
Popular Documentary Movies

What's Missing in This Picture
What's Missing in This Picture
The people of the village on Mount Fruska Gora every few decades are facing wars and socioeconomic turmoil. It's the same now, in the so-called transition period. In the surrounding area there is a huge hole full of water, and the fate of the people are in some way connected with it, as a result of the growing power of multinational companies that are expanding, bringing trouble and death. In contrast, and away from it all, an old lady spends his last days not knowing what fate befell her hometown ...
What's Missing in This Picture 2012
Balance of Life
Balance of Life
“Balance of Life” is a film about life’s and human kinds’ fight to find the balance between our own evolving life style and the nature of the planet we inhabit. The human race is drifting further and further away from its real roots and from what being a human is really about. The speed of development has increased to a state where humans have a hard time keeping up. We find ourselves in a situation where both our own and the planets’ wellbeing is severely threatened. As a last resort human is relying on faith to find the balance. Is faith the last defense of man or is this world guided by forces greater than us? Is this force God, evolution or just the mere sum of coincidences that formed the universe, the natural order and laws of physics?’ Watch it here (
Balance of Life 2012
I Dreamed I Searched for You in Heaven
I Dreamed I Searched for You in Heaven
A documentary based upon the lives of outsider folk artists Ronald and Jessie Cooper. They became artists in their mid-fifties while living on disability after having lost their Kentucky country store, enduring multiple heart attacks, and being seriously injured in an automobile accident. The story is told through the voices of their four children as well as pioneers of the Kentucky Folk Art Center in Morehead, KY who gave the Coopers their start. The film is an account of their life tragedies and triumphs based upon the messages told throughout their artwork.
I Dreamed I Searched for You in Heaven 2012
Zu Gast bei Bud im Landhaus
Zu Gast bei Bud im Landhaus
Zu Gast bei Bud im Landhaus 2012
Without a Fight
Without a Fight
Without a Fight is a feature length documentary film that explores how soccer can facilitate social change in Kibera, one of Africa's largest slums. Footage of violent clashes fueled by polarizing national presidential elections is intertwined with profiles of youth from different religious and ethnic backgrounds as they navigate daily life and prepare for the final championship soccer game of the season. The film provides a glimpse-often a very positive one-into an Africa few have seen. It attempts to break stereotypes associated with people who live in extreme poverty while depicting sports as a tool that could be used to prevent violence among at-risk youth. The film made its World Premiere at the 11 MM Festival in Berlin, Germany in March 2012 and its North American Premiere at the Full Frame Documentary Festival in Durham, NC in April 2012. - Written by Beth-Ann Kutchma
Without a Fight 2012
By comparing the wall in Arizona erected by the united States on the Mexican border and a bridge in kosovo that separates Albanians and Serbs, Walls probes the artificial barriers that divide the human race
Walls 2012
Isidro Velázquez, la leyenda del último sapucay
Isidro Velázquez, la leyenda del último sapucay
Isidro Velázquez, la leyenda del último sapucay 2012
America's Southwest 3D
America's Southwest 3D
The Wild West of the United States: gunsmoke, silver, oil and salt, dust-dry, vast desert landscapes, cacti as tall as houses, ancient boulders and huge canyons that take our breath away. Shimmering heat during the day and freezing cold at night in front of legendary film sets. Numerous monuments of true beauty and transience. All this make up the southwestern United States. The famous Four Corners of Arizona, Nevada, California and Utah is a magnet every year for millions of travelers around the world and a mecca for adventurers, artists and researchers. We invite you on an enjoyable and educational trip to the greatest natural wonder of the world, the Grand Canyon. The breath of death is blowing over the misanthropic Death Valley. We visit magnificent desert gardens with the famous Saguaro cactus and the Joshua Tree Yucca. Time for discovery. Time for relaxation. Time for large real 3D moments.
America's Southwest 3D 2012
Hooked On Food
Hooked On Food
Follow Remi, our French American reporter, as he finds the answers to the questions we all ask about fast food: Why do we consume so much processed food and why are we so hooked on it? How does it mold our tastes, influence our cravings and feed our addictions?
Hooked On Food 2012
Take Me Out
Take Me Out
This short film portrays a group of gay teens in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and their worldviews. The testimonies of 10 young people between 16 and 18 call attention to important issues and other issues that are just fun. Through the statements of this group, the documentary gives voice to the new generation and finds out what they think about identity, sexuality and prejudice.
Take Me Out 2012
Joplin, Missouri - A Tornado Story
Joplin, Missouri - A Tornado Story
Joplin native Chip Gubera's documentary JOPLIN MISSOURI: A TORNADO STORY is a comprehensive, informative account of the devastation wrought on his hometown by a natural disaster and its subsequent recovery. On May 21, 2011 the deadliest tornado ever recorded struck Joplin, an F5 in which wind gusts exceeded 200 mph. In fact, it was not a single tornado, but a multi-vortex tornado created by two converging storms. As local meteorologist Jeremiah Cook explained, this meant that the half mile wide tornado had several "fingers," each an individual tornado, and the rains were so heavy one could not see them before they struck. Narrator George Noory's jovial voice and the monotone recollections of survivors belie the overwhelming scope of the devastation.
Joplin, Missouri - A Tornado Story 2012
Wildlife South Africa 3D
Wildlife South Africa 3D
In this three part documentary we look at all topics South Africa has to offer. THE BIG FIVE focuses on the kings of animals, lion, rhinoceros, elephant, leopard and the African buffalo. Armed with 3D cameras, we visited the Kings of the savannah and the jungle, where we sensed the fascination that emanates from the largest animals in the wild. In SAFARI we look behind the scenes of a park and found out what it means to pursue eco-tourism and just what the opportunities and the risks are. Finally, we discover the WEST CAPE region and its unique flora and fauna, swim with whales and sea lions, follow penguins and – as a highlight – we meet the white sharks. Join us on a spectacular 3D journey.
Wildlife South Africa 3D 2012
Rich Hall's Inventing the Indian
Rich Hall's Inventing the Indian
Comedian Rich Hall goes in search of the real American Indian, a people who have too often been stereotyped. This image portrayed through cinema and literature is not a true representation of the Native American, giving Rich the opportunity to redress the balance. With the help of Native American, Dallas Goldtooth, Rich explores a different idea of what the American Indian is and what life is like for them today. He not only questions the screen image of the 'savage Indian' in films such as Soldier Blue, Stagecoach and A Man Called Horse, but looks at the written one, through literature such as The Last of the Mohicans, Black Elk Speaks and Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee.
Rich Hall's Inventing the Indian 2012
2012 Crossing Over A New Beginning
2012 Crossing Over A New Beginning
December 21, 2012 is on everyone's mind. What will it bring? Is it the end of the world? A new beginning for mankind? Or just another year on the calendar? Brave Archer Films presents '2012 Crossing Over, A New Beginning.' The feature documentary explores a positive spiritual perspective on the events of Dec 21, 2012. The film investigates the galactic alignment, consciousness awakening, cycles of evolution, our binary star system with Sirius, the fear agenda in the media, who's behind it, love vs fear and much more. The film is loaded with amazing revelations of the current times we live in, from exceptional astrologer and teacher Santos Bonacci, spiritual leaders Bud Barber, George Neo and much more. The doco is shot entirely in Full HD, illustrated with high end animations and includes original music by Jonathan Kent.
2012 Crossing Over A New Beginning 2012
The noise of the dead
The noise of the dead
Ricardo visits some friends who live next to a funeral home. Part of the "Haiku" series.
The noise of the dead 2012
Niebla talks about the idea for a movie. Part of the series "Haikus".
Roundabout 2012
Israel's Bomb: A Radioactive Taboo
Israel's Bomb: A Radioactive Taboo
The documentary examines the question of Israel's possession of nuclear weapons. Answering in the affermative the movie also examines how Israel did so in secrecy but with the assistance of other countries.
Israel's Bomb: A Radioactive Taboo 2012
Fighters for Love
Fighters for Love
Sipke Jan Bousema searches for gays and lesbians in the world who have to fight for their love every day. In the Netherlands, our differences are openly and proudly celebrated every year during Gay Pride. A celebration that is impossible in many countries. In 76 countries in the world, it is even a crime to share a bed with someone of the same sex. He travels around the world and investigates the state of gays and lesbians on this planet. He is inspired by their struggle for equal rights and fair opportunities for gays and lesbians.
Fighters for Love 2012
Back to Linggajati
Back to Linggajati
Joty ter Kulve grew up in the house where the historic Linggajati agreement was concluded in 1946. She experienced the Second World War in Indonesia, was imprisoned in camps and left for the Netherlands after the war. Now she returns, perhaps for the last time, to the place where she grew up. The young documentary maker Twan Spierts accompanied Joty to that historic place, where the first step was taken towards the independence of the Dutch East Indies. The documentary was previously broadcast on Omroep West.
Back to Linggajati 2012
Three friends walk through the Zócalo in Mexico City. Part of the "Haiku" series.
Zócalo 2012
Kasvukausi 2012
Billion Dollar Fish
Billion Dollar Fish
The River Danube is home to a fish that grows larger than the Great White Shark. Although it leads a secretive life, the Beluga Sturgeon – the King of the Danube – produces the most prized food in the whole world. For over 200 million years, the 8-metre long fish had no enemies, and yet today it is on the verge of extinction. Evolution did not prepare the fish for pollution, river regulation and overfishing. Beluga caviar is traded for up to 20,000 dollars per kilogramme. Ironically, the high price of this precious product could save the animals from a premature disappearance from planet earth.
Billion Dollar Fish 2012
Beggar Writer's House
Beggar Writer's House
Why do we care for writers who don't care for anything or anybody, even not for themselves? Still we need them and feed them, we love them and give shelter. Can it be that at certain moments we would like to be writers and also have this love-hate relationship with the world that writers expose. So when we keep our poets in a special house and observe them like we watch animals in the zoo, listen how they shout and howl their poetry, we are partly freed from our everyday identity and become romantic poetry desperadoes too. Take a closer look at Estonian writers in their private zoo. Their revolts and vanity, philosophy and drinking life style. Cheap accommodation is a way to escape, but it can be a trap too.
Beggar Writer's House 2012
Buebe gö z'Tanz
Buebe gö z'Tanz
Buebe gö z'Tanz 2012
El Madani set out on an odyssey to discover the roots of the Gnawa music. Through concerts in Algeria, Morocco and France and interviews with Gnawa Diffusion’s Amzigh Kateb and Aziz Maysour, El Madani delves deep into the heart of traditional Moroccan and Algerian culture in a fascinating journey of custom and rituals across the Maghreb and Mali.
Tagnawittude 2012
Danskerne på Costa Concordia
Danskerne på Costa Concordia
Danskerne på Costa Concordia 2012
Living with Levene
Living with Levene
Intrepid comedian and Doctor Who fan Toby Hadoke heads to Salisbury to spend the weekend with one of the show's most unusual actors. John Levene played Sergeant Benton on-screen for nearly a decade, but these days is a very enigmatic figure. Now Toby has 48 hours to get to know the man, and figure out what makes him tick.
Living with Levene 2012
Trash Dance
Prime Video
Trash Dance
A year spent with choreographer Allison Orr as she rides out with and tries to persuade employees of the Austin Dept. of Solid Waste Services to collaborate in a public dance performance. The performance eventually takes place, in the rain, on the tarmac of an abandoned airport, with over two thousand people watching--16 trucks, 24 people-- and sweeps local art and performance awards.
Trash Dance 2012
Inge Druckrey: Teaching to See
Inge Druckrey: Teaching to See
This film is about patient and dedicated teaching, about learning to look and visualize in order to design, about the importance of drawing. It is one designer’s personal experience of issues that face all designers, expressed with sympathy and encouragement, and illustrated with examples of Inge [Druckrey]’s own work and that of grateful generations of her students. There are simple phrases that give insights into complex matters, for example that letterforms are ‘memories of motion.’ Above all, it is characteristic of Inge that in this examination of basic principles the word “beautiful” is used several times.
Inge Druckrey: Teaching to See 2012
The Gimp Monkeys
The Gimp Monkeys
What has four legs, five arms and three heads? The Gimp Monkeys. Craig DeMartino lost his leg after a 100-foot climbing fall. Pete Davis with born without an arm. Bone cancer claimed Jarem Frye's left leg at the age of 14. While the three are linked by what they are missing, it is their shared passion for climbing that pushed them towards an improbable goal - the first all-disabled ascent of Yosemite's iconic El Capitan.
The Gimp Monkeys 2012
This documentary follows three filmmakers as they research for a fictional feature film about a sex slave from Latin America. But after a dangerous trip through a dozen Latin countries, their hearts are changed by the brokenness of the victims, and their quest to make a movie becomes a compelling story within itself. With first-hand interviews on the streets of the Latin sex trade and the front lines of this social injustice, VOLVIENDO uncovers the adversary, discovers the ally, and joins the advance against sex trafficking.
Volviendo 2012
Pray for Japan
Prime Video
Pray for Japan
On March 11, 2011, Japan's Tohoku coastal region was destroyed by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and devastating tsunami that followed. PRAY FOR JAPAN takes place in the devastated region of Ishinomaki, Miyagi - the largest coastal city in Tohoku with a population of over 160,000 people. Filmmaker Stu Levy - an American living in Japan - filmed the tsunami aftermath during his trips to Tohoku as a volunteer and over a period of 6 weeks, captured over 50 hours of footage. PRAY FOR JAPAN focuses on four key perspectives of the tragedy - School, Shelter, Family, and Volunteers. With each perspective we meet victims who faced significant obstacles and fought to overcome them. Through these four vantage points, the audience is able to understand the vast ramifications of this large-scale natural disaster - and the battle these real-life heroes fought on behalf of their loved ones and their hometown.
Pray for Japan 2012
Aqua Seafoam Shame
Aqua Seafoam Shame
If Michael Moore were a lady who went after companies who still produce plastic, when the Pacific Garbage Patch is now the size of the continental United States. This Pacific Ocean Trash Vortex by Hawai'i is a more serious issue than any war, economic, or ecologic crisis facing the planet today. We hereby document the process by which conscientious companies, some because of our encouragement, switch from plastic to a more sustainable alternative. A David and Goliath project by night; Sisyphus by day.
Aqua Seafoam Shame 2012
Becoming Sons & Daughters
Becoming Sons & Daughters
Every major social problem that plagues our nation today can be traced back to one root cause: Fatherlessness. For instance, 71% of pregnant teenagers live in a fatherless home. Additionally, 85% of young men in prison grew up without a dad. They are not stats, they are desperate for stability. From small town American to the heart of New York City, 'Becoming Sons & Daughters' tells the stories of people who are stepping into the lives of fatherless kids. Through adoption, mentoring, and simply paying attention, these men and women are planting hope and security. They are giving kids a future and helping them become sons and daughters.
Becoming Sons & Daughters 2012
Miss Nikki and the Tiger Girls
Miss Nikki and the Tiger Girls
After fifty years of military dictatorship Burma's first girl band faces a tough reality. When you're finally allowed to speak, what do you say? In a country undergoing massive change, five feisty young women break free of tradition in their search for an original voice.
Miss Nikki and the Tiger Girls 2012
An eighty-five year old man, isolated in his luxurious house, tells the story of his economic success and the reasons for his exile in Switzerland. The multiple disputes between him and his acquaintances, and his relations to the place he now inhabits shape his narrative, which unfolds in alternating from one day to another, from one place to the other of his residence.
JJA 2012
Fixation is a documentary, focusing on the thrilling world of fixed gear cycling. This film captures the excitement and popularity of this growing sport from all perspectives. With the resurgence of this original form of cycling, we discover the appeal to having only one gear. Though technology has developed multiple speed bicycles, for faster and easier riding, both fixed and freewheel single speeds continue to have a strong following. The range of riders is vast, from professionals to the casual everyday rider. Their styles and motives are different, but their outcome seems to be the same: the freedom, the simplicity and the challenge of having one gear is what brings them back to the basics. We explore the full spectrum of this lifestyle: Messengers, Olympic Racing, City Riders, Bike Polo, Brakeless, Freestyle and more. "Fixation" showcases the different personalities of those involved with fixed gear cycling community, in San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Jose.
Fixation 2012
In 1972 a pair of eerie stone effigies was found in a Yorkshire garden. In his first full-length documentary, Graham Deans Williamson searches the North East for the hexes, hoaxes, hokum and hearsay that have always surrounded these mysterious Hexham Heads.
Heads! 2012
Brussels Express
Brussels Express
A documentary about bike messengers in Brussels, the most congested city in Europe with only 4% cycling traffic.
Brussels Express 2012
Modest Mouse: The Lonesome Crowded West
Modest Mouse: The Lonesome Crowded West
Directed by RJ Bentler as part of the "Pitchfork Classic" series, presents a 45-minute documentary on Modest Mouse's classic 1997 album The Lonesome Crowded West. For the film, traveled to Los Angeles, London, and cities across the Pacific Northwest (Portland, Seattle, Olympia, Port Townsend) to discuss the making of the album with everyone from frontman Isaac Brock to Calvin Johnson and producer Phil Ek. We learned the album's story back to front, including the fact that halfway through its recording, Ek was called in to rerecord three songs from the original sessions.
Modest Mouse: The Lonesome Crowded West 2012