We Monsters

January. 22,2015      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

A husband and wife struggle with their consciences after they try to conceal a terrible crime committed by their teenage daughter.

Mehdi Nebbou as  Paul
Ulrike C. Tscharre as  Christine
Janina Fautz as  Sarah
Britta Hammelstein as  Jessica
Ronald Kukulies as  Kuszinsky
Daniel Drewes as  Michael



Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.

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Load of rubbish!!

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows

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This wasn't a bad movie but the first part of it moved really slow. I was also able to see what was coming and I would've liked to have been surprised by the twists that lay ahead. The actors played their parts well and the atmosphere was really tense throughout the movie. While a lot of focus went towards the tension between the immediate family members, the location of the filming helped. The reservoir looked like and represented just how big their problem was. I also loved how the caterpillar was used to represent the unfolding of lies. One other thing that really bugged me was the scene at the police station. How long did Dad stand outside holding that backpack? No one saw that? That was just a weird moment for me. Overall this is a decent film and not a bad watch.

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What would you do or rather what would you not do to protect your kid if faced with the situation that she or he has done something very wrong? When do mistakes that everybody makes at the teen ages turn into something very different and very abhorrent? Is the line of demarcation between sanity and insanity, between being a normative person and a monster that clear? These are some of the questions one keeps asking while watching 'We Monsters' ('Wir Monsters' in German) directed and co-written by Sebastian Ko. I knew nothing about this film maker, according to IMDB this is only his second full feature film, and it's quite good.It's a thriller, and a good one, so I will avoid telling too much about the story. Two separated parents come together to help their daughter in a critical moment of her life. There are enough surprises and changes of perspective to keep the interest of viewers alert from start to end. There is also a quite serious collection of subterranean themes like responsibility, borders of parental love, teenage revolt and communication between generations. All these come together in a more than satisfactory manner.The film is supported by solid acting by the whole team of actors, but especially by Mehdi Nebbou in the role of the father and Janina Fautz as the teenage daughter. A slightly higher dose of cinematographic effects would have turned this film into a horror movie, but film director Sebastian Ko seems to have chosen to stay within the limits of a realistic psychological thriller. I found it good as it is. The horror version can be left for the American remake.

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Paul is driving his 14 year old daughter Sarah. They pick up her best friend Charlie. The girls go off into the woods for a bathroom break. After awhile, Paul looks for the girls to find Sarah standing on the edge of a dam. She tells him that she pushed Charlie to her death. Sarah seems shocked and unaware. She is still angry at her divorced father's absence and his new girlfriend Jessica. Paul tells his ex-wife Christine and they struggle to handle the revelation. Charlie's volatile recovering alcoholic father comes looking for his missing daughter.This is a nice indie noir. It's a nice morality ride down. It starts off with an interesting psychopath daughter which turns into a fine teenage rebellion. It would be great to have more intense thrills and I don't understand what they're doing with the backpack. It seems obvious to dump the backpack at the dam especially since they go back there anyways. Did she think that it would dissolve? The filmmaking needs more style to increase the intensity. Otherwise, this is a great little noir.

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Reno Rangan

My latest German film about a family with the dark secret. A film that's not so popular, looks like not even in the Germany. But I chose it for the title alone. Followed by reading its synopsis I couldn't just turn away. It is definitely the German version of the Japanese flick 'Suspect X'. That does not mean it is a remake, but based on the similar theme that revolves on an entirely different platform. If you like that film, you should check this out, but it is simple and very interesting tale, not as intelligent as that one and never tried to be one.The film was about a divorced couple with one teen daughter shared custody. It might be a separation by a mutual understanding, but for their daughter, Sarah, it is a pain to watch them apart. One day during a camping she accidentally commits a crime. When her parents learn about it, they join hands and decide to hide it, thinking it might spoil her future. But Sarah uses this opportunity to bring them back together. On the other side, one lie to another and many more, how long they can carry on is revealed in the remaining film.There's no surprise for parents trying to save their child from the legal battle. Anybody would do the same thing in most of the circumstance after examining what actually went wrong. It reminded me 'Papanasam', a similar kind of film, but this narration targets only on the one side. The pursue from the other side was less than ten per cent. So it creates a mystery atmosphere about everything you saw might have another angle to give a different opinion on the situation of the film characters. That's how the focus remained on the family with their every move making them hard to stay strong and face the future troubles."What if everybody knows about it? School, facebook, family, friends, everyone."The suspense remains among the characters, but most of the viewers would know exactly what's going on. The writers did not try to hide anything to save a twist for the end part, they wanted to tell a simple crime-drama involving a family as much possible decently and they did it. People might think they are clever for figuring it out everything earlier or the writing was so weak, but that's a mere diversion for what happens in the final quarter. I think the film ended strongly than its earlier part. While watching it you might think it is an okay film, but once you watched it, it could change your overall impression.In the old days people hiding crime to escape the punishment, and of course for what family, friends, neighbours think about them. But now the latest addition is the facebook. Going viral on the social media has much impact for ones future than the law punishing them. This where our future is heading. Tracking a criminal through the internet is easier than the outside world. Anyway, this film did not go for those materials, but used it as one of the reasons for making a crucial decision.Overall, it is almost a good film, an above average. But in the end, what and how much we expect from it is directly involved with for the final result. So I'm saying if you go for it with an open mind, you could enjoy it better. This story is not something you see regularly, at a time not the best film of the year, yet worth a try. I would have said it should have been better in a few parts, but that changes nothing because of the theme and I totally appreciate the filmmakers for making a decent film than anything worse. So I think you understood me that I'm indirectly recommending it.7/10

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