Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life Season 1

September. 28,2019      
Trailer Synopsis

Follow four people as they seek love and happiness: Kim Seol-A who once worked as an announcer and is now married to CEO Do Jin-Woo; Moon Tae-Rang, a chef and the oldest brother from a family of adoptees; and Moon Hae-Rang, Moon Tae-Rang's younger sister, who works as a secretary for Do Jin-Woo.

Episode 100 : Episode 100
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Episode 99 : Episode 99
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Episode 98 : Episode 98
March. 21,2020
Episode 97 : Episode 97
March. 21,2020
Episode 96 : Episode 96
March. 15,2020
Episode 95 : Episode 95
March. 15,2020
Episode 94 : Episode 94
March. 14,2020
Episode 93 : Episode 93
March. 14,2020
Episode 92 : Episode 92
March. 08,2020
Episode 91 : Episode 91
March. 08,2020
Episode 90 : Episode 90
March. 07,2020
Episode 89 : Episode 89
March. 07,2020
Episode 88 : Episode 88
March. 01,2020
Episode 87 : Episode 87
March. 01,2020
Episode 86 : Episode 86
February. 29,2020
Episode 85 : Episode 85
February. 29,2020
Episode 84 : Episode 84
February. 23,2020
Episode 83 : Episode 83
February. 23,2020
Episode 82 : Episode 82
February. 22,2020
Episode 81 : Episode 81
February. 22,2020
Episode 80 : Episode 80
February. 16,2020
Episode 79 : Episode 79
February. 16,2020
Episode 78 : Episode 78
February. 15,2020
Episode 77 : Episode 77
February. 15,2020
Episode 76 : Episode 76
February. 09,2020
Episode 75 : Episode 75
February. 09,2020
Episode 74 : Episode 74
February. 08,2020
Episode 73 : Episode 73
February. 08,2020
Episode 72 : Episode 72
February. 02,2020
Episode 71 : Episode 71
February. 02,2020
Episode 70 : Episode 70
February. 01,2020
Episode 69 : Episode 69
February. 01,2020
Episode 68 : Episode 68
January. 26,2020
Episode 67 : Episode 67
January. 26,2020
Episode 66 : Episode 66
January. 25,2020
Episode 65 : Episode 65
January. 25,2020
Episode 64 : Episode 64
January. 19,2020
Episode 63 : Episode 63
January. 19,2020
Episode 62 : Episode 62
January. 18,2020
Episode 61 : Episode 61
January. 18,2020
Episode 60 : Episode 60
January. 12,2020
Episode 59 : Episode 59
January. 12,2020
Episode 58 : Episode 58
January. 11,2020
Episode 57 : Episode 57
January. 11,2020
Episode 56 : Episode 56
January. 05,2020
Episode 55 : Episode 55
January. 05,2020
Episode 54 : Episode 54
January. 04,2020
Episode 53 : Episode 53
January. 04,2020
Episode 52 : Tae Rang Asks Seol Ah for Time Apart from Each Other
December. 22,2019
Seol Ah is asked to be the main host of “Good Morning Live”, not knowing that Jin U is planning to completely interfere with all her ongoing work-related events. Meanwhile, Seol Ah is forced to ride a taxi with Jin U on her way to see Tae Rang. When she gets there, Tae Rang asks Seol Ah for some time apart from each other and persuades her that she should settle things with Jin U first.
Episode 51 : Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi Get into a Fight
December. 22,2019
Cheong Ah returns from her last meeting with Judge Hong. She is surprised to find Jun Hwi waiting for her outside her house. While sitting in Jun Hwi’s car before heading in, the couple gets into an argument about the wristwatch Cheong Ah is wearing. Jun Hwi’s sudden reaction baffles Cheong Ah. Meanwhile, Seol Ah gets angry at Jin U who keeps interfering with her work.
Episode 50 : Seol Ah Hosting a Show
December. 21,2019
Seol Ah gets to fill in for a morning show. She becomes so nervous before the show that she asks Tae Rang to come over to the broadcasting station. Jun Hwi hurriedly comes to Cheong Ah's house after hearing that Cheong Ah is hurt, but she's not home. Meanwhile, Cheong Ah has dinner and goes to a movie with Yu Ra.
Episode 49 : Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi’s Sweet Date
December. 21,2019
Jin U’s heartfelt apology still is not enough to change Seol Ah’s mind and only makes things worse between Jin U and Chairwoman Hong. Meanwhile, Seol Ah becomes worried that Cheong Ah’s feelings for Jun Hwi might get deeper. However, Jun Hwi seems to have no intention of breaking up and takes Cheong Ah to a comic book cafe for a sweet date.
Episode 48 : Seol Ah Shoots a Video of Herself Eating Food
December. 15,2019
With the goal to be a reporter for a TV show, Seol Ah tries to shoot a video of her eating food at a restaurant by herself. But then, Tae Rang and his father suddenly come into the restaurant, and Seol Ah hurriedly leaves the place. Meanwhile, Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi have a date in an exhibition. They promise to go to Paris together in the future.
Episode 47 : Trying to Say Goodbye
December. 15,2019
Jun Hwi takes Seol Ah’s advice and tries to break up with Cheong Ah. However, his actions don’t convey the same message as what he is saying. Meanwhile, Jin U continues to pursue Seol Ah in every way he can think of. But no matter what Jin U does, Seol Ah keeps pushing him away. Lastly, Judge Hong says goodbye to Cheong Ah for good.
Episode 46 : Hae Rang's Warning
December. 14,2019
Hae Rang tells Tae Rang that she has found out Seol Ah is the woman who Tae Rang has a crush on. She also says that she will marry Jin U, who is Seol Ah's ex-husband, at all costs. Meanwhile, Jun Hwi makes up his mind to break up with Cheong Ah after he has a talk with Seol Ah. He comes to see Cheong Ah.
Episode 45 : Jun Hwi is Put on the Spot
December. 14,2019
Jun Hwi gets angry at Jin U, thinking that Jin U told Cheong Ah’s dad and sister that they are related. However, he realizes that nothing has been revealed yet. He goes along with the half-truth that Jin U makes up on the spot. Later, Cheong Ah gets upset that she knows so little about Jun Hwi. Meanwhile, Jin U sees Seol Ah and Tae Rang walking home and looking happy together.
Episode 44 : Budding Romance
December. 08,2019
Jun Hwi’s unusual behavior at home leads to Judge Hong figuring out that he has a girlfriend. Meanwhile, Hae Rang tells Chairwoman Hong that Seol Ah is using her brother for revenge after she is hurt once more by Jin U’s cold shoulder. Despite all the interference, Seol Ah and Tae Rang continue to enjoy their budding relationship by going to the market together.
Episode 43 : Jin U’s Jealousy Grows
December. 08,2019
Seol Ah finally confesses her feelings for Tae Rang and they enjoy each other’s company at Tae Rang’s restaurant. However, Jin U shows up out of nowhere and interrupts their intimate moment. Meanwhile, Jun Hwi takes Cheong Ah home and somehow ends up being beaten by Yeong Woong. Things get slightly awkward when Jun Hwi gets invited into the house.
Episode 42 : Unrequited Love
December. 07,2019
Jin U gets invited into the house by Yeong Woong and they both get drunk and fall asleep. Jin U wakes Seol Ah in the middle of the night and confesses that being in the same room as her makes his heart race. However, Seol Ah doesn’t feel the same way. Meanwhile, Jun Hwi must keep his relationship with Cheong Ah a secret from his mom.
Episode 41 : Seol Ah’s Two Suitors
December. 07,2019
Tae Rang tells Seol Ah how he feels about her, but Seol Ah is unsure of what she should do. Meanwhile, Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi go to see a movie, but Jun Hwi’s odd behavior leaves Cheong Ah feeling frustrated. As Hae Rang warns Seol Ah to leave Jin U and her brother alone, Jin U decides to take another shot at winning Seol Ah’s heart and drives her old car to her house.
Episode 40 : Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi’s First Date
December. 01,2019
Jin U tells Hae Rang that he wants to try to get back together with Seol Ah and Hae Rang is heartbroken. However, she does not plan to give up on Jin U just yet. Meanwhile, both Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi are excited for their first date. As they sit by the Han River, Jun Hwi seems excited to say something.
Episode 39 : Trying to Start Over
December. 01,2019
As Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi officially start dating, Seol Ah is surprised to see Jin U waiting for her after work. Jin U wants to start over with Seol Ah, but Seol Ah is confused between Jin U and Tae Rang. After dropping Seol Ah off in front of her house, Jin U finds Seol Ah’s phone in his car. While trying to figure out how to return it discreetly, he runs into Yeong Woong.
Episode 38 : Planning for Bigger Things
November. 30,2019
On Jin U’s first day back at work, he runs into Tae Rang in front of the Inter Market building. Jin U is surprised and bothered to hear that Tae Rang is Hae Rang’s brother. As the Sports Marketing Department gets an influx of support from Vice Chairman Do, Jun Hwi begins planning for bigger things. He goes to see Cheong Ah after work but finds an unexpected intruder already there.
Episode 37 : Training the Jerk
November. 30,2019
Jin U follows Seol Ah as she goes to hang out with Tae Rang and confronts her. Jin U goes home angry and Hae Rang can’t do anything to make him feel better. Meanwhile, Cheong Ah begins training Jun Hwi to be less of a jerk. At home, Yeon Ah and Young Ae are concerned that Yeong Woong has housewife depression.
Episode 36 : Seol Ah Officially Breaks Up with Jin U
November. 24,2019
In an attempt to regain Seol Ah’s favor, Jin U sends flowers and gifts to her house. However, Seol Ah refuses to let him sway her and sends everything back to him. Young Ae is furious that Jin U did such a thing without apologizing properly and goes to visit him in the hospital. Meanwhile, Jun Hwi signs a contract with Yeon Ah and uses the excuse to call Cheong Ah again.
Episode 35 : Trying to Ignore their Feelings
November. 24,2019
Jin U is shocked to discover that he and Seol Ah are divorced and has a hard time accepting it. He finally realizes that Seol Ah knows about his relationship with Hae Rang. Meanwhile, Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi reunite and they both seem to have feelings for each other. However, Young Ae shows up to make things a bit awkward. Also, Jun Hwi remembers his mom asking him not to meet Cheong Ah.
Episode 34 : Jun Hwi’s Return
November. 23,2019
Jin U is angry and confused about everything that happened during the past year. Meanwhile, Judge Hong invites Cheong Ah out to dinner to celebrate her first day of work. During their meal, Judge Hong gets a call from Jun Hwi saying that he is back. Finally, Yeon Ah decides that she wants to ask Jun Hwi whether the contract deal is still available.
Episode 33 : One Year Later
November. 23,2019
A year passes by and Jin U finally wakes up from his coma. However, he and Seol Ah are already divorced. Seol Ah tries to live a new life, although she can’t help but visit Jin U every week. Meanwhile, Cheong Ah finishes her time at the police academy and gets her first assignment. When she reports for duty on her first day, she meets a friendly face.
Episode 32 : The Exam Results
November. 17,2019
Tae Rang goes to see Chairwoman Hong and hands her a letter of resignation on behalf of his sister, but Hae Rang still wants to stay by Jin U’s side and eventually take Seol Ah’s place as his wife. Young Ae overhears Chairwoman Hong and Hae Rang’s conversation and lashes out at them both. Meanwhile, Cheong Ah’s exam results are finally out, but she is too nervous to check it herself.
Episode 31 : The Truth About Jun Gyeom and Cheong Ah’s Relationship
November. 17,2019
Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi are glad to finally recognize each other from the train years ago, but Jun Hwi bids Cheong Ah farewell. However, when Jun Hwi goes to meet the high school tennis player he wants to scout, he realizes more about Cheong Ah and her family than he expected. Meanwhile, Young Ae is livid that Hae Rang is back in her daughter's life.
Episode 30 : Meddlesome Reporters
November. 16,2019
Chairwoman Hong wants to throw Seol Ah out. But with the press starting to follow them for interviews regarding Jin U’s accident, she has to continue pretending to be a good mother-in-law. Meanwhile, Tae Rang tries to convince Hae Rang to do the right thing and leave Jin U, but she refuses to listen. Finally, Jun Hwi decides to ask Cheong Ah about the first guy she fell for.
Episode 29 : Reaching a Settlement
November. 16,2019
Cheong Ah and Seol Ah threaten Chairwoman Hong with the voice recording. Cheong Ah deletes the recording, but Jun Hwi also pushes Chairwoman Hong to make a settlement with Rim. However, Chairwoman Hong presents Jun Hwi with a condition. Later, as Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi talk on the phone, Jun Hwi gets the feeling that Cheong Ah is the same person he met before.
Episode 28 : Despicable Chairwoman Hong
November. 10,2019
While Seol Ah keeps her promise to Tae Rang that she won’t tell Hae Rang’s father about her affair, Chairwoman Hwa Young uses Hae Rang’s love for Jin U and asks her to make a false statement to the police. Cheong Ah tries to threaten Hwa Young with a recording to protect Rim.
Episode 27 : Seol Ah Comes Home
November. 10,2019
Seol Ah comes home, and her family warmly welcomes. Seol Ah, Cheong Ah, and Yeon Ah have an honest talk for the first time in a long time. Meanwhile, Hwa Young thinks Seol Ah and Tae Rang are having an affair, and tells Hae Rang not to give up on Jin U and be his side.
Episode 26 : Wife and Mistress Begin their Fight
November. 09,2019
Jun Hwi updates Rim about Inspector Mun’s involvement in the case and Rim tells Jun Hwi that Cheong Ah isn’t his girlfriend. Later, when they meet outside the hospital, Jun Hwi finds himself smiling when he sees Cheong Ah. Meanwhile, Seol Ah runs into Hae Rang waiting to see Jin U. The fight between the wife and mistress begins, as Chairwoman Hong intercepts a note from Tae Rang to Seol Ah.
Episode 25 : The Other Woman Wakes Up
November. 09,2019
Hae Rang wakes up from her coma and Seol Ah finally finds out that Tae Rang and Hae Rang are siblings, not husband and wife. Seol Ah feels betrayed that she opened up to Tae Rang. Meanwhile, Inspector Mun decides to help Jun Hwi investigate the car accident. Finally, Rim and Jun Hwi meet outside Hae Rang’s hospital room.
Episode 24 : Cheong Ah Plans to Fight
November. 03,2019
Cheong Ah receives a phone call from Judge Hong, who asks Cheong Ah to join her for dinner. Cheong Ah hesitates, wondering whether she should meet Judge Hong or run and hide as Seol Ah told her to. Meanwhile, Jun Hwi gets called up to Chairwoman Hong’s office. He becomes worried that the chairwoman could have threatened Cheong Ah as well and goes to see her at the studio.
Episode 23 : False Kindness
November. 03,2019
Seol Ah eats her mom’s food that Tae Rang delivers to her. When Chairwoman Hong sees Seol Ah eating, she suppresses her anger and begins her nice mother-in-law act, just as her lawyer suggested. Meanwhile, Yeong Woong comes home from the local welfare center empty-handed and tries to blame it on Young Ae, as usual. However, this time, Young Ae takes a stand.
Episode 22 : Taking Sides, Taking Money
November. 02,2019
Tae Rang receives a phone call from Young Ae, asking to deliver another meal to Seol Ah. At the office, Chairwoman Hong bursts into Jun Hwi’s office and warns him to stay away from Cheong Ah. Meanwhile, Cheong Ah visits her mom, who gives her an envelope of money. While leaving her parents’ house, she runs into Mr. Cha, Chairwoman Hong’s secretary.
Episode 21 : Taking the Investigation into their Own Hands
November. 02,2019
Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi meet at the accident site by chance. Cheong Ah tags along with Jun Hwi, whether he likes it or not. As they find evidence from the accident together, both Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi discover more about each other. Meanwhile, Seol Ah convinces Chairwoman Hong that they should be on the same side.
Episode 20 : A Lie That Makes Another Lie
October. 27,2019
Tae Rang brings home the food that Young Ae made for Seol Ah and delivers it the next day. Seol Ah thinks Tae Rang must have some other motive, clueless that the food is actually from her mom. Meanwhile, Chairwoman Hong continues to threaten Seol Ah with divorce, using the picture of Hae Rang and Jin U as proof of Jin U’s intentions. Finally, Judge Hong visits Cheong Ah at her studio apartment.
Episode 19 : Pretending Not To Know
October. 27,2019
Young Ae and Judge Hong meet in the lobby of the hospital. When Seol Ah shows up to meet her aunt-in-law, she’s surprised to see her mom there but pretends not to know her. Young Ae leaves the hospital in a hurry, but her legs give in from the shock of the encounter. Tae Rang sees her and helps her get home. Meanwhile, Cheong Ah confides in Jun Hwi regarding the accident.
Episode 18 : The Search Continues
October. 26,2019
Seol Ah discovers Jin U’s generosity toward Hae Rang and her family and becomes even more enraged. However, Chairwoman Hong continues digging for evidence of Jin U’s affair to use as an excuse to get Seol Ah divorced from her son. Meanwhile, Young Ae discusses the accident with Cheong Ah and says that they must take Seol Ah’s side. Jun Hwi’s search for the girl from Jun Gyeom’s death continues.
Episode 17 : Mother and Daughter Reunite
October. 26,2019
Cheong Ah runs into Chairwoman Hong in front of the elevators at Inter Market. Before Chairwoman Hong remembers who she is, Cheong Ah makes a run for it. Meanwhile, Young Ae discovers that she needs surgery. As she sits near the hospital, thinking about what the doctor told her, she sees Seol Ah for the first time in nine years. They have a brief, tearful reunion.
Episode 16 : Repayment Contract
October. 20,2019
Yeong Woong sulks over his wife’s supposed mistreatment of him and he sneaks out with Yeon Ah’s gold medal to replace with a fake. Jun Hwi submits a repayment contract regarding the camera that Cheong Ah damaged, but his boss is not happy about it. Jun Hwi calls Cheong Ah into the office to sign the contract. Meanwhile, Young Ae visits an OBGYN at the hospital where Jin U is being treated.
Episode 15 : The Sisters' Reunion
October. 20,2019
Cheong Ah and Seol Ah run into each other in front of the ICU and they realize that they are both involved in the same car accident. Seol Ah tells Cheong Ah to keep their reunion a secret from their mom. Tae Rang sees Seol Ah waiting in front of the ICU and forces her to go eat with him. As they fall asleep in the hospital chapel, Jin U’s condition worsens.
Episode 14 : Protecting Assets
October. 19,2019
Cheong Ah and Jun Hwi return to the hospital together. Jun Hwi tells her to come by his office the next day to discuss the payment she owes for damaging the camera. Cheong Ah ends up telling Jun Hwi about Jin U’s car accident. Meanwhile, Chairwoman Hong is busy protecting Jin U’s assets from Seol Ah, who takes desperate measures to keep her place as Jin U’s wife.
Episode 13 : Clearing Up the Misunderstanding
October. 19,2019
Cheong Ah shows up at Rim’s hospital room in the Mr. Lightning costume to prove her innocence to Jun Hwi. They go to the patrol division to let the police know what happened. After Cheong Ah’s name is finally cleared, Jun Hwi asks the Head of Patrol about the detective who handled Jun Gyeom’s death several years ago. Meanwhile, Seol Ah is in shock after hearing Jin U’s condition.
Episode 12 : Seol Ah, the Livid Wife
October. 13,2019
Jun Hwi visits Cheong Ah’s studio apartment in search of Rim, who he thinks is Mr. Lightning. Suddenly, Cheong Ah gets a call from the hospital. Rim is the victim of the car accident that Jin U caused, but he isn’t badly hurt. Jin U, on the other hand, is still unconscious after surgery. However, Seol Ah discovers that Jin U is having an affair. Seol Ah tries to keep Jin U’s affair a secret from Chairwoman Hong.
Episode 11 : Jin U’s Affair
October. 13,2019
Jun Hwi visits Cheong Ah’s studio apartment in search of Rim, who he thinks is Mr. Lightning. Suddenly, Cheong Ah gets a call from the hospital. Rim is the victim of the car accident that Jin U caused, but he isn’t badly hurt. Jin U, on the other hand, is still unconscious after surgery. However, Seol Ah discovers that Jin U is having an affair. Seol Ah tries to keep Jin U’s affair a secret from Chairwoman Hong.
Episode 10 : Mistaken Identity
October. 12,2019
Cheong Ah’s friend Baek Rim asks her to fill in for him on a part-time job. She goes to the park, dressed as Mr. Lightning, to hand out flyers. Meanwhile, Jun Hwi, who now works at Inter Market’s Sports Marketing Department, is at the same park for a promotional event. Jun Hwi mistakes Cheong Ah as someone his team hired for the event. Finally, Seol Ah gets shocking news while visiting the hospital.
Episode 9 : Nine Years Later
October. 12,2019
Nine years after Jun Gyeom’s death, Cheong Ah studies to become a police officer. She takes the civil service exam for the seventh year running, but things don’t seem to go very well. Still, Cheong Ah tries hard, remembering Jun Gyeom’s last words to her. Meanwhile, Seol Ah lives a harrowing life as Vice Chairman Do Jin U’s wife, because she still doesn’t have a baby.
Episode 8 : The Proposal
October. 06,2019
Seol Ah’s blind date turns out to be better than she expected. However, when she comes home, she figures out that her date is related to Jun Gyeom. Seol Ah blames Cheong Ah for ruining her chances of marrying a rich man. Meanwhile, Judge Hong invites Cheong Ah to her house and asks to know the truth about Jun Gyeom’s death. Finally, a year goes by and Jun Hwi receives a strange letter.
Episode 7 : Jun Gyeom’s Funeral
October. 06,2019
The day of Jun Gyeom’s funeral arrives. Judge Hong calls Cheong Ah’s mom, Young Ae, and finds out that Cheong Ah went to school. However, Cheong Ah shows up at the funeral on her own. Chairwoman Hong, Jun Gyeom's aunt, takes her anger out on Cheong Ah. Meanwhile, Seol Ah goes on a blind date, but the man who shows up is not the person she expected to see.
Episode 6 : The Press Get Involved
October. 05,2019
Seol Ah sees her mom trying to hide Cheong Ah and Joon Kyum’s phones. She tells her mom that an inquiry at the phone service provider will reveal the call and text histories anyway. Meanwhile, Jin Woo brings in a reporter to spin the story of his cousin’s death in a favorable way to the family business. As the press begins to hound Judge Hong, she reconsiders the investigation.
Episode 5 : Autopsy Request
October. 05,2019
While Cheong Ah is on her way out of the police station with Joon Kyum’s letter, Judge Hong bursts in wearing her pajamas. Judge Hong tries to search Cheong Ah and when that doesn’t work, she requests an autopsy on Joon Kyum’s body. Meanwhile, Seol Ah pieces together the story and figures out what is going on. Later on, the police come to search Cheong Ah’s room.
Episode 4 : Jin Woo’s Interest in Seol Ah Grows
September. 29,2019
At home, Cheong Ah confesses why she wanted to end her life. Meanwhile, Seol Ah is searching for a fashion brand that will sponsor her wardrobe, but to no avail. However, Jin Woo overhears Seol Ah talking to the store employee and decides to sponsor her wardrobe personally. Finally, Cheong Ah must sneak out Joon Kyum’s letter from police evidence.
Episode 3 : The Investigation Begins
September. 29,2019
Cheong Ah must make a witness statement at the police station about Joon Kyum’s death, but she is still in shock. Her mom takes the lead, making things up as she goes. Judge Hong comes to the police station after identifying her son’s body. She is not only upset about her son’s death, but also suspicious of Cheong Ah’s story.
Episode 2 : Cheong Ah Meets Joon Kyum
September. 28,2019
The friend Cheong Ah plans to meet at the train station is Joon Kyum, a boy from a well-off family. The two teens plan to commit suicide together. They enjoy their last meal together and return to the small room they have rented, where Cheong Ah falls asleep. When she wakes up in the middle of the night, Joon Kyum is gone and only a letter remains. Cheong Ah calls her mom for help, who tells her to make everything look like an accident.
Episode 1 : Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life
September. 28,2019
It’s the summer of 2009 and Cheong Ah is a senior in high school who is the second of three daughters. Her parents run a small chicken restaurant while her older sister is a news anchor. Cheong Ah doesn’t have any hopes or dreams, and no one knows why, except for a friend she has only talked to via text messages. She skips school and gets on a train to go meet him where she runs into a handsome soldier.


Season 1
Season 1 2019

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