Prime Video

Popular Documentary Movies

Our Nixon
Prime Video
Our Nixon
Never before seen Super 8 home movies filmed by Richard Nixon's closest aides - and convicted Watergate conspirators - offer a surprising and intimate new look into his Presidency.
Our Nixon 2013
Olympic Pride, American Prejudice
Prime Video
Olympic Pride, American Prejudice
In 1936, 18 African American athletes dubbed the "black auxiliary" by Hitler defied Nazi Aryan Supremacy and Jim Crow Racism to win hearts and medals at the 1936 Summer Olympic Games in Berlin. The world remembers Jesse Owens. But, Olympic Pride American Prejudice shows how all 18 are a seminal precursor to the modern Civil Rights Movement.
Olympic Pride, American Prejudice 2016
Dolphins in the Deep Blue Ocean
Prime Video
Dolphins in the Deep Blue Ocean
They are inspirational, playful, powerful, interesting and very intelligent animals, which have a magical bond with the people: Dolphins. You'll see these magnificent animals in their natural habitats - reefs in Eilat, the largest marine reserve in the world. And also be able to watch a dolphins dance and play with the camera, dive or just durachatsya. Never seen so close before!
Dolphins in the Deep Blue Ocean 2009
Now Is the Time
Prime Video
Now Is the Time
When internationally renowned Haida carver Robert Davidson was only 22 years old, he carved the first new totem pole on British Columbia’s Haida Gwaii in almost a century. On the 50th anniversary of the pole’s raising, Haida filmmaker Christopher Auchter steps easily through history to revisit that day in August 1969, when the entire village of Old Massett gathered to celebrate the event that would signal the rebirth of the Haida spirit.
Now Is the Time 2019
The Return
Prime Video
The Return
Two Danish-Korean adoptees return for the first time to the country they of their birth. Confronted with the spirit of their Motherland and the personal stories of the fellow adoptees they meet in the city of Seoul, Karoline and Thomas are hurled into an emotionally disorienting journey that forces both of them to question and face their own destiny and identity.
The Return 2018
40 Years in the Making: The Magic Music Movie
Prime Video
40 Years in the Making: The Magic Music Movie
TV writer/producer Lee Aronsohn tracks down the scattered members of a beloved early 1970's band with the hope that, 40 years after they broke up, he can get them to play one last show.
40 Years in the Making: The Magic Music Movie 2018
The Business of Amateurs
Prime Video
The Business of Amateurs
The NCAA is the face for college athletics, and it generates billions of dollars every year for the top universities in the United States. This is the first documentary that challenges the NCAA from the perspective of former student-athletes. Director Bob DeMars, a former USC football player, interviewed former student-athletes to find the problems and potential solutions regarding players' rights.
The Business of Amateurs 2016
Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire
Prime Video
Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire
With the original intention of empowering a citizenry's ability to defend themselves against a corrupt or tyrannical government, the concept today may seem farfetched or the makings of a Hollywood blockbuster. However, it has happened throughout U.S. history. And long before gun control was positioned as a "common sense measure" to combat violence, it was used as a means to oppress certain minority groups. Presently, the growing trend in gun control favors the wealthy and privileged, who leverage their connections to ensure their Second Amendment rights and safety, while those of lesser means struggle. Informative and emotionally charged, "Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire" is an eye-opening look at the genesis of the Second Amendment to the Constitution, leading the audience to rethink the issues surrounding gun control, and the effect on civil rights and liberty. After all, what you don't know can kill you.
Assaulted: Civil Rights Under Fire 2013
Code: Debugging the Gender Gap
Prime Video
Code: Debugging the Gender Gap
At a time in the United States when the tech sector outpaces the overall growth of the employment market, CODE asks the important question: Where are all the women?
Code: Debugging the Gender Gap 2016
Houston, We Have a Problem
Prime Video
Houston, We Have a Problem
Director Nicole Torre directed this documentary about the America´s oil industry. The Oil Barons, Wildcatters, and roughnecks and their long struggle to feed America's ferocious oil appetite. Step inside the oil culture to understand just how the USA became so addicted and why Houston believes we must go "Green" for a secure domestic energy future. .
Houston, We Have a Problem 2009
Medal of Honor
Prime Video
Medal of Honor
The story of the Medal of Honor - the highest U.S. award for valor in combat - is told through personal accounts of bravery and daring
Medal of Honor 2008
Saving Brinton
Prime Video
Saving Brinton
In rural Iowa, a beloved history teacher uncovers the century-old showreels of one of America's first motion picture impresarios and sets out to premiere the films at a historic local opera house.
Saving Brinton 2018
The Spanish Earth
Prime Video
The Spanish Earth
A propaganda film made during the Spanish Civil War in support of the Republican government against the rebellion by Gen. Francisco Franco's forces who were backed by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The film would have been seen by those making it as a documentary.
The Spanish Earth 1937
Limited Partnership
Prime Video
Limited Partnership
LIMITED PARTNERSHIP is the love story between Filipino-American Richard Adams and Australian Tony Sullivan, who, in 1975, became one of the first same-sex couples in the world to be legally married. After applying for a green card for Tony based on their marriage, the couple received a denial letter from the Immigration and Naturalization Service stating, 'You have failed to establish that a bona fide marital relationship can exist between two faggots.' Outraged at this letter, and to prevent Tony's impending deportation, the couple sued the U.S. government, filing the first federal lawsuit seeking equal treatment for a same-sex marriage in U.S. history. This tenacious story of love, marriage and immigration equality is as precedent setting as it is little known... until now.
Limited Partnership 2014
Shadow Government
Prime Video
Shadow Government
John Wilson wakes up, gets ready for his day and heads to work. He has no idea that he's being watched, tracked and studied. Is he a threat to national security? Is he a terrorist or a criminal? No, he's an ordinary American citizen. Like everyone else, John's rights and freedoms have been systematically destroyed - all in the name of security and convenience. Is it about peace and unity? Or is it about ultimate global power? What if there were hidden forces with no ties to democracy or constitutional rights in power? What if new laws, media propaganda and Secret Societies labeled John a danger to society? And what if all this set the stage for a Biblically prophesied global government run by the Antichrist?
Shadow Government 2009
A Good Day to Die
Prime Video
A Good Day to Die
Interviews and archival footage profile the life of Dennis Banks, American Indian Movement leader who looks back at his early life and the rise of the Movement.
A Good Day to Die 2010
Sayonara Speed Tribes
Prime Video
Sayonara Speed Tribes
An aging Japanese bike gangster mentors a crop of halfhearted pledges threatened by police pressure. In doing so, he confronts his tough guy past and dwindling options for the future.
Sayonara Speed Tribes 2012
The Aggressives
Prime Video
The Aggressives
This acclaimed documentary -- made by one of the fashion world's most sought after casting directors -- picks up where "Paris is Burning" left off, focusing on a group of six NYC lesbians who dress and identify as men, blurring the lines between butch dyke and trans-male identities.
The Aggressives 2005
The Paw Project
Prime Video
The Paw Project
This is a David and Goliath story of one veterinarian's battle to protect her patients (tigers, lions and even house cats) from big corporations, with their big corporate money, that will shamelessly do anything to animals to increase their bottom line. She starts a grassroots movement that is fueled by passion, but appears to be losing the battle. Then, unexpectedly, she realizes that the corporations accidentally left her a giant loophole. In a scramble to take advantage of this unforeseen gift, she leads the crusade passing legislation protecting animals from de-clawing in seven cities in just six weeks.
The Paw Project 2013
Honest Man: The Life of R. Budd Dwyer
Prime Video
Honest Man: The Life of R. Budd Dwyer
Honest Man: the Life of R. Budd Dwyer is a movie about politics and corruption, suicide and survival. The film chronicles Dwyer's meteoric rise to political power and examines the bribery scandal and subsequent trial that pushed him to his breaking point. Honest Man also delves into the controversy and consequences of the uncensored airing of Dwyer's death on television stations worldwide. Honest Man reveals a story that has remained untold for over 24 years. The film features exclusive new interviews, including William Smith, the man whose testimony convicted Dwyer, and Dwyer's widow Joanne--her last interview before her death in 2009. Was Dwyer venal, or a victim? Did he kill himself because he couldn't live with being guilty, or because he couldn't live with being innocent? Honest Man allows audiences to judge for themselves.
Honest Man: The Life of R. Budd Dwyer 2010
Horror Movie: A Low Budget Nightmare
Prime Video
Horror Movie: A Low Budget Nightmare
A filmmaker's lifelong dream quickly becomes his worst nightmare when he attempts to make a low budget horror film about an aborted fetus that seeks revenge on its family.
Horror Movie: A Low Budget Nightmare 2017
Lost in America
Prime Video
Lost in America
A documentary about the epidemic of homeless youth in America.
Lost in America 2019
Return of the River
Prime Video
Return of the River
A documentary on the world's largest dam removal project and its effects on the river ecosystem and surrounding communities.
Return of the River 2014
Act of God
Prime Video
Act of God
A Canadian documentary feature film that investigates the effects of being struck by lightning.
Act of God 2009
Fail State
Prime Video
Fail State
This in-depth documentary explores the dark side of American higher education, exposing predatory for-profit colleges and the tactics they use to defraud students and the government.
Fail State 2018
Trump: The Art of the Insult
Prime Video
Trump: The Art of the Insult
Joel Gilbert's directing style is on full display here with a look at how Donald Trump dominated the 2016 race, using The Art of the Insult to brand political opponents and bash the media all the way to the White House.
Trump: The Art of the Insult 2018
Going Attractions: The Definitive Story of the American Drive-in Movie
Prime Video
Going Attractions: The Definitive Story of the American Drive-in Movie
Once a vibrant part of American culture, drive-ins reached their peak in the late 1950s with almost 5,000 dotting the nation. Although drive-ins are experiencing a resurgence, today less than 400 remain. In a nation that loves cars and movies, why haven't they survived? April Wright's lovingly made documentary, filled with archival images of hundreds of open and closed drive-in theaters, interviews with theater owners, operators and cinema luminaries attempts to answer that question.
Going Attractions: The Definitive Story of the American Drive-in Movie 2013
Kilimanjaro - To the Roof of Africa
Prime Video
Kilimanjaro - To the Roof of Africa
Follows five trekkers and a local Chagga guide to the top of Kilimanjaro, the largest freestanding mountain in the world. Along their journey this diverse group of trekkers encounter strange landscapes and endure harsh conditions as they travel through five climate zones ranging from the lower rainforest reaches of Kilimanjaro to the summit's arctic glaciers.
Kilimanjaro - To the Roof of Africa 2002
Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World
Prime Video
Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World
In this fascinating documentary, historian Bettany Hughes travels to the seven wonders of the Buddhist world.Her journey begins at the Mahabodhi Temple in India, where Buddhism was born; here Hughes examines the foundations of the belief system - the three jewels.At Nepal's Boudhanath Stupa, she looks deeper into the concept of dharma - the teaching of Buddha, and at the Temple of the Tooth in Sri Lanka, Bettany explores karma, the idea that our intentional acts will be mirrored in the future.At Wat Pho Temple in Thailand, Hughes explores samsara, the endless cycle of birth and death that Buddhists seek to end by achieving enlightenment, before travelling to Angkor Wat in Cambodia to learn more about the practice of meditation.In Hong Kong, Hughes visits the Giant Buddha and looks more closely at Zen, before arriving at the final wonder, the Hsi Lai temple in Los Angeles, to discover more about the ultimate goal for all Buddhists - nirvana.
Seven Wonders of the Buddhist World 2011
Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order
Prime Video
Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order
Is there a connection between UFO's, alien abductions, channeling spirits, demonic possessions, the new age movement, secret societies, and satanism? In Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order, we investigate why the New World Order and the Global Elite are tirelessly working to form a One World Government and who they are getting this instruction from.
Age of Deceit: Fallen Angels and the New World Order 2012
Citizen Koch
Prime Video
Citizen Koch
Wisconsin—birthplace of the Republican Party, government unions, cheeseheads and Paul Ryan—becomes a test market in the campaign to buy Democracy, and ground zero in the battle for the future of the GOP.
Citizen Koch 2013
Shamans of the Amazon
Prime Video
Shamans of the Amazon
SHAMANS OF THE AMAZON is a personal account of filmmaker Dean Jefferys as he returns to the Amazon with his partner and one year old daughter. They journey deep into the Ecuadorian rainforest to learn about and experience the ancient ayahuasca healing ceremony. The film brings to the viewer an intimate and fascinating look at the shamans of the Amazon, and the life that is threatened by ecological destruction.
Shamans of the Amazon 2001
Gospel According to Al Green
Prime Video
Gospel According to Al Green
The story of R&B singer Al Green, who gave up a successful singing career to become a gospel minister.
Gospel According to Al Green 1984
Cat Ladies
Prime Video
Cat Ladies
The real story behind the oft-ridiculed 'cat lady' - a cultural stereotype and figure of ridicule for women of a certain age with too many furry companions. Through the intimate portrait of four unique 'cat ladies' we create a sensitive and emotionally honest portrait of women whose lives and self-worth have become intractably linked to cats. It's not the number of cats that defines someone as a 'cat lady', but rather their attachment, or non-attachment, to human beings. They create a world with their cats in which they are accepted and in control - a world where they ultimately have value.
Cat Ladies 2009
Prime Video
A docufilm that tells the life of Mahmood between Milan and Egypt, his dearest loved ones, the music, the victories in Sanremo, Eurovision, the European tour, the backstage of the his works. An inner journey that has music as its backbone and where love and absence find their way to coexist. Thanks to his music we explore Alessandro's world, his search for something, which led him to have more than he could dream of and which always accompanies his distant gaze, as if every time he had to go home from a trip or leave. for a new goal.
Mahmood 2022
No Manifesto: A Film About Manic Street Preachers
Prime Video
No Manifesto: A Film About Manic Street Preachers
In 1991, the Manic Street Preachers planned to sell 16 million copies of their debut and split up. Many years, many hits and one big mystery later, this colourful band and its fans appear in a unique documentary that tells their full story.
No Manifesto: A Film About Manic Street Preachers 2015
Always Whitney Houston
Prime Video
Always Whitney Houston
New Whitney Houston Documentary.
Always Whitney Houston 2012
Tupac Shakur: Before I Wake
Prime Video
Tupac Shakur: Before I Wake
A look back on Tupac's final years through the eyes of Tupac's personal bodyguard, Frank Alexander. Featuring never-before-seen footage.
Tupac Shakur: Before I Wake 2001
Inside Lego at Christmas
Prime Video
Inside Lego at Christmas
More than half of all Lego sales come in the last three months of the year. This documentary goes behind the scenes at the secretive superbrand as it prepares for Christmas.
Inside Lego at Christmas 2015
Against All Odds: Israel Survives
Prime Video
Against All Odds: Israel Survives
Israel's rebirth and survival in the 20th Century has been called a miracle. Those who were there cite their own experiences as proof. These are their stories. Completed in 2006 and as timely as today's headlines, Against All Odds: Israel Survives is a powerful and uplifting spiritual journey through Israel's turbulent history. Remarkable stories of awe-inspiring supernatural phenomena that helped to create and preserve modern Israel come to life in gripping dramatizations, eyewitness accounts, and interviews with the people who experienced these miracles of biblical proportions!
Against All Odds: Israel Survives 2011