World's Worst Mom Season 1

December. 23,2011      
Trailer Synopsis

The show features extremely over-protective parents and their families. Lenore Skenazy, columnist and advocate for the Free Range Kids movement works with parents to help them step outside their boundaries and conquer their fears. In the long run, host Lenore teaches parents how to loosen the reins and give their kids the freedom they need to grow up with independence while still keeping safety as a main priority.

Episode 13 : Girls Night In
March. 20,2012
A single mother has reached her breaking point but refuses help from her three daughters. The girls need their independence but mom’s fears result in major trust issues.
Episode 12 : Welcome to the Nut House
February. 27,2012
Mom and Dad are convinced their five young children could be abducted and murdered at any moment, and have passed those fears on to their kids.
Episode 11 : Desperate for Date Night
February. 26,2012
Dad’s in law-enforcement, but doesn’t enforce his relaxed parenting style at home. Mom’s strangle-hold on their four boys is driving the family crazy.
Episode 10 : Rules Overboard
February. 18,2012
An emotionally volatile mom refuses to budge on her overprotective parenting. But the fate of her four children and her husband hinge on her willingness to change.
Episode 9 : The Iron Dome Home
February. 17,2012
Mom turns her house into a prison. Living in constant fear of murderers, she forbids her six kids from playing outside, having sleepovers, and even her 13 year-old son can’t go to the mall restroom on his own.
Episode 8 : High Anxiety
February. 15,2012
Dad doesn’t like to rock the boat while Mom enforces crazy rules for her children.
Episode 7 : Family Secrets
February. 06,2012
Parental paranoia is wreaking havoc in this family. The 15-year-old son is forced to text his every move, and suffers the embarrassment of supervised visits to the mall bathroom.
Episode 6 : Zen & Now
February. 01,2012
Rob has handed most parenting decisions over to Kelly, and now their children live under a blanket of fear and limitations.
Episode 5 : Dancing With Danger
January. 25,2012
A suburban family’s serenity is ruined by their mom’s fear that a predator will abduct her two sons.
Episode 4 : Trapped in Manhattan
January. 20,2012
They live in New York City, and dad sports punky blue hair, but mom’s short leash is suffocating her sons.
Episode 3 : Play Dates are Banned
January. 16,2012
Even after 14years of marriage, dad can't convince mom to let their kids have some freedom. Their 10-year-old daughter desperately wants a play date.
Episode 2 : Five Kids on Lockdown
January. 06,2012
Mom and dad team up to create the most claustrophobic parenting style ever. Their five kids can't play unsupervised in the front yard.
Episode 1 : Ten Year Old or Toddler
December. 23,2011
Differing parenting styles cause problems when a previously married couple merge their families and have clashing ideas on how to raise their kids.


Season 1
Season 1 2011