Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

July. 15,2008      
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Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog is a 42-minute tragicomic musical in three acts, each released separately. It tells the story of Dr. Horrible, an aspiring supervillain, Captain Hammer, his superhero nemesis, and Penny, their mutual love interest. The movie was written by writer/director Joss Whedon, his brothers Zack Whedon and Jed Whedon, and Jed's then fiancée, actress Maurissa Tancharoen. The writing team penned the musical during the WGA strike. The idea was to create something small and inexpensive, yet professionally done, in a way that would circumvent the issues that were being protested during the strike.

Neil Patrick Harris as  Doctor Horrible
Nathan Fillion as  Captain Hammer
Felicia Day as  Penny
Simon Helberg as  Moist
Jed Whedon as  Bad Horse Chorus #2
Rob Reinis as  Bad Horse Chorus #3
Maurissa Tancharoen as  Groupie #1
Steve Berg as  Groupie #1
David Fury as  Newsman
Marti Noxon as  Newswoman



Best movie of this year hands down!

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Good movie but grossly overrated

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This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.

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A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.

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I sort of expected more from this, but as it is, it's pretty entertaining, and most of the songs are instantly catchy and able to be sang out loud, not to mention pretty memorable. The three leads are great, especially Fillion though, who really marvels in his character's darkness and gleefulness, reminding us of his Firefly character but also giving that sort of role a different spin. He's a very underrated actor who I wish would get more work. Patrick Harris, though, is the best singer and probably has the best songs. Some of the turns in its final act are pretty surprising, and not at all what I'm sure many expect (well, maybe from Joss Whedon).

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Morbius Fitzgerald

Okay, this was an internet film that was filmed in 6 days flat and released on iTunes. The trivia on IMDb boasts that it was the #1 selling iTunes season for 5 weeks. Does it hold up? I'm not gonna lie, it really is going to hurt.So what is the plot? Dr. Horrible wants to get into the Evil League Of Evil and get the girl of his dreams but his nemesis, Captain Hammer, has taken an interest in said girl and the Doctor tries to win her back while also assassinating Captain Hammer to get into the Evil League of Evil.As you can imagine, I have a laundry list of complaints. Okay the humor is just too stupid. I know it was meant to be stupid humor but singing how someone "smells like poo" sounds like something I'd expect to find in a comedy aimed at 6 year old's. What is the best joke out of the whole thing? Captain Hammer's said Hammer is his penis (as revealed in a conversation with Dr. Horrible)...and its all downhill from there.The absolute worst thing about this film (and that says a lot) is Felicia Day. I know that she was probably trying but she had no chemistry with Billy and no chemistry with Captain Hammer and to top it all off, her singing voice is as weak as the jokes. I mean okay, Dr. Horrible comes off as creepy, even in his "Billy" secret identity and Captain Hammer comes off as "I'm 100% perfect" type assholes, don't get me wrong that was the intention but if someone had to choose between these two, I sincerely hope to God that they'd choose neither.There are only 2 things salvageable about this film - it has a few halfway decent songs (Well...the first and last of the second act) and Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer but thats because he plays it so over the top and even though he couldn't save the movie, he does provide the film with a leg to stand on outside of "the songs". To be honest, he acts like he didn't care for the part but that just elevated how great he was...not caring actually made a performance better. Those two things are the only solitary moments of entertainment I found in this film. Anything else, the writing, Neil Patrick Harris, the visual effects, the rest of the songs, the direction...it either ranges from awful to they looked like they had none of this to they looked like they were trying but not even they could save this (This last one only applies to NPH).Overall if you like this film, GREAT, I wont judge you but for me...this was 40 minutes of not caring, not being entertained and not laughing at any joke it was throwing at me. If you want what I'd call a funny internet movie, look up Suburban Knights or To Boldly Flee. Sure they're over 2 hours long but they still have something resembling jokes and satire. This lazily written and directed film...nope.

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Don't get me wrong, I think that for something shot in 6 Days and written as something for fun during the writer's strike... this isn't that bad. I'd go far as to say that I respect this movie really well because of the circumstances in which it was made. Well I loved this when I was 13 and in my opinion... It doesn't really hold up in my opinion but it could have been a lot worse.The plot is that Dr Horrible (Niel Patrick Harris) is a satire on the evil genius in superhero cartoons. He isn't really that evil and is in love with a do-gooder named Penny (Felicia Day). He tries his best to get into the club that villains usually hatch their diabolical plans to take over the world. When he gets the right element for a gun that can freeze people he inadvertently introduces his crush to... Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion). Once he gets the freeze ray operational he fails his first diabolical plan and has to assassinate somebody and he picks the one person who the audience has wanted to die from the very start. However this satire on over the top superhero cartoons takes a dark turn when Penny dies instead of Captain Hammer.Now as I said I do respect the movie a whole lot more than I like it. Given the circumstances it could have been turned into something unwatchable. I did like Niel Patrick Harris' acting as Dr Horrible and Nathan Fillion as Captain Hammer... He succeeded a little too well for my taste. I know his role was a pompous over-the-top moronic superhero but he takes it to extremes. In my opinion he is extremely annoying in the role. Felicia Day as Penny needed some more material, I mean as an audience we are given little to no reason why Dr Horrible would be in love with her.The other thing I really like about this is the music. Some of the songs are really good. I liked On The Rise and Brand New Day the most out of all of them. The other songs range from good to "Not too bad, but not too good either".So this isn't really that bad in my opinion. I mean, spoofing superhero cartoons actually could have been something great. I respect it that at the time Joss Whedon was actually trying to experiment a little bit by making this a musical. If you want a 42 minute superhero musical that could have been a lot worse than it really is then this is for you.

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Christine F.

Okay, I am going to put this lightly: This is literally the stupidest "film" I have ever watched.The plot is hard to follow, it starts slow, the "humor" in it is not funny whatsoever, it's all perverted, childish, or dumb. If you actually appreciate decent musicals, don't watch this. It's a waste of time. I honestly don't know why the reviews are so high. The characters are not at all personable, it's extremely slow, cheesy, boring, and not interesting or engaging. My friend made me watch it with her and I wasted 42 minutes of my life. The acting sucked too. Definitely not worth your time or money. Skip this and watch a good film.

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