In from the Night

April. 23,2006      
Trailer Synopsis Cast

Vicki Miller is a writer who has cut herself off from her dysfunctional family. Her life drastically changes when one night, her 16-year-old nephew Bobby shows up unannounced on her doorstep. He looks tired and depressed, and when Vicki realizes that he's run away, she takes him in.

Marcia Gay Harden as  Vicki Miller
Taylor Handley as  Bobby
Thomas Gibson as  Aiden Byrnes
Kate Nelligan as  Vera Miller
Regina Taylor as  Dr. A. Gardner
Mackenzie Astin as  Rob Miller
Roxanne Hart as  Ruth Miller Hammond
Kevin Kilner as  Chet Hammond
Mageina Tovah as  Priscilla Miller
Nicholas Ballas as  Abe Nolan



Highly Overrated But Still Good

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It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional

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After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.

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Rosie Searle

It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.

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I love this movie. It's excellent. Excellent acting, costumes, production, photography, directing, script and plot.Bobby is 16 years old and has been abused in every possible way by his nutcase parents. One night he goes to seek refuge at his aunt Vicky's house. He then lives with her, who takes care of him and loves him. When his parents try to get him back they lose. Bobby stays with his aunt and has a better life and is educated and found to be quite smart.This is the best Hallmark movie I've ever seen! 10 out of 10 stars! Two Thumbs Way Up! I'm going to read the novel, because it's such a great story about courage, love, life, and family.

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While talking on the phone about the novel she is writing, Vicki Miller must answer the door. She sees her nephew Bobby, who has run away from home and looks dirty and frightened. Bobby eats like he hasn't seen food for days, and he flinches quite easily when touched. When he sleeps, he has nightmares and tosses and turns, and he has a difficult time waking up during the day. Vicki's mother Vera calls, frantic that Bobby is missing.In flashbacks, we learn how Vicki, her parents, and her sister Ruth picked up Bobby as a baby from his parents Rob and Priscilla, who didn't want him and don't seem capable of caring for a child. In fact, Rob and Priscilla met in a mental hospital.Vicki visits lawyer Ned Alvarez to find out what options to take. She explains that Rob fought for custody after his domineering father died, and Bobby went back to his disturbed parents for 10 years. Temporarily, Bobby moves in with Ruth and her husband Chet (Kevin Kilner), but that doesn't work out. Bobby trusts Vicki and is determined to live with her. Vicki finds a solution for Bobby and tries to make up for all the abuse he has suffered.Meanwhile, Vicki attends an event related to her novel (her first, by the way) and meets Aiden. She also has an awkward moment with Nora Cantata (Marian Seldes in a brief but memorable performance), a member of a selection committee. Vicki has two dogs, Nick and Nora, who were named for the "Thin Man" characters.Helping Bobby proves to be a challenge, but Vicki is determined. One obstacle: Bobby is happy to have friends, even if they do look like punk rockers. But they are not really friends. People who look like that (unless they are just changing their look to rebel) tend to take advantage of others.Marcia Gay Harden does a capable job here, and Taylor Handley is outstanding in a role with more obvious challenges. I was disappointed not to see more of Thomas Gibson (I guess the movie was promoted with the idea people would want to see a star from a popular show, but he wasn't that important in reality). In some scenes I noticed he had an Irish accent, which was distracting to me. I don't know if he had the accent in all his scenes.Other fine performances came from Lauren Tom and Regina Taylor as therapists who discovered exactly what was wrong with Bobby and came up with ideas for solving his problems. The movie's one big weakness, in my opinion, was the fact we saw little of Priscilla, though Mageina Tovah succeeded in a mere five seconds (in the present) in making her appear quite demented. She was shown more in flashbacks looking spaced-out as Bobby was taken from her, and behaving wildly later (as Bobby hid). Mackenzie Astin did an okay job as Rob in a later scene from the present where he appeared under control, but not really able to cope with a child. It may be just as well that we saw so little of the abuse, because we certainly saw its results.Another weakness: we hear at one point that Vicki is a teacher, but we see very little evidence of this. I suppose one of the scenes was taking place in her school, but it was hard to tell.Overall, this was worthy of the Hallmark Hall of Fame.

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This movie was very well thought out and had so much to say. If only those who make a living by interacting with teens (in some way,) would be able to really see into it; there could be some wonderful changes in so many lives. Bobby had support, love and a strong role model, and he was allowed to have control over what happened to him, rather than being controlled. It made the whole difference.This was way more than a movie, it was an education. We need more Bobby stories. So often we see the line "if each abused/learning disabled etc. student had just one person who cared/believed in them, LISTENED to them......." The importance is so obvious here. Sadly, in reality, many Bobbys probably watched this film from an institution of some type and had bittersweet reactions to it. I'd love to know more about the inspiration for the film and I hope this is one of many that refer to teens and the problems created by family, disabling school settings and society. The Tristen character was best left as it was, because that's where all the other abused/neglected/learning disabled teens, who aren't as fortunate as Bobby, ARE. My opinion, he wanted a friend and he wanted to be part of what Bobby had. He could be alone with nothing ahead for him, or he could continue to go with the group, rather than be all alone. It was obvious he wished for choices too. Would anyone ever know his story?Susanna Styron and Bridget Terry, THANK YOU

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This movie is an excellent story about a writer whose nephew comes to her after moving around from family member to family member. Taylor Handley plays Bobby, who has been abused by his mother, and his father (Mackenzie Astin) did nothing to stop her. Always knowing that his Aunt Victoria (Marcia Gay Harden) had always treated him well, he called her to see if he could stay with her. She took him in, having no parenting experiences of her own, and helped him to treat his newly discovered severe sleep apnea, as well as get emancipated. Bobby then proceeds to find an apartment in her neighbors garage. She signs the lease so that she is renting it out because he doesn't have a job. Soon, however, his friends start freeloading and when things get out of hand, he moves back in with her. The two of them go through therapy (one of the agreements on him getting the apartment) and find out that when he was living with his parents he developed a way of defending himself in which he numbed himself and shut out everything around him. He used this so much, however, he lost control of it, and this numbness came to him whenever he was angry, anxious, or scared.I absolutely love Handley in the role of Bobby. His acting is phenomenal, as is Harden's. The two make a stunning pair and their chemistry is amazing. i recommend this film to anyone who is looking for a good emotional, witty, and enlightening film.

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