Firing Line with Margaret Hoover Season 2

January. 10,2019      TV-PG
Trailer Synopsis

Join author, activist and commentator Margaret Hoover for a public affairs talk show that delivers a civil and engaging contest of ideas among the brightest minds and voices from across the ideological spectrum.

Episode 39 : Adam Schiff
December. 20,2019
House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff discusses the third presidential impeachment in U.S. history. Schiff explains why he now believes that a failed impeachment is better than none at all. He also discusses the Inspector General’s findings of mistakes in the FBI surveillance application process. In addition, Schiff warns about the threat of disinformation campaigns in the 2020 elections.
Episode 38 : Nikki Haley
December. 13,2019
Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley discusses her role in President Trump’s cabinet, and assesses the Trump administration’s handling of North Korea and Iran. Haley addresses the controversy over her recent comments on the confederate flag, and explains how the GOP should appeal to new voters. She also says the UN needs to change with the times.
Episode 37 : Will Hurd
November. 23,2019
House Intelligence Committee member Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) discusses the impeachment hearings. Hurd explains why he says President Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president was “inappropriate,” and where he stands on allegations of bribery and extortion. Hurd discusses which witnesses he wants to hear from next, and whether or not he has made up his mind on how he would vote.
Episode 36 : Mark Warner
November. 15,2019
Sen. Intel Vice Chair Mark Warner (D-VA) discusses Russian election interference and how other adversaries have learned from their playbook heading into 2020. Warner talks about combating threats to voting systems and disinformation campaigns. He discusses his possible role as a juror in an impeachment trial, and says Russian spies spread the false claim that Ukraine meddled in the 2016 election.
Episode 35 : David Shulkin
November. 08,2019
Former Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin joins Firing Line to discuss his tenure in the Trump administration before the president fired him by tweet. Shulkin explains his argument against privatization of the VA, a policy dispute that he believes led to his dismissal. He also addresses Trump’s leadership style and defends his controversial travel while in office.
Episode 34 : Preet Bharara
November. 01,2019
Former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York Preet Bharara says that President Trump should be impeached for abuse of power. Bharara discusses what is ahead in the impeachment proceedings and Attorney General William Barr’s criminal investigation into the origins of the counterintelligence probe. Bharara also addresses his brief tenure in the Trump administration before he was fired.
Episode 33 : Cindy & Meghan McCain
October. 25,2019
Sen. John McCain’s widow Cindy and daughter Meghan join Firing Line to reflect on the Senator’s legacy and bipartisan accomplishments just over a year after his passing. Cindy and Meghan address President Trump’s attacks on John McCain, the deep polarization in American politics, Meghan’s role as the conservative voice on The View, and their relationship with 2020 Presidential candidate Joe Biden.
Episode 32 : Bryan Stevenson
October. 18,2019
Civil rights activist Bryan Stevenson joins Firing Line to discuss race in America, the legacy of slavery, and his work defending death row prisoners. He also discusses creating The National Memorial for Peace and Justice to honor the victims of lynching, and the upcoming Hollywood movie based on his memoir, Just Mercy.
Episode 31 : Larry Hogan
October. 11,2019
Governor Larry Hogan (R-MD) joins Firing Line to discuss the Trump impeachment inquiry. Hogan addresses reports that he was considering a primary run against the President, discusses the state of the Republican party, and talks about his record as a Republican governor leading a blue state.
Episode 30 : Michael Bloomberg
September. 27,2019
Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg joins Firing Line to discuss House Democrats’ decision to launch an impeachment inquiry into Pres. Trump. Bloomberg talks about two of his signature issues, gun safety and climate change, and explains how he sees businesses working alongside government to address global threats. He explains why he isn’t running for president in 2020, and weighs in on the field.
Episode 29 : Andrew Yang
September. 20,2019
2020 presidential candidate and entrepreneur Andrew Yang joins Firing Line to detail his signature proposal to give every American adult $1,000 each month. Yang also discusses his growing concerns about robots and artificial intelligence replacing American jobs, and explains his goal to shift the country’s economy toward a new human-centered capitalism.
Episode 28 : Condoleezza Rice
September. 13,2019
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice joins Firing Line to discuss the breakdown of the Trump administration’s negotiations with the Taliban. Dr. Rice also reflects on how the post-Cold War order has evolved, and warns against nativism and protectionism. She additionally criticizes elected officials who make policy on Twitter.
Episode 27 : Jim Mattis
September. 06,2019
Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis joins ​Firing Line​ eight months after resigning from the Trump administration to discuss leadership, the importance of allies, and America’s role in conflicts in the Middle East. Mattis also explains why we should never label political opponents ‘enemies of the people’, and addresses his criticism of then-Vice President Joe Biden in his new book.
Episode 26 : Terry McAuliffe
August. 30,2019
Terry McAuliffe, former VA Governor and DNC chair, discusses the 2020 Democratic field, including which candidate he thinks currently has the best chance of winning. McAuliffe also addresses white nationalism during the Trump administration in the wake of the El Paso attack and two years after Charlottesville’s violent “Unite the Right” rally that became the biggest crisis of his governorship.
Episode 25 : Pramila Jayapal
August. 09,2019
Rep. Pramila Jayapal, co-sponsor of the House Medicare for All Act, makes the case for a universal government-run health insurance program. She explains why she supports eliminating private insurance and what that would mean for the 150 million+ people with employer-based coverage. She also talks about the cost of Medicare for All and whether wait times for doctors’ visits would change.
Episode 24 : John Hickenlooper
August. 02,2019
Presidential candidate and former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper discusses taking on Bernie Sanders in this week’s presidential debate. Hickenlooper explains why he says policies advocated by some candidates, like the elimination of private insurance and the Green New Deal, will hand the election to Trump. He also discusses the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, which he initially opposed.
Episode 23 : Julian Castro
July. 26,2019
2020 presidential candidate and former HUD secretary Julian Castro joins Firing Line to discuss immigration policy and his breakout moment in the first Democratic debate. Castro explains why he is calling for the decriminalization of border crossings, and discusses the possibility of challenging Joe Biden on this issue when they share the stage at the next debate.
Episode 22 : Ted Cruz
July. 20,2019
Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) joins Firing Line to discuss the backlash over President Trump’s racially charged tweets aimed at four Democrat Congresswoman. Cruz also discuss his concerns about anti-Semitism and socialism in the progressive left, and addresses immigration policy and border detentions.
Episode 21 : John Delaney
July. 13,2019
Presidential candidate John Delaney discusses why he thinks Democrats running on popular progressive policies like Medicare for All would hand the 2020 election to Donald Trump. The former Maryland Congressman and entrepreneur details his own plans for healthcare and the environment, and makes the case that he is the candidate who will find bipartisan solutions.
Episode 20 : Jim Clyburn
June. 28,2019
House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) joins Firing Line to discuss Joe Biden’s ties to segregationist senators, and whether he plans to use his platform as an influential South Carolina Democrat to endorse ahead of his state’s key primary. Clyburn also assesses the impeachment debate within the Democratic Party, and what he says needs to happen before impeachment proceedings would begin.
Episode 19 : Liz Cheney
June. 21,2019
Rep. Liz Cheney, the highest ranking House Republican woman ever, joins Firing Line to discuss how she thinks the United States should handle Iran, North Korea and Russia. She makes the case that America is safer under the Trump administration, and says she still believe the promotion of democracy and freedom around the world should be a pillar of U.S. foreign policy.
Episode 18 : Chelsea Handler
June. 14,2019
Comedian Chelsea Handler joins Firing Line to discuss how she channeled her anger and sadness after Donald Trump’s election into self discovery and activism. Handler shares her views on Robert Mueller, the #MeToo movement, and abortion rights.
Episode 17 : Gen. David Petraeus
May. 24,2019
Retired Gen. David Petraeus discusses tensions between the U.S. and Iran, reflects on his 37 years in the U.S. Army, leading troop surges in Iraq and Afghanistan, and American involvement in both countries.
Episode 16 : Tom Cotton
May. 17,2019
Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK) discusses the escalating tensions with Iran and why he believes a potential military conflict would be swift and decisive for the United States. Cotton, a member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, explains why believes the Mueller report is not “gospel.”
Episode 15 : Rob Reiner
May. 10,2019
Director, actor and activist Rob Reiner explains why he is using his voice to call out President Trump on social media, reflects on the continued divisions in the country that his character on “”All in the Family”” helped to illustrate, and talks about which Democratic candidate he believes has the best shot of winning back the White House in 2020.
Episode 14 : Stephen Moore
May. 03,2019
Stephen Moore joins to discuss the Federal Reserve.
Episode 13 : Tulsi Gabbard
April. 26,2019
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a 2020 presidential candidate and Democrat from Hawaii, discusses how her time serving in Iraq led her to oppose regime-change wars and defends her meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in 2017.
Episode 12 : Ann Coulter
April. 19,2019
Conservative commentator Ann Coulter discusses her early support of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign due to his hardline stance on immigration, her disappointment with how the Trump administration has handled immigration and border security, and why she is now saying the crisis at the border is “worse than it would ever be under any Democrat.”
Episode 11 : H.R. McMaster
April. 12,2019
Retired Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster discusses his time as President Trump’s National Security Advisor, his military career that spanned 30 years including service in both Iraq wars, the rise of a new generation of geopolitical threats, and what America needs to do to stay secure.
Episode 10 : Howard Schultz
April. 05,2019
Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz discusses his potential run for president as an independent, his case for centrists politics, the backlash he has received from Democrats about his potential candidacy, and how he responds to the criticism that he could help get President Trump re-elected.
Episode 9 : Angus King
March. 29,2019
Senator Angus King (I-ME) discusses the Mueller Report, why Attorney General Barr’s summary is not enough and how we can protect ourselves from the Russians in the 2020 election. Angus Stanley King Jr. is an American politician and attorney serving as the junior United States Senator from Maine since 2013. A political independent since 1993, he was the 72nd Governor of Maine from 1995 to 2003.
Episode 8 : Tony Blair
March. 22,2019
Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Tony Blair discusses the rise of populism around the globe, Brexit, and why he is advocating a return to centrist politics this week on Firing Line. Tony Blair is a British politician who served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1997 to 2007 and Leader of the Labour Party from 1994 to 2007. He was Leader of the Opposition from 1994 to 1997. As of 2017, Blair is the last UK Labour Party leader to have won a general election.
Episode 7 : Andrew McCabe
February. 22,2019
Former Acting Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe joins to discuss his new book. Andrew McCabe is a former Federal Bureau of Investigation agent. He served as Deputy Director of the FBI from February 2016 to January 2018.
Episode 6 : Scott Walker
February. 15,2019
Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker joins to discuss his legacy as a reformer. Former Governor Scott Walker was Governor of Wisconsin from 2011 to 2019. In 2015, he was a candidate for his party’s nomination in the 2016 presidential election.
Episode 5 : José Andrés
February. 09,2019
Chef José Andrés joins to discuss his philanthropic work in Puerto Rico, feeding Federal employees, and his twitter exchanges with the President. Chef José Andrés is a Spanish-American chef with restaurants all across the world. He founded World Central Kitchen, a non-profit devoted to providing meals in the wake of natural disasters. Andrés was named the 2018 Humanitarian of the Year by the James Beard Foundation for his efforts in Puerto Rico.
Episode 4 : Governor Chris Christie
February. 01,2019
Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie discusses getting fired from the Trump transition, why he thinks Jared Kushner is the one who pushed him out, and how he would have carried out President Trump’s agenda. Governor Chris Christie is the former Governor of New Jersey. He served from 2010 to 2018. His new book is titled, "Let Me Finish".
Episode 3 : Rep. Eric Swalwell
January. 25,2019
Rep. Eric Swalwell defends calling the president an agent of Russia and outlines a possible new area of inquiry for Congressional investigators. Congressman Eric Swalwell is an American politician who has served as U.S. Representative of California’s 15th congressional district since 2013.
Episode 2 : Tamika Mallory
January. 18,2019
Tamika Mallory, Co-President of the Women’s March, responds to divisions in the movement and allegations of anti-Semitism. Tamika Mallory is an activist and organizer. Since 2017, she has been Co-President of the Women’s March.
Episode 1 : Stacey Abrams
January. 11,2019
This week on Firing Line, Stacey Abrams discusses her narrow defeat in Georgia, why she refused to concede and her next election. Stacey Abrams American politician, lawyer and novelist who served as Minority Leader of the Georgia House of Representatives from 2011 to 2017. In 2018, she ran as the Democratic candidate for Governor of Georgia.


Season 7
Season 7 2024
Season 6
Season 6 2023
Season 5
Season 5 2022
Season 4
Season 4 2021
Season 3
Season 3 2020
Season 2
Season 2 2019
Season 1
Season 1 2018

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