbus and his crew of 3 or 4 men, 3 rats and 1 woodworm set out and find America in about 2 days time, just like it happened in real life. The climax involves Columbus fighting a swarm of bees and trying to take gold from what looks like an Aztec or Mayan temple.This movie should have never been made! What was the point of it? It makes no sense whatsoever. Columbus and a woodworm travel to America, okay, I buy that. They try to tell the tale, but also add an animated comic relief for the kiddies, but Pico isn't even a comic relief, he's the main character. Columbus is more like the comic relief and I've seen shots to the head that are funnier than Columbus's non stop ranting. The animation is freaking horrible! Half the time when a character talks their mouth isn't even moving. The swarm of bees that shouldn't have even been in the movie to begin with looked like a big swarm of feces, which is how I can also sum up the's nothing but a big pile of feces. The character designs are also awful, with everyone having a big nose, including Pico who's nose looks like one of those Bugle potato chips. The dialogue seems ad libbed, as does the entire script. I know this movie was originally made in German, but seriously, couldn't they at least try to match the mouths instead of ad libbing bad dialogue the entire movie. Unfortunately, this is also a musical, with some really awful songs and even worse singing. The climax is anti-climactic and only lasts for about 2 minutes, never putting the characters in harms way, though it would've been much more enjoyable to see the whole lot of them killed.If you couldn't figure it out, I hate this movie. It's the most awful animated film I've ever seen, and I've seen some real stinkers. This might be one of the worst movies ever made. It has no real plot and the animation is horrid. Avoid it at all costs! My rating: BOMB/****. 80 mins. Rated G.

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