The Wailer

June. 20,2006      NR
Trailer Synopsis Cast

On their way to Mexico, six students are stranded in a small town where years before a tragedy took place.

John Patrick Jordan as  Andrew
Eltony Williams as  Jay
Hugo Medina as  Mike

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Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

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Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!

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everything you have heard about this movie is true.

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if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.

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E. Catalan

I had no idea what I was going to get when I rented LA LLORONA or THE WAILER in English. It deals with a Mexican legend that I've heard very little of, about a woman who drowns her two children in order to have the love of the man she wants. After being rejected by this man, she kills herself. Fast forward in the movie and we have an assortment of horror movie clichés that would be worth mentioning to a film class in order to avoid them! You have the sexy teens looking for a good time, going to a lonely cabin in the woods of Jalisco, in the middle of nowhere, the mandatory bad acting, the explicit (albeit, cheap looking) gore and your mandatory tit scene. In all honesty, the premise of this so called "film" holds promise. It could've been a decent horror movie in the hands of a more skilled director, but this is strictly "amateur" hour. Rent (DON'T BUY!) only in interested in seeing classic horror movie clichés ALL in one movie!

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First of all,this movie is pretty much boring.The first part was great telling the erie stage of how the wailer become what it is known as "la llorona".I mean this movie had me going until the travelers cut into the scene and bored me for one hour.You don't get to see la llororna for only 15 to 20 minutes top,I was falling asleep waiting for some kind of creepy,scary moment,but it fail completely..and i believe la llorona took place in the 18th century in Mexico.There was some good scene,the bar with the locals and the few brief moment we look at the was a waste of one hour and time and i believe there is a "wailer 2"..hopefully they gave more great moment with the legend that scare the children of Mexico for a long time.

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In the spirit of Halloween, I rented "The Wailer" and "The Wailer 2" this weekend. I was surprised to see how different the films were compared to each other, both in content and in execution. I had high hopes that "The Wailer" would scare the pants off of me as the DVD artwork was very, very creepy. Sadly, the movie was only mildly scary. The film is based on an old Mexican legend of a woman, La Llorona, who's dead spirit haunts the rivers and lakes as she hunts for her dead children. She also kills people.The drowning of the kids was good and La Llorona's death is sufficiently tragic. But after this initial bit of horror and action, the movie fell flat on it's face. All there is is mindless talking. Some characters you just wish would be killed immediately. But it takes around 45 minutes till the next death! It seems to take forever. Making it worse is some bad acting and some dismal production design.When the deaths start coming during the last 30 minutes of the films, the pace picks up and there are moments of tension. In particular, a scene with Nicole Daniels was scary and gruesome. But there are also scenes and situations that make absolutely no sense what so ever. At one point, everything disappears outside the windows of the house the characters are staying in. All there is is blackness. Why? Did the house enter a different dimension? Or was the evil so thick it envelopes the house? This is never explained.To the film maker's credit, some of the makeup effects were pretty gruesome. The La Llorona character was kinda cool, although I never did understand why she had long, weird claws instead of hands. On the other hand, the sets looked cheap and contrived and the pacing of the film left little to be desired.The ending of the film was okay, although I have to admit that it took "The Wailer 2" to explain to me exactly what happened in the end of "The Wailer". There were some good ideas in "The Wailer" and some inspired moments. It's just a shame that the film couldn't have been more balanced and the characters more likable.

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Worth the video rental, I'm giving this one an 8. However, if the over dramatic screams were on purpose (copying the style of the Jason era films), then it would go up to a 9. It is low-budget, so I'm giving it grace. Besides, I've seen some awful big-budget and awful low-budget films. Think I've been in a few ;-)Costs were obviously minimized, but but why?...SPEND, when they weren't necessary. The story was told, the graphics looked real, except for Brenda's breasts, lol, etc. They stuck to budget and pulled it off.Casting: Would love to see Nicole Danielle in more films. If she can tap into what she did in the aftermath, she can shine and upstage many in more roles.Monique Barajas and Nicole Danielle (Michelle), along with Rocael Leiva (Juan) had the most believable acting. Vanessa Rice, was the typical girl next door style, and when everything became messy, I didn't feel for her. Nicole's character had little dimension in the beginning, at the downfall of her boyfriend, she came alive on screen even in her death scene she was believable. The rest, even Nicole (drunk, drugs, horny scenes) were bad acting. If the screams weren't purposely overdone, then well, no different than most films that are out on the big screen or video.Opening scene of the movie, I was worried it was going to be in sub-titles. It was poetic, like a great Poe piece all the way, until her death. Then, she was just frightening.The thing, I, of course, enjoyed was the special make-up fx. VERY WELL DONE!!!!!! Except, the final scene on Vanessa (Julie)'s boyfriend, looked like cut black tape. Wish Hostel would have came up with some better eye work.As hard as it is these days to actually scare someone in a low-budget or major, I did in this. On the big screen, I think it would have got a few more out of me. But, certainly better than wasting time on seeing Silent Hill at the theater.If it was on purpose, are the campy screams back in fashion? If they are, it could bring many shelved films, back to life. Amazing what you can find on the shelf at the video store. If it would have cost $ to release it in theaters. So, I recommend a big screen t.v. for this one, if available.

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