Medabots Season 1

September. 01,2001      TV-Y7
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Trailer Synopsis

Set in the near future, Medabots revolves around the super charged battling adventures of a group of kids and their pet robots. Fueled with artificial intelligence and a specialized arsenal of high powered weapons, Medabots compete against each other in exciting Robattles, with the winners acquiring Medaparts from the defeated Medabot. With over 370 unique robots ready to Robattle, Medabots is filled with explosive adventures in a world where kids have the ultimate power. But more than anything else, these challenges are about courage and mind power, where the soul of the Medafighter and Medabot combine to emerge victorious.

Episode 26 : The Mother of All Robattles (2)
April. 27,2002
Dr. Meta-Evil looks to be finished. But is he? a srtange cat puts a reare medal in to a HUGE Medabot and it takes Metabee, Rokusho, and ArchBeetle to fight him. Even when all 3 of them use the Medaforce, it doesn't seem to stop Giganko. Giganko goes into town distroying everything in sight. Not even the Police can stop this Medabot. Ikki realizes that Giganko is a Medabot too and he could be stopped if his Medal comes out. Ikki and Metabee fight bravely and Giganko's medal comes out! Then they realize that when they beat Seaslug in a Ro-Battle, it gave them enough points to advance to 3rd ranking. Ikki can still participate in the world Ro-Battle Championchip.
Episode 25 : Beetle Mania (1)
April. 27,2002
Dr. Meta-Evil uses Metabee's medal to control every Medabot in the world! Brass starts to attack Erika and Karin and Kantaroth starts attacking Rintaro and his group. Then, amasingly, we find out that Dr. Meta Evil was once Dr. Hushi's assistant. Dr. Hushi found out the power of the rare medals and he wanted to distroy all his reaserch and findings but Dr. Meta-Evil stole the information to use it for evil. More suprises are in store when it's revealed that Dr. Meta Evil is part machine himself! Peppercat and Sumiliodn attack him but don't do much damage. Rokusho distracts the Evil Doctor as Ikki stes Metabee free. When he does that, the curse is broken.
Episode 24 : The Road to Ruins [a.k.a. Raiders of the Lost Medabot]
April. 20,2002
The Ruber Robo Gang swoops down and bot-naps Metabee. He is weak so he can't fight back. They take Metabee to their secret hideout in a helicopter. Since the rest of the gang left Seaslug, Gillgirl, Squidguts and Shrimplips behind so Ikki coaxed out of them the location of the RRG hideout. Then Ikki and his friends go to Miyama Ruins where Metabee is hidden. There, members of the Rubber Robo Gang try to take Metabee's medal out of him. When Ikki and Koji get to the Miyama Ruins, they find outdated medaparts and Medals. The Ruins are filled with Death Traps and Booby Traps and they cause the group to separate. The RRG flees. While looking for Metabee and the rest of their friends, Ikki, Samantha, and Koji find 3 Medabots with out any Medafighters. Summilidon and Peppercat fight them but are no match, but then Rokusho comes and saves the day.
Episode 23 : X-treme Measures
April. 13,2002
It's the day of the final standings for the World Robattle Tournaments and Ikki Tenryo is STILL in fourth place. In fact, with only 20 minutes until the close of rankings, Metabee is exhausted and the only new Medafighter nearby is Space Medafighter X. Ikki, in a fit of rage, at the end of the last episode challenged Meda-X to a robattle. While his friends try to convince him not to, he is relentless. Karen offers that he robattles Rintaro, but Ikki refuses. He is determined to fight Meda-X and Arcbeetle. With help from his friends, Ikki powers up Metabee with extra parts. With Crosserdog's arm and Kantaroth's laser cannon Metabee has more fire power and Sumilodon's legs for extra speed, will Metabee be strong enough to defeat Arcbeetle. The battle rages and it seems like Metabee is out for the count, but in a stunning recovery, he looks like he is about to use the Medaforce when the Rubber Robo Gang attack Ikki in order to steal his Medawatch. Meda-X blocks the attack, but his mask is
Episode 22 : Dude, Where's My Ma?
April. 06,2002
Ikki and metabee have to decide what to do. Do they want to mae the rankings for the Medabots Ro-Battle Championchips or does he want to save his mom. They both decide to save Ikki's mom who was kidnapped and willingly making soup for the Rubber Robos. When he gets there, Ikki Ro-Battles Gilgirl and gets another point toward his standings. Then he battles 2 more RRG members but it doesn't count toward his rankings cause he already battled them. Metabee uses the Medaforce to win and gets very tired out. When he was about to take his mom back, all the RRG unleashed their Medabots at Ikki and Metabee but Space Medafighter X saved Ikki and his mom. Outside in a safeplace, Ikki and Metabee said that they were just glad to get their mother back and that they didn't care about Ro-Battle Standings but when Space Medafighter X taunted them, Ikki and Metabee chalenged Space Medafighter X to a Ro-Batlle. Is Ikki nuts or what!
Episode 21 : Me and My Shadow Sword
March. 30,2002
After seeing Ikki and Metabee use the Medaforce, Koji decides to train harder than ever to be prepared in case he ever has to face it. Space Medafighter X shows up to help him learn a special technique, the ""Shadow Sword"", which will help him to do this. Ikki and the gang (Karen, Erika and Rintaro) show up to watch Koji train, and Rintaro accuses Meda-X of being Henry. The others think he means Henry from the store, but he says that Meda-X is the Henry who won the International Robattle Tournament eight years ago and that the two Henrys are different (hmm). Meda-X denies this and leaves. Later, Meda-X warns Ikki that Koji has nearly mastered the Shadow Sword and that he should prepare a defence against the Medaforce being blocked. Ikki ignores him, but later discusses it with Metabee. Later, Ikki and Metabee challenge Koji and Sumilodon to a rematch. Metabee has dcided to wear Rokusho's cape in the hopes that his strength might rub-off onto him. As the two fight, Sumilodon attacks with
Episode 20 : The Ace from Outer Space
March. 09,2002
As the story returns to where it left off last episode, we see the mysterious medabot reveal itself. It is a KBT type, Arcbeetle and it belongs to the number 1 Medafighter in Japan, Space Medafighter X (who looks a lot like the Phantom Renegade, who looks a lot like Henry) Space Medafighter X challenges Shrimpy Lipowitz and wins easily, winning back Ikki's medal. As he returns the medal, he lectures Ikki that he should never fight for medals, only medaparts. Ikki argues that he had no choice, but Space Medafighter X is gone. Later that day, Ikki discovers that he has dropped to fourth place in the Medabot rankings after losing to Shrimpy Lipowitz under his real name rather than as a member of the Rubber Robo Gang. This bums him out and he begins to sulk, but Rintaro drags him along to a Medabot Training Dojo. While Rintaro and Koji begin to train at the gym, Ikki continues to sulk. Erika and Karen discover that the dojo is really a front for the Rubber Robo Gang's latest plan but it is
Episode 19 : Enter Rintaro
March. 02,2002
Spyke and Krosserdog are practecing when they see a big medabot. Hmm. Ikki is telling Dr. Aki about how he annd Metabee were attackeb by these mystery medabots. Dr. Aki says that other companies make Medabots now and it was probably one of their work. Ikki and Erika go explroing when they find Spyke and Krosserdog attacked. They claim that a big Medabot attacked them. Then Samantha blaims Ikki for attacing Peppercat. And Samantha admits that she takes ballet lessions. Yes, you resd right, ballet lessons. Anyway, many other Medafighters blaim Ikki and Metabee for attacking their Medabots. Ikki and Metabee manage to escape. They come to a conclusion that Metabee has been cloned. Now we find Koji kiting a sock. Yes, you read right again. Koji is nitting a sock. He says it's because nobody has chalenged him to a Ro-Battle. He and Sumilidon decide to go find some opponents. Then they meet Rintaro who really fancies Sumilidon. Then Koji chalenges Rintaro to a match and what do you know. Ri
Episode 18 : Fifteen Minutes of Shame
February. 23,2002
The preliminary rankings for top Medafighters off Japan is out. Ikki is #3, Koji is #2, and Space Medafighter X is #1. Ikki starts showing off for the cameras and Samantha (Leader of the Screws) claims that she taught Ikki all he knows. Ikki then challenges Samantha to a robattle and rather than actually FIGHTING, he orders Metabee to use the MedaForce for another one-shot kill. Obviously, he loses: Metabee can't just use the Medaforce whenever he wants. Then Ikki is out by the stream and is challeged by Mr. Dragon who ""traveled far"" to RoBattle Ikki for the #3 spot. Mr. Dragon uses Spitfire but loses because Spitfire touches water. Note: As said by Mr. Referee medafighters can only increase their ranking by winning first-time robattles, GREATLY disappointing Samantha, who was trying to cheat by beating Spyke and Cyandog.
Episode 17 : Use the Medaforce [a.k.a. Discovery of Medaforce]
February. 16,2002
Dr. Meta-Evil's super strong bot, the Robo-Emperor, strats reaking havok and Rokusho gets kidnaped by the Rubber Robo Gang and is taken to a ship where they hope to get a rare medal. Ikki find more info on rare medals. He finds out that Dr. Hushi (Rokusho's Medafighter) was the first to find out that the medaforce comes from a Medabots rare medal. The RRG replaced Baton's memory chip to think thta it was his fault for killing Dr. Hushi. Metabee, once again, goes to save the day and finds himself in a battle with the Robo-Emperor. Metabee tries to fight but is injured. Once Rokusho finds out who really killed Dr. Hushi, he tries to help Metabee. They are both no match for the R-Emp but when it seems that all hope is lost, Metabee uses the Medaforce to win the Ro-Battle. Ikki is amazed when he finds out that Metabee has a rare medal. He is even more amazed when Metabee's medal evolves. After all this comotion is done, Rokusho and Baton leave to try to find Dr. Hushi because they think he
Episode 16 : Metabee Vs Rokusho
February. 09,2002
Rokusho finds out that Dr. Aki was the one that set fire to Dr. Hushi's house and Rokusho gets VERY angry. Metabee tries to protect Dr. Aki and has to Ro-Battle Rokusho. When Metabee is about to win, Rokusho uses the 'Medaforce' (which is a medal's maximum power) to pumel Metabee into oblivion. Metabee is beaten so baddly that his medal comes out. Just when things can't get any worse, Dr. Meda-Evil realeases a REALLY BAD and strong medabot to Ro-Battle Rokusho and take his rare medal. Will Rokusho win the Ro-Battle with Dr. Meda-Evil? Will Ikki & Metabee ever win a Ro-Battle again? Find out in Part 2.
Episode 15 : I Dream of Hushi
December. 08,2001
Rokusho meets Ainsley, a woman that lost her husband in a war, and they start to become friends. When Rokusho sleeps on Ainsely's tree, he remebers thing about his past with Dr. Hushi. The tree reminds Ainsley about her husband. The tree is important to both of them so they both try to protect it. The Rubber Robo Gang think that there are rare medals buried by the tree so they get into a ro-battle and set the tree on fire. While, both rokusho and Ainsley are saddend, Ainsley says that they don't need the tree any more.
Episode 14 : The Spy Who Robattled Me
December. 01,2001
The Rubber Robo gang tries to steal a rare medal from the Medabot Corporation, who is the worlds supplier to 90% of Metabots. Inside, the RRG steals Belzega, a medabot that has one-hit-beats-him attack. Ikki and Metabee try to stop him and when Metabee was to tired, Brass and Nutranurse helped out. In the end, Dr. Aki realizes that the RRG wants ALL the rare medals of the world so he appoints the Phantom Renegade to protect them.
Episode 13 : Meet Your Meda-Maker
November. 24,2001
The Rubber Robo Gang comes up with a plan to use Ikki and Metabee to steal a super rare medal from Dr. Aki him self, who is the creator of all Medabots and also Karin's uncle.
Episode 12 : Ban All Medabots
November. 17,2001
Angry moms that don't like Medabots steal kids' Medabots and pac them away. Ikki and Metabee talk some sence to the mean mommys and they get a grip and everyone lives happily ever after. For now, anyway.
Episode 11 : Phantom Renegade: Unmasked
November. 10,2001
Ikki is acused to be the Phantom Renagade by a reporter so the reporter follows him everywhere and evenstarts mimmic the Phantom hopping Ikki would reveal his secret. But then the real Phantom (not Ikki or the reporter) comes out into the opening seeking revenge.
Episode 10 : Mystery Medabot
October. 27,2001
A mysterious medabot has come to town. This metabot goes by the name Rokusho. Ikki and his pals see him saving a puppy and they realise that he is faster than any Metabot they ever seen. Metabee finds out that Rokusho is a loner medabot with his past shrouded in mystery. Meanwhile, the Rubber Robo Gang is off making mischief and when Ikki's house gets attacked, Rokusho helps Metabee fight them off. While the day is saved, who is Rokusho and where is he from.
Episode 9 : For Better for Worse (2)
October. 20,2001
Metabee and Ikki are still infuriated at each other so Metabee disides NOT to listen to Ikki. Even though Ikki tries to help Metabee, MB tunes him out and loses the Ro-Battle. Koji says that he isn't satisfied with his victory because he didn't give it his all. He also comments on how Sumilidon used Metabee's rage against him. After the deffeat, MB's medal pops out of the robbot leaving it to be stollen by the Rubber Robo Gang. They minipulate Metabee to join the Rubber Robo Gang. Is this over for Ikki and Metabee?
Episode 8 : For Better for Worse (1)
October. 13,2001
It is time for the 10th Annual Medabot Citywide Ro-Battle. Ikki and Metabee want to enter but of course they can't get along and Metabee refuses to listen to Ikki in the Ro-Battles. They both manage to get to the finals anyway but the final test is Koji and Sumilidon. Can Ikki and Metabee get a grip and defeat Koji and Sumilidon. Find out in Part 2.
Episode 7 : Cyandog Bites Back
October. 06,2001
Spyke and Cyandog never seem to win a Ro-Battle so Samantha kicks him them out of the Screws gang. Spyke and Cyandog ask Metabee and Ikki for training help and they find out that Cyandog is terrible at battle because he has the wrong type of medal.
Episode 6 : The Gimme Ghost
September. 29,2001
Ikki and Erika find out that there are ghosts stealing medals in a forest so they decide to check it out. There they find Karen and Koji who are also looking for the 'Gimmie Ghost' as he is called. What they find aren't ghosts but they find the RubberRobo Gang up to mischief.
Episode 5 : The Old Man and the Sea Monster
September. 22,2001
The 'Old Man' helps Ikki and Metabee fight on water to to beat the bad bully-meanies.
Episode 4 : The Legendary Medafighter
September. 15,2001
Erika finds out about a ""legendary medafighter"" that supposidly goes to a snoby rich kids private school, so she and Ikki sneek in and go on a search to find him.
Episode 3 : Running Scared
September. 08,2001
Ikki's middle school gym teacher makes him and the screws do A LOT (and when I say a lot, I mean a lot) of running but when Ikki and Erika find out the gym teachers big secret, they decide to investigate.
Episode 2 : Return of the Screws
September. 01,2001
Ikki and Metabee don't get along so well and Henry explains why. Ikki starts to understand why and decides to Ro-Battle the screws. At first, they don't get along and Metabee starts to lose really badly. When Ikki and Metabee start to work as a team, they beat Sammantha and Peppercat.
Episode 1 : Stung by a Metabee
September. 01,2001
In the year 2122 a young boy named Ikki doesnt have a Medabot and everbody else does so he's been saving his money for years going back to the same store looking at the medabots. One day the owner of the storetries to sell him an old medabot,then one day a kid from the screws has his medabot stolen and his leader goes to see the punks who stole his friends medabot and they start picking on ikkis friend so ikki runs and finds a medal in the river and he buys the medabot and saves his friend his name is Metabee.


Season 3
Season 3 2003
Season 2
Season 2 2002
Season 1
Season 1 2001


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