The Phantom

December. 20,2009      PG-13
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Before Superman, Spider-Man, and Batman, there was The Phantom, the greatest legend in the annals of 20th century comic-book crime fighting. Now, the immortal superhero returns to strike terror in the hearts of villains around the world - and to inspire a new generation to believe in the Ghost Who Walks.

Isabella Rossellini as  Dr. Bella Lithia
Ron Lea as  Detective Sgt. Sean Davidson
Sandrine Holt as  Guran
Ryan Carnes as  The Phantom
Cameron Goodman as  Renny Davidson



I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.

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Expected more

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This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.

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Blake Rivera

If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.

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These are my personal comments about the mini-series.First - the good parts:Update of Phantom story - excellent - the world has changed since the 1500's, 1930's, 40's etc. About time The Phantom updated to the 21st century;Kit's character and family history - excellent, 'believable', perhaps a little too much time spent setting the scene.Update/modernisation of Phantom's support organisation - Bpaa Thap & bad guys - The Singh Brotherhood - excellent. Great ideas.Spoiler Alert:Location (island in ......- & not the Caribbean) & design (inside - above and below) of phantom cave - believable(though the 'Deep Woods' seems to be suffering a bit of a drought - El Ninyo effect?)Spoiler Alert:Loved the 'training camp' scenes. He doesn't have 'super/magic Powers', he is simply fit, works hard, trains hard and experienced in what he does (or at least getting there).Spoiler Alert:Most people would feel silly in the original purple suit these days. Nice revision.Guran's updated character - excellent!spoiler alert:For once, an important (lead?) female character does NOT fall in love with the leading male!yes - Guran helps Kit (it's her job), and Kit has a girlfriend, but thankfully there was not a 'competition for the guy' sub-plot!.Acting of main characters, including the villains, and most of the extras, excellent! Second - not so good parts:1. Depiction of Bandar people - weak.Spoiler Alert:Bandar are people - pygmy size.When movie introduced them, the two 'Bandar' looked like children in costume and make up. And from what I could tell, about the only kids in Hollywood who couldn't act! No wonder they 'dissapeared' quickly after Kit sees the cave.Spoiler Alert:Scene of 'tribal initiation' of Kit - great idea, but:'native' actors were too large to look like pygmy Bandar; - 'Witch doctor' character -> hmmm - far too much makeup.It may have been better to portray them as the living descendants of the 'Flores Man' -ref:"Researchers have unearthed remains from individuals who were just one metre tall, with grapefruit-sized skulls. These astonishing little people, "quote from above web site.After all - it is widely held that Modern Man was descended from Neanderthals and/or Cromagnons, for both of which we have found fossils. Modern Man's brain has developed since the Neanderthal, so why not intelligent descendants from the 'Flores Man'? The Bandar are a very secretive tribe.In summary:Great update to The Phantom story; a few parts, especially the Bandar, could have been done better.

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The movie is about the next generation phantom. It involves some high-tech, which we have all come to expect. I would caution parents that this is a more serious and more violent movie than the older one. Definitely should be rated at least PG-13 for violence. You might want to preview it before showing it to children under 12. I liked the movie because it keeps you guessing. It is not exactly predictable. I did not like that there was no rating. I showed my younger children some disturbing scenes because I thought it would be more comic book like the first one. It is definitely more serious and more violent than something like the Fantastic-4. I did appreciate the absence of profanity and sex. There are a couple of kissing scenes, but the movie is very discreet. It is definitely an action film, and those who like "street running" will particularly enjoy some of the scenes. It is very realistic. Nearly everything is kept in the realm of the possible. Overall a great guy movie.

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I never knew the old Phantom before, so I watched this with an open mind, I usually know nothing of the movies I'm about to watch not even genre. I kinda guessed that this was a comic-book adaptation and i was right.Okay, so this is a B-flick. the characters are neither very deep nor engaging, the actresses are, while nice, not really very stunning. Everything breathes second rate.But what is really disturbing is this trend that remakes of old 70s themed movies, comic books, TV shows turn out to be slightly racist, in it's casting and in the story lines.The evil villain here is Singh. Singh is probably the most common of names in India, like Smith or Lopez or Popov. And in the cast, to replace Guran, an African with an Asian woman??? I like pretty girls as much as anyone, but this is part of a worrying trend that started with Battle Star Galactica, when they replaced colonel Thigh with a white guy.I guess we have to be thankful that B.A. Barracus isn't some Bubba from Alabama in the new A-Team movie.The Melancholic Alcoholic.

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Honestly I wasn't expecting much, syfy has kind of earned a reputation for making movies your supposed to laugh at. I had my reservations about this, especially because its picks up (and gives a nod) to the '96 movie ending. I was utterly surprised at what i got.A 4 hour movie that was like the pilot of a show (which is possibly might be i hope). Romance, action, adventure, cool scenery, and the best part? It didn't have any needless explosions (i.e. cars and whatever else movie directors try to blow up for kicks).The romance angle is pretty sweet,I felt their connection immediately, and while stretched with how quickly they fell for each other, it is still in the realm of reasonable doubt. The two actors have good chemistry and it definitely shows. It was sweet enough that it didn't make me miss Billy Zane and his romantic interest.About the plot: its rather predictable. We all knew it would be, no surprise there. What i was surprised at were the few twists, turns, and angles the movie offered. It was almost refreshing and definitely enough to keep me entertained and have my jaw drop at the end.Isabella Rosselini (which syfy apparently owns for 2-4 hr movies) is rather under-appreciated in this film, Its not her strongest character but i can forgive her because....well its Isabella.While on the long side, its still kept my interest. There was enough of an ending that i felt i could leave it and be content (unlike most syfy and Disney channel movies). There was a purpose to it. But there were also a few questions left hanging, just in case it does get turned into a show, which i hope it will.All in all i'd say this is Syfy's best film by far. I definitely will watch it again when it comes on and hope to see a running show soon!

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