Electric Man

January. 01,2012      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Jazz and Wolf need money to save their comic shop. When the rare and valuable first issue of Electric Man shows up, they think all their problems are solved. But things are never that simple. They are not the only ones who want to get their hands on it.

Fish as  Uncle Jimmy



Expected more

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Robert Joyner

The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one

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Tobias Burrows

It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.

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The movie really just wants to entertain people.

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A Comic Book heist film set in Scotland that keeps the shortbread in the tin where it belongs.Electric Man is a fresh twist on the absurd world of the Comic collector and the greed that can ensue. It's a good first time effort from a lot of the cast and crew and sometimes it shows (as it should) but never enough to annoy. A good story well played out and the film ticks along nicely. Edinburgh looks great as the background and the Scottish humour should be accessible for all.Nice to see something that's actually worth you while.

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Two struggling comic nerds are in danger of loosing their shop when after packing up at a fair they discover a rare and valuable comic book. Before they have a chance to turn it in and get a reward there is a plethora of crazy people after them.Imagine the 60's batman TV series and film noir with a Scottish twist. Dastardly villains and gorgeous femme fatales. Toby Manley well cast in the lead and really solid performances all round. There's even a scary cameo from the real life shop owner Gav.It hits way above its lo-budget roots and what's more, in a market full of saccharine superheros its got a heart and its funny too. Great opening title graphics too.

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Andrew Murchie

Electric Man is a good, clean caper film based around an ultra-rare and valuable comic book.The film focuses on the adventures of two hapless comic book store owners and their discovery of a rare comic that has accidentally been mixed in with their comics during a comic convention. Trouble then ensues while a ragged band of characters all try to track down and get the comic for themselves.Beautifully shot with some great views of Edinburgh and with some really humorous stand out moments.Definitely one for the family and anyone who just wants a relaxed, non challenging evenings entertainment.

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Amazing movie. A very real, very exciting and realistic picture. The actors are Excellent.The girl's Jennifer Ewing and Emily Lockwood are beautiful in a very natural way. they're also two wonderful young actresses definitely ones to watch out for.The boy's Toby Manley and Mark McKirdy are definitely eye candy for the ladies and also two wonderful young actors to keep an eye out for in the future.There's also the Handsome and Talented Fish aka Derek Dick of 'Marillion' Fame and Mark McDonnell both with impressive career's under their belt This isn't any ordinary comic book movie. but that's not important. what it lacks in CGI it more than makes up for in originality, imagination and fun Considering the extremely low budget, it's just amazing that this movie exists. The production values are still better than with most high profile movies.Do yourself a favor and See this movie for what it is. Go on a journey into a world that is realistic, exciting and full of laughs from start to finish For Americans audiences, it might take a "wee bit" of getting use to the Scottish accents, but this loopy, off-beat picture is so good and so entertaining, the viewer just sits back and takes it all in.This film is a real gem, the kind you just wish would get more publicity so that so many more would see and enjoy it. Savor it and tell your friends!

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