Science Fiction

Popular Science Fiction Movies

Sense of Scale
Sense of Scale
Berton Pierce travelled around America and Europe to interview model makers. Each offers a personal account of their work, and thoughts on the changes in the industry. The documentary is an oral history of the amazing hand crafted workmanship that has produced many iconic film effects over the last 35 years. It focuses on a subject Berton cares deeply about; how computer technology is slowly taking away practical hand made craftsmanship.
Sense of Scale 2012
Children of the Hunt
Children of the Hunt
In the dystopian future of 2052, mankind has devolved into two extremes of "have's" and "have not's". Those with the means have become so decadent that, if they wish, they have the power to hunt and kill another human being. Those without the means have become the hunted. The Brotherhood of Mars Corporation controls the battlefield where the hunts are staged. When the Brotherhood casts out one of their own, Morgan, into the dangerous wilderness, he must quickly adapt and join a struggling tribe of survivors. There he meets Naomi, a beautiful and resourceful young woman who's deadly with her bow. Just when they learn to trust each other, the Brotherhood of Mars have sent out their most bloodthirsty hunters to track them down. Let the games begin!
Children of the Hunt 2009
Usin UFO Bikin Kecoh
Usin UFO Bikin Kecoh
Usin, a young villager, is abducted by aliens to be used as their test subject. His body becomes half man, half alien after the experiments and operations. When the aliens release him from their custody, Usin starts to behave weirdly and this starts to create a scene in the village.
Usin UFO Bikin Kecoh 2016
Teach 109
Teach 109
In the future, surgeons practice their skill on androids designed to imitate patients, but Dr. Garrett sees this as pointless since she cares little about fake robotic patients. However, her latest patient Teach 109 changes her mind.
Teach 109 1990
In Tokyo, an impenetrable field known as "Hell's Gate" appeared ten years ago. At the same time, psychics who wield paranormal powers at the cost of their conscience also emerged. Hei is one of the most powerful of these psychic agents, and along with his blind associate, Yin, works for one of the many rival agencies vying to unlock the mysteries of Hell's Gate.
L'odyssée de Xanax
L'odyssée de Xanax
L'odyssée de Xanax 2019
Imagine someone or something takes your identity, along with your memories and emotions. That’s what happens to a nurse, Cathy Myers (Deborah Thomas). While making her rounds, Cathy is attacked by a patient. Soon she finds herself driven by a hunger she cannot control. Absorbing the very souls of those unfortunate enough to cross her path. THE SLEAZE BOX presents Chris Woods' CHAMELEON!
Chameleon 1999
Three Point Dynamics
Three Point Dynamics
An alcoholic, theoretical physicist seeks to right the wrongs of his past by applying his unified theory to reality.
Three Point Dynamics 1
VR Food
VR Food
The quest for virtual food — infinite deliciousness with zero calories — is derailed when inventors mistake a film, “VR Food,” as a rival.
VR Food 2019
The Staff
The Staff
Rutger is an ET with the mission of spending 72 hours on Earth to understand human behavior. As an undercover, he pretends to be a documentarist and chooses the city of Rio de Janeiro to begin his research.
The Staff 2013
Hidden Legend of the Lost Temple
Hidden Legend of the Lost Temple
Author Brian Foerster explores the possibility that a technologically advanced civilization existed in the areas of Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo and PumaPunku in Peru, long before the Inca Empire.
Hidden Legend of the Lost Temple 1
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Gamera vs. Guiron
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Gamera vs. Guiron
As two Earth boys plead for Gamera to rescue them from a planet of cannibals, Crow experiences a wonderful dream in which he turns the tables on the Mads.
Mystery Science Theater 3000: Gamera vs. Guiron 1989
That Little Monster
That Little Monster
A young teenage girl is hired by a strange couple to watch their baby for the night. What the babysitter doesn't know is how strange the couple is, and exactly what kind of baby she is watching over.
That Little Monster 1994
Super Hell 2
Super Hell 2
Further hijinx from the creatures, aliens and hangers-on introduced in Super Hell.
Super Hell 2 2008
Into The Dark
Into The Dark
Sometime in the future, two men strapped in back to back, on a journey from Moon to Earth.
Into The Dark 2015
Winter Bloom
Winter Bloom
The world is devastated by an ecological catastrophe. An old mercenary with a lung disease receives a seemingly simple assignment to deliver a young girl to a destination that would enable him to retire.
Winter Bloom 2022
Knights of Heaven
Knights of Heaven
A military group of alpinists are selected to carry out a secret mission. The fate of humanity depends on their success. The rules of the mission require the death of each participant once his or her task is accomplished. After killing one of their colleagues and splitting into several groups, the alpinists continue their journey. But the human unconscious doesn’t follow military orders. Having once committed murder, the “knights” can’t control their desire to kill. They forgot their mission… and kill each other instead. —University of Pittsburgh
Knights of Heaven 1989
The Adventures of Hector Westwood: The Cult of Evil
The Adventures of Hector Westwood: The Cult of Evil
A lovingly crafted homage to adventure B-movies of the 1930s from debut director Henry Rowlands, with a screenplay by author Patrick Davies Jones
The Adventures of Hector Westwood: The Cult of Evil 2018
Tales from Genesis Space
Tales from Genesis Space
There is a place on the backwaters of the Internet where an entire universe has spun off of its own accord. This place is called Genesis Space and it is a birthing ground of imagination. There has been much press given to the "promise" of the Internet, but few know where that promise lies. Consider this video presentation a road map to that place and be prepared to be astounded by what awaits you. I bid you welcome to Genesis Space. The only limits in this place are the ones Self-imposed on your own imagination. Free your mind and take a walk through this strange place. Your feet may never touch the ground...
Tales from Genesis Space 2000
During a mission to colonize an alien planet, Officer Emma Fremont discovers that her crew have had their memories of Earth and their families erased. Determined to keep her own memories of her son and husband intact, Emma must fight back against her brainwashed crew.
Starlight 1
Planet of the Astronauts
Planet of the Astronauts
Three lovable astronauts return to Earth following a failed mission to Uranus, and four years trapped in a black hole. They land in a deserted New York City, which they explore; until coincidentally discovering other astronauts, who make them aware of the Covid-27 virus and its subsequent pandemic. The newly founded international alliance of astronauts (and the commander's love interest) aim to cross over to Europe, in search of an Italian doctor and his everlasting vaccine; in order to save humanity.
Planet of the Astronauts 2022
Homo erectus
Homo erectus
This video features no words, only music and images. Ema Kugler describes the moving images as: “They are like a dark, surrealist dance of everyman with his own death. I have seen all these images. They came from the darkness of my subconsciousness, colonized me and obsessed me.” The video shows images, which together with the accompanying music give an impression of the infinite and the divine and being sucked into an abyss from where there is no return. The images bring us to the edge of our existence and twist us in the darkness of the subconscious and inevitable oblivion. There are no words or speech in the video, only music and images but the storyline is clear nevertheless. The images are silent witnesses to our imprisonment in the world of automatism – bureaucracy and authority – god and ruler who lead us into pointless wars, killing and death. Individuals are helpless prisoners of these forces. (Source: Slovenian Film Centre)
Homo erectus 2001
The Last Haw
The Last Haw
A Gunslinger and her sidekick investigate an otherworldly threat.
The Last Haw 2022
A team of elite soldiers drop into a remote jungle -- and encounter an unexpected enemy.
Anomaly 2022
Meet Frank (or Perfect Sunset Man)
Meet Frank (or Perfect Sunset Man)
Frank, a lonely man coasting by in life, is gifted a memory foam pillow by his over-barring mother. Frank soon discovers this pillow contains real memories, memories of a girl whom Frank believes to be the woman of his dreams...
Meet Frank (or Perfect Sunset Man) 2022
She, the Ultimate Weapon: Another Love Song
She, the Ultimate Weapon: Another Love Song
For the ultimate weapon, career soldier Lt. Mizuki is that prototype. As she comes to the limit of her powers as a weapon, she must watch the unfolding of Chise's growth into the final weapon.
She, the Ultimate Weapon: Another Love Song 2005
4 college students go on a camping trip deep into the mountains only to return with a mysterious entity surrounding them.
Xeriphium 2019
Ex-lovers Jase and Kayla find themselves caught in a time loop when they're whisked to "The Time Chamber" by an eternal robot named Sarge (Baker) and his time refugee sidekick Zymo. Now they must restore the continuity of time, stop the time terrorists, save the world and fall in love all over again.
Backtime 1998
Natural selection says that only those who adapt will survive. What if humans have become stupid?
Survivers 2021
Nadine (Lisa Sookhiram) is sucked into an otherworld through the mirror -- but nobody knows it; they still see her, but it's her reflection. Yet everyone's puzzled by the new Nadine's aggressively sexual and dangerous behavior. Can her boyfriend, Eric (James Kautz, former World Kickboxing Champion), stop her from going down this path of destruction? Will the real Nadine ever come back?
Reflection 2007
로보트 태권V: 날아라! 우주전함 거북선
로보트 태권V: 날아라! 우주전함 거북선
로보트 태권V: 날아라! 우주전함 거북선 1979
All you need to make a movie is a girl and a gun "Jean-Luc-Godard" .And from this point of view I used a girl and my mobile camera, and I didn't need a gun at all, so I filmed the confusion, fatigue and exhaustion of a twenty-year-old girl when she moved recently to a new empty house to live in.
Stellar Chronicles
Stellar Chronicles
Amaryllis, an alien, came to our planet to prevent the Earth's destruction, as happens with her own planet, and to take revenge to the Greys, the race whom destroyed her kind.
Stellar Chronicles 2014
When a documentary crew covers the Philippine Giant Monster Defense Institute's MIGHTY ROBO V Program, they learn that maybe the wrong people were hired for the job.
Who Stole the Jam?
Who Stole the Jam?
Youtuber Patrick Frey lives with his mother at a transport hub in Zurich. Suddenly, nothing is the same anymore when his account is blocked by an algorithm and the homemade strawberry jam is stolen from the cellar.
Who Stole the Jam? 2022
Dan Freeman an obsessive UFO Hunter roams the Nevada desert around AREA 51 searching the skies for contact, but alone in the desert he awakens to a deeper mystery.
Dreamland 2009
The Wakener is a Sci-Fi Horror film that follows a broken and haunted ship technician and a young, honorable military officer. Their paths collide when a ghost ship powered by tech outlawed centuries ago mysteriously appears at Point Station. The station's chief officer orders the ship secretly investigated for nefarious reasons. As a result, the Technician and Officer are compelled to fulfill an ancient and catastrophic destiny.
Wakener 2022
Rewind Hispano 2023
Rewind Hispano 2023
Rewind Hispano 2023 2023
Shaft of Light
Shaft of Light
Stop motion animation set in a dystopian industrialized society.
Shaft of Light 1996
Speak For Herself
Speak For Herself
In a world where artificial intelligence plays an integral role in everyday life, a young and debt-ridden technophobe chooses to take part in a mysterious social experiment for the much-needed money. However, in order to receive the cash, she must speak live to the entire planet for one minute…
Speak For Herself 2022