
Popular Romance Movies

Kala Malam Bulan Mengambang
Kala Malam Bulan Mengambang
A reporter, Saleh finds himself stuck in a kampong after his tyre of his MG was punctured by a strange keris, (with the bone of a hand attached). Within his short stay in the pekan kecil, he finds out that when there is a full moon, each virgin man will disappear from the village.. He meets the beautiful and mysterious Cik Putih, sister to the mechanic Jongkiding, and immediately feel smitten. At the same time, rumours abound quietly in the village of a vampire who is on the hunt for men and their blood. People start disappearing again starting from Cik Rogayah. Who has been kidnapping them? What is the secret of the village that Saleh still doesn't know about?
Kala Malam Bulan Mengambang 2008
Turn Out the Light
Turn Out the Light
Suddenly the apartments house looses light on a New Year eve... This brings the perfect opportunity to all the neighbors to meet each other.
Turn Out the Light 2008
Добрая подружка для всех
Добрая подружка для всех
Наташа Петушкова очень похожа на героя Олега Басилашвили из фильма "Осенний марафон" - она очень добрый и отзывчивый человек, который всегда сперва думает об окружающих и только потом о себе. Часто, заботясь о других, Наташа забывает о своем личном счастье, на него просто не остается времени. Незадолго до Нового года девушка узнает, что книжное издательство организует конкурс на звание самой преданной поклонницы ее любимого писателя Александра Снегирева. Автор лучшего письма к кумиру получит уникальную возможность провести с ним вечер тет-а-тет. Наташа не может упустить такой шанс...
Добрая подружка для всех 2008
Devochka Moya
Devochka Moya
Однажды, после тяжелого концерта в ночном клубе звезда джаз-кабаре Астров, просыпаясь в гостиничном номере, обнаруживает в своей постели малолетнюю фанатку. Девочка утверждает, что Астров ее изнасиловал и угрожает выброситься с балкона. Бдительной горничной тут же вызвана милиция, разгорается ужасный скандал… Желтая пресса плотоядно потирает ручки, предвкушая как джаз-музыканта вот-вот упекут за решетку за развращение несовершеннолетней сиротки, мать которой умерла при родах… Но честь Астрова и невинность девочки удается доказать. Астрова отпускают из-под стражи, однако адвокат советует своему подопечному разыграть для вездесущих журналистов смерть от «сердечного приступа», на время уехать в провинцию и «залечь на дно», пока не забудется эта «сомнительная история». Расстроенный Астров направляется на вынужденный отдых «на историческую родину» - в городок своего детства, где не был со дня окончания школы. Здесь его ждёт встреча с первой любовью и новые «приключения»…
Devochka Moya 2008
Lacuna Coil: Loud Park 2007
Lacuna Coil: Loud Park 2007
To the Edge Swamped Closer Within Me Daylight Dancer Our Truth
Lacuna Coil: Loud Park 2007 2008
Udacnyy Obmen
Udacnyy Obmen
Даша и Дима женаты пять лет. За это время страсть угасла и романтические отношения уступили место прохладным супружеским будням. Дима сообщает, что к ним приезжает его брат-близнец Кирилл. Он летит на юг и задержится в Москве всего на один день. Даша очарована своим деверем, который как две капли воды похож на ее мужа. Кирилл, в свою очередь, говорит брату, что такую супругу, как Даша, он бы носил на руках. Не растерявшись, Дмитрий предоставляет ему такую возможность…
Udacnyy Obmen 2008
Beñat has failed 7 subjects in school, so his parents have decided to send him to a summer camp. Irati is shy and a good student, but has been having a difficult time since her parents decided to get a divorce. As soon as Beñat and Irati look at each other, it will be love at first sight, which will completely change the summer for both of them.
Go!azen 2008
Six-year-old Andong is obsessed, and nothing, not even his mother’s disapproval and constant nagging can help curve his, somewhat, persistent infatuation. So it didn’t come out as a surprise to anyone, when, one fateful day, the precocious little boy went into a mad frenzy over the prospect of, finally, landing the, much-coveted, love-of-his-life. or a poor boy who only yearned for one thing - and nothing more, in his life, this break was, without a doubt, the answer to all of his prayers. Now, if only he can convince his mother to give him twenty pesos. It was harder than he thought.
Andong 2008
A successful businessman accidentally learns about his wife's betrayal with his best friend. Overnight, he loses both his friend and wife. In a fit of despair leaves for the city of his first love. Once in a random prostitute, he recognizes his daughter, who was born without him in a distant city. But it is not so easy to find happiness. And is it a daughter?
Daughter 2008
A Simple Promise
A Simple Promise
A struggling young artist meets a talented, and undiscovered songstress. Desperately seeking success, they both must face hard truths and contend with sacrifice on their individual paths to fame and along the way they find a love that teaches them what success is really all about.
A Simple Promise 2008
HOY HOY 2008
Follows the flirtation between Manuel and Lourdes, two Negrosanon whose lives revolve around food. Along the way, we are treated to the full panorama of Negrosanon cuisine and the idiosyncrasies of Negrosanon eating.
Namets! 2008
Finally, Lillian and Dan
Finally, Lillian and Dan
FINALLY, LILLIAN AND DAN is a meditation on young love and its delicacy its hope and exhilaration, as well as its loneliness and naivete. Lillian lives in a quiet yet comfortable isolation, sharing an apartment with her grandmother, an aging widow. Their dependence on one another is mutual, simultaneously making them whole and holding them back. Dan's dependence is more tactile. Living in more tortured solitude, his attempts at human connection are carried out in the only way he can manage: in compulsive fits and starts. After a chance meeting, Lillian and Dan bump and misstep their way towards one another in a love story that is awkward and small, that stutters and spits, with its worry lines on its face and its heart on its sleeve.
Finally, Lillian and Dan 2008
Predannyy Drug
Predannyy Drug
Когда-то в юности Игорь и Миша были закадычными друзьями, вместе учились, вместе развлекались, и любовь у них тоже была одна на двоих... С Инной ребята подружились в институте. Красивая веселая девушка всюду была в сопровождении своих преданных кавалеров. Незаметно отношения неразлучной троицы превратились в любовный треугольник, оба парня были влюблены в Инну, а она – не знала, между кем выбрать. Ревность угрожала настоящей мужской дружбе, и ребята дали друг другу обещание: пожертвовать своей любовью во имя дружбы и никогда больше не видится с Инной. Высокопарным юношеским порывам не удалось сбыться. Окончив институт, Инна и в правду так и не "достучалась" в закрытые двери, Миша странным образом пропал, а Игорь, получив хорошую работу, отправился в другую страну, так и не встретившись с другом. Только спустя годы жизнь расставила все по своим местам.
Predannyy Drug 2008
Sorry I Love You: Between of One Year
Sorry I Love You: Between of One Year
When hit KBS drama I'm Sorry, I Love You aired in 2004, it recorded high TV ratings, won the acclaim of critics, and quickly became one of the flagbearers of the Korean Wave. The tragic love story of Mu Hyeok (So Ji Sub of What Happened in Bali) and Eun Chae (Yim Soo Jung of Lump Sugar and I'm a Cyborg, But That's OK) made stars out of its leads and attracted an enormous fanbase throughout Asia. Two years later, G&G Entertainment released a 35-minute animated version of the drama, Between of One Year, consisting of highlights from the drama and new scenes dealing with the final moments of Eun Chae and Mu Hyeok's relationship. The script was supervised by the writer of the original live-action drama, Lee Kyung Hee.
Sorry I Love You: Between of One Year 2008
Nunți muzici și casete video
Nunți muzici și casete video
A "behind-the-scenes" insight of the Romanian wedding industry, with cameramen, photographers and singers from all around the country in the spotlight. Their life stories, their editing styles, their hands-on-approach know-how and, of course, their performances at weddings, mix up in a shortcut-style film. George Stirbat, the 30-something one-man-show singer from the small town of Onesti returned home after a mini-Broadway career and Petru Manici, the coal mine electrician from the mining town of Petrosani, are just two of the most interesting characters the film follows in their quest to achieve perfection for the bride's and groom's memories. Something to remember.
Nunți muzici și casete video 2008
Osenniy Vals
Osenniy Vals
В ночном клубе красавец и прекрасный танцор Максим знакомится с молодой девушкой Машей из Конотопа. Они вальсируют на радость всем присутствующим. В скором времени, волею случая, Маша приходит наниматься на работу в столичное риэлтерское агентство, которым руководит именно Максим. Он не только берет девушку на работу, но и влюбляется в нее и даже, расставшись со всеми своими многочисленными любовницами, решает жениться. Но Маша вдруг исчезает.
Osenniy Vals 2008
Ring My Doorbell
Ring My Doorbell
The main character - a young girl Polina, in whose life, after the death of her parents, things are going far from rosy. Two newborns, unloved husband submariner. Suddenly, in her life appears one that should help her to be happy.
Ring My Doorbell 2008
Time of joy
Time of joy
In the life of the national artist, actor Vsevolod Fleminsky, a crisis ensued. Advertising, in which you have to shoot, endless photo shoots, television series - all this is like an endless tape, but there are no real roles. And then there was still undisguised greed for his dearest half, and in combination with his agent Svetlana Nikolaevna. And Fleminsky decided to quit. He transferred his small roles to his fellow actors, gave the mobile phone to some monk in the train, and he disappeared at his dacha. However, it turned out that his wife had leased the cottage to a certain trading company. The owner of this company Irina met with hostility the appearance of an uninvited owner. But. .. from hatred to love, as you know, one step, and he was quickly passed by the participants of this duet ...
Time of joy 2008
Cinta U-Turn
Cinta U-Turn
Faiz is the son of Datuk Shuib. A businessman who wishes to see his son one day takes over his business and marry's the girl of his choice, The identity of Juliana caused qutie a stir when her photo got mixed up and Faiz wasn't pleased with the girl in the photo that was presented to him. He furthermore paniced and decided to run away. Faiz eventually befriended Hafiz and decided to work at a car repair shop. One day Juliana dropped by at the repair shop and had blown Faiz away with her beauty. He instantly fell in love with her and was willing to do anything to be with her. He finally got on her father's good side and was offered a job as a driver and a personal bodyguard for Juliana. She was not pleased with this as it had disrupted her earlier plannings. With all that is happening Faiz begs that Hafiz continues on this charade. Will their true identites be revealed in the end?
Cinta U-Turn 2008
스토리 오브 와인
스토리 오브 와인
스토리 오브 와인 2008
After she is killed in a wave of small town hysteria, Mercy Hawkins is resurrected by a mysterious healer who gives her the power to seek justice against her attackers.
Mercy 2008
The View from Greenhaven
The View from Greenhaven
A grumpy old man living in an idyllic coastal town who can't see he has the perfect life.
The View from Greenhaven 2008
Murphy Grayson can't catch a break with the ladies. It all changes during a freak explosion at work where he is endowed with the ability to allow women to see his thoughts. After failed usages of the power, he harnesses it and gets with the ladies. He soon finds these meaningless flings are merely a stepping stone to get to the person he truly wishes to be with.
Ungirlfriendable 2008
Lloyd Neck
Lloyd Neck
Alex has a crush on her brother's friend, Jesse. But Jesse likes Alex's brother, Taylor. Alex knows something is up with her brother. Caught in an awkward position, Taylor takes Alex and Jesse to his favorite spot.
Lloyd Neck 2008
Long-term effects
Long-term effects
In the complicated case of a maniac terrorizing the city, there is another victim, miraculously not a victim.
Long-term effects 2008
Avant-goût de printemps
Avant-goût de printemps
Avant-goût de printemps 2008
The Flyer
The Flyer
Anna struggles to establish a new life in Scotland, while trying to save her long-distance relationship with childhood sweetheart Pawel, who remains waiting in Poland.
The Flyer 2008
Reach for the Sky
Reach for the Sky
Reach for the Sky 2008
Subtle Seduction
Prime Video
Subtle Seduction
After Vanessa discovers her boyfriend has been unfaithful she vows to take control of the situation. Using his one weakness to her advantage she quiets him and moves on to her next victim. With each murder she becomes bolder and even a police investigation doesn’t stop her. Will an undercover cop have what it takes to collect the evidence he needs before he becomes her next victim?
Subtle Seduction 2008
In Good Company
In Good Company
IN GOOD COMPANY is a movie which takes the viewer on a journey with Josh Ritter. It features performances over two nights at Vicar Street, Dublin, Ireland as well as plenty of intimate interview footage with Josh and plenty of colour and context around Dublin. There are moments of mass sing along (Kathleen, Jiggs, etc), stark roots emotion (Idaho, Best For The Best, Bone Of Song) and also the beautiful visual stage setting (projections and wildlife adorn the stage) and there's the amazing snow and lighting during Snow Is Gone which were created especially for the night. A rare, beautiful movie of Josh Ritter and his band in all their glory. This is Josh's gift back to his fans.
In Good Company 2008
Dime que yo
Dime que yo
HE and SHE meet exactly at the same time they break up with their own couples... Is it possible for two strangers to begin a conversation full of recriminations, arguing until they get hoarse, and passionately reconcile as if they were a couple in the end?
Dime que yo 2008
The Roommate
The Roommate
Young school teacher Rita comes to Moscow form her countryside town and rents an apartment under very strange conditions.
The Roommate 2008
Sat Sri Akal
Sat Sri Akal
"The movie is a humble tribute commemorating 300 years of Gurta Gaddi Diwas (Coronation) of Sri Guru Granth Sahib," Sahni stated and added that the movie revolves around traditional values, love, sentiments, and colossal faith towards the almighty God. "The film tends to enlighten one on how Guru Granth Sahib is practical Guru in this modern world," he claimed and mentioned that for the first time, the "true to life" ambience of pilgrimage places like Sri Harmandar Saheb (Amritsar), Sri Hazur Saheb (Nanded) and Sri Bangla Sahib (Delhi) would be shown on 35 mm format
Sat Sri Akal 2008
Two 35 year old men going backwards in life meet a vibrant 23 year woman, bounding unselfconsciously forward.
Mona 2008
Nerd Boy
Prime Video
Nerd Boy
DeDe is an emotional wreck after her boyfriend, Stix gives her the boot. Once the word gets out that DeDe is single, all available men, including the neighborhood nerd line up for a chance to date her.
Nerd Boy 2008
In a world where nothing is perfect, isn't it a nice thought that a single day can be. Waking one Sunday morning, two young lovers make a pact not to get out of bed all matter what. When nature calls...figure it out. When hunger strikes...make a plan. When boredom This experimental love story attempts to create honest moments between two people and tickle your funny bone along the way. Life may suck tomorrow, but today is Sunday!
Sunday 2008
My Girl's Photo
My Girl's Photo
A romantic story about a photographer Ivan from a small town, a girl Masha from Moscow and a magic camera...
My Girl's Photo 2008
Vzroslye Lyudi
Vzroslye Lyudi
После развода с Антоном Ирина уезжает с сыном к сестре в Париж. Там она выходит замуж за француза и принимает решение остаться. Антон срочно вылетает во Францию, чтобы втайне от матери вывезти ребёнка.
Vzroslye Lyudi 2008
Animal Husbandry
Animal Husbandry
Tom Collier (Christian Pedersan) shocks his moneyed father Rufus (James Laster), lawyer Owen Arthur (Konya Hood), and nosy neighbor Grace Macomber (Anne Bailis) by suddenly announcing his engagement to poor but eminently respectable socialite Cecelia Henry (Kristina Valada-Viars). A fragmented whirligig of romantic intrigue, Animal Husbandry is a word-for-word production of a 1931 play, performed in modern dress.
Animal Husbandry 2008