Don't Let Go of My Hand Season 1

July. 22,2018      
Trailer Synopsis

The story revolves around a girl named Azra who is studying abroad in America to be a professional cook like her father. She met Cenk, the grandson of Ferida Celen, on the plane and took his bag instead of hers at the airport by mistake. Cenk who was expelled from his university in America and struggling to choose his own destiny will get to witness the huge turn in Azra's life when her father dies in a fire accident leaving her and his autistic son with his greedy wife.

Episode 43 : Episode 43
June. 02,2019
Months have passed since Cansu's death. Cenk no longer wants to allow Azra and Mert out of his sight even for a second, so he does not want to delay the wedding any longer. The entire family is excited about the wedding. After Cansu's death Sumru was checked in to a clinic, and when she learns that Azra and Cenk are getting married she escapes from the hospital. After Cansu's death Sumru has turned her entire anger on Azra. Will Sumru be able to prevent the wedding from taking place?
Episode 42 : Episode 42
May. 27,2019
Cenk is certain that Azra has been kidnapped by Faruk and he immediately starts searching for her. However, with the clue that Azra leaves behind, Cenk is now certain of the possibility that Burhan is the actual murderer. Sumru has no idea that the reason her daughter even had the accident is because of Burhan, she stays by her daughter's bedside as she continues to struggle between life and death. Meanwhile Azmi and Mesut, who also think that the real murderer is Burhan and who continue to follow his every move, but they have no idea that with every step they take are getting them closer to Azra and Cenk who are being held captive. What will be the end result for Cansu who was seriously injured in the accident? Will Azra and Cenk finally get freed from the hands of the men that Burhan has hired?
Episode 41 : Episode 41
May. 20,2019
Cansu makes a decision regarding her father's fate and she makes her move to turn him over to the police. However, when certain events happen that are totally out of her control, she is now stuck at a point of which she cannot get herself out. Azra and Cenk get into an argument regarding the inheritance situation. Azra is heartbroken and as she turns and walks away from Cenk she has no idea of what is about to happen. The move that Cank makes regarding Azra is the type of move that is going to affects both of their lives. In spite of everything she has done, Zerrin is unable to prevent the harm that she has caused. Serap's conscience is the winner in all of this, and she explains the truth regarding her mother and her mother's actions. Zerrin's fate is now awaiting the decision that Cenk will make.
Episode 40 : Episode 40
May. 13,2019
Cansu is living through the biggest shock of her life after listening to the recording and learning that her father is a murderer. Burhan's future is now in Cansu's hands and her decision. What will Cansu decide? Step by step Azra and Mesut are getting closer to Kemal's murderer. Burhan is trying to keep them away from him. Azra and Cenk are living the excitement of marriage as they wedding day approaches. The wedding gift that Cenk has planned for Azra is something that she could never have dreamed of, and it has a lot of meaning. At the same time Azra is preparing a surprise for Cenk. She makes arranges for a dinner so that Cenk can meet her friend who has arrived from America. At first Cenk accepts this invitation very happily without knowing what this meeting is eventually going to lead to.
Episode 39 : Episode 39
May. 06,2019
While Azra and Cenk are living the sweetest moments of their wedding preparations, Feride wants to take Azra dowry shopping. All of the women of the family join together for this fun shopping spree, the destination is the Covered Bazaar. Meanwhile Cenk is preparing a surprise for Azra and he asks Cansu for her help in this endeavor, but he has no idea what situation he is going to come face to face with. At the same time Azmi's suspicions regarding Burhan continue to escalate, so he approaches Mesut and now as they work together, will they be able to find any clues that will lead them to Burhan?
Episode 38 : Episode 38
April. 29,2019
Azra and Cenk return from the antiquarian empty handed, the flash drive is not inside the back cover. Azra's hope of finding her father's murderer has total dissipated. Meanwhile in the mansion there is a huge crisis, Melis has runaway. When Cenk hears the news he immediately starts searching for her as well. When news comes from the hospital Cenk, Azra and Feride are deeply shaken. What has happened to Melis? While all of this is going on, Sumru is trying to convince Cansu not to leave and move away with Burhan. Will Sumru be successful in convincing Cansu?
Episode 37 : Episode 37
April. 22,2019
Cenk is furious at Azra for arranging and going to a meeting without even telling him. This causes them to have a huge argument. Meanwhile the relationship between Melis and Kadir has an explosive effect at the mansion. While Feride is arguing about the point that Cenk is need to be told about this as soon as possible, Serap would prefer to wait for the right moment. However thanks to Arda that right time will never arrive, and a huge fight breaks between Cenk and Kadir. Cenk accuses Kadir of getting close to Melis in order to get revenge. Azra has loss all hoe of being able to learn who was her father's murderer. However when she sees the book that Faruk gave Cansu before leaving she cannot believe her eyes. Even though her relationship with Cenk is currently strained she mentions the book to him. Will Azra and Cenk be able to solve the mystery of the book?
Episode 36 : Episode 36
April. 15,2019
Azra has given the money to Faruk but with Cenk's sudden arrival she misses the opportunity of learning who is her father's murderer. Azra is also sure that now as Faruk has his money he will never contact her again. Tensions between Cenk and Azra continue to escalate after it is discovered that the video causing the scandal at the company was sent from Chef Ferhat's phone and after Cenk accuses him of betrayal. Feride is busy first trying to save the reputation of the company and second trying to win big deal that was lost when the scandal broke, as she is determined to find the evidence to prove that Chef Ferhat is innocent. Arda who has now learned about Kadir and Melis's relationship, starts to investigate Kadir's background, and he gets his hands on a certain documents. Will Arda reveal the relationship between his sister and Kadir to the entire family?
Episode 35 : Episode 35
April. 08,2019
While Cenk is busy working on the eve of a very important business deal, the video where Sumru caused a scene at the restaurant has appeared on internet. Cenk immediately makes his move to find out who leaked this video. Once it is discovered that the video was leaked by someone from the restaurant an outrage breaks out. When Azmi learns that it was Sumru who is responsible for his being rehired, he goes to see her to find out why she did it. Sumru's answer is going to change the direction of their relationship. Meanwhile the secretive man who was going to reveal to Azra who is her father's murderer continues to threaten her not to tell anyone about this. Azra, who has no idea where she is going to find the money that this man is demanding, is now literally squeezed to a corner.
Episode 34 : Episode 34
March. 25,2019
Azra's hopes go up after meeting someone at the cemetery who claims to know the person responsible for her father's death. As for Cenk, he is extremely concerned that the person whom no one knows, as he is hiding his identity, can actually harm Azra. In order to prevent this to happen he is going to make sure that he has taken every needed precaution. The attack made by Sumru at the restaurant shakes deeply Feride. Even though Sumru's words were extremely harsh, causing Feride to start questioning herself. Meanwhile, at the same time Sumru has now learned about Azmi's betrayal and just like Feride she too is deeply shaken, and start questioning everything as well. For both Feride and Sumru dealing with the situations that they are, and the path they choose to take to deal with this, is going to be quite different as they are quite different in character personality as well. Cenk convinces Azra to go to the police. Will the man that has contacted Azra be caught?
Episode 33 : Episode 33
March. 18,2019
Azra and Cenk attend to a wedding party of one of Cenk's friend. This party is going to be filled with surprises. Zerrin who has been hiding from all of the Çelen family that she is broke, with the arrival of an unexpected guest she is going to be put in a very difficult situation. Now that Cenk is forcing Kadir and Melis to work together, are they going to be able to control their feelings for each other? Meanwhile Sumru, who was planning on getting married to Azmi, learns something that drives her totally insane. Sumru's attacking actions leading with attacking Feride, is going to put all of the Çelen family in a very difficult position.
Episode 32 : Episode 32
March. 11,2019
The sudden arrival of Zerrin is a huge surprise for everyone. At one point Zerrin was a very wealthy woman, however after her husband died she lost everything, and she has absolutely no intentions of explaining any of this to the Çelen family. Cenk is working on a new plan to bring the company back up to its glory, and included in this plan is a huge surprise for Kadir and Melis. Azra has started to become suspicious that Cenk is hiding something from her, so she starts to chase down the causes of her suspicions.
Episode 31 : Episode 31
March. 04,2019
Cenk arrives at the hospital with only minutes to spare and is immediately taken into surgery. Melis who has learned that Kadir has changed his mind about leaving, now gives her hope regarding their love for each other. However Kadir changed his mind only because he feels guilty about Cenk's illness, and he is still determined to keep his distance from Melis. Azmi starts to apply pressure to Sumru to give back the shares of the company. Azra is busy trying to get Cenk to change his attitude and the way that he is treating his family. Meanwhile Feride is working on a plan to convince Cenk to return to the company and in order to accomplish this she is willing to make a huge sacrifice. After everything that has happened, Serap is left totally on her own, however at a moment that is least expected she receives support from someone very surprising.
Episode 30 : Episode 30
February. 17,2019
Cenk is growing through tremendous plan and the loss of the trust towards his family, as he has now learned that it was his mother Serap who is behind the purchase of the stock made by Sumru. Azra is working very hard to prevent Cenk from breaking all of his ties with his family. Serap and Feride are both after trying to win Cenk back. On one hand hiving to deal with his illness, and yet on another trying to deal with being stabbed in the back by his own mother, Cenk is on the verge of making a very important decision regarding his life.
Episode 29 : Episode 29
February. 10,2019
Following the accident a brain aneurysm is discovered in a very dangerous part of Cenk's brain. Cenk's doctor, Defne, warns him about the seriousness of his condition and tells him that they must take action immediately. However during this time Cenk has to decide what his priorities are. He must make a decision between his own personal health or happiness with those that he loves. Meanwhile it is becoming more and more difficult for Serap to hide from Cenk that she is the true owner of the company shares that are in Sumru's possession. Feride wants Serap to explain the entire truth to Cenk. Serap must make a very difficult decision.
Episode 28 : Episode 28
February. 03,2019
Just as Cenk and Azra have joined together and took the first step towards happiness, Cenk is involved in a car accident and has got into a emergency surgery. He is in critical condition. Kadir, who was with Cenk at the time of the accident, is nowhere to be found. While Azra and the other members of the family are distraught, Serap is blaming herself because she had an argument with Cenk right before the accident.
Episode 27 : Episode 27
January. 27,2019
After everything that she has been through, Azra finally realizes that she cannot keep hiding the truth from Cenk, so she decides to explain him the real reason why she was forced to keep her distance from him. However Cenk's reaction to this explanation is not exactly what Azra was expecting. Azmi and Sumru continue to use Serap, pushing her even further towards Feride. However Feride is not sitting by and just watching what i happening. Feride also makes her move against Azmi, who has been working for her for all these years, knows exactly what is needed to bring him back to his senses. Fatma who is very ill can no longer continue to live out on the street in the cold, and she finally gives in. Meanwhile Kadir no longer wants to delay his plans for revenge and he decide that the time has come to reconcile his differences with Cenk.
Episode 26 : Episode 26
January. 20,2019
Everyone is extremely stressed with the possibility that Fatma was able to successfully leave the hospital. Feride becomes very concerned with the possibility that Mert may be kidnapped once again, so she takes the necessary precautionary measures for security to insure this does not happen. The police is siding with Azra and are searching the area surrounding her home, while Sumru and Azmi start searching anywhere they know to try and find Fatma. But in-spite of all of the security measures in place, it is not enough to prevent Fatma from getting in touch with Mert. When Sumru finds out that Cansu has turned over her shares from the cafe to Burhan, she realizes that slowly but surely she is losing her daughter, so he immediately starts to look for ways to win her daughter back. Azra has started to regain her self confidence now that she has been reunited with Mert, and the belief that Fatma will eventually be found and that she will tell the police the truth.
Episode 25 : Episode 25
January. 13,2019
Cenk, along with the jealousy he feels, misunderstands and loses complete control with the closeness that he sees between Kadir and Azra, and the two men get into a huge and serious fight. In a moment of anger towards Cenk, Kadir makes a mistake for which he will truly be very sorry about later. The single and only evidence that will insure that Azra will get custody of hr brother is now lost. Sumru, who now witnesses with her own eyes and confirms to herself that the relationship between Azra and Cenk is officially over, turns Mert over to hiss sister Azra temporarily. Mert starts to live with Azra. While Sumru now starts to give interviews to all of the business magazines regarding her new association with the Çelen Group, Cansu has had enough of her mother's aggressive behavior, and the distances herself and starts to have closer relationship with her recently reunited father. As all of this is going on, the news that comes from the hospital where Fatma is shocks everyone.
Episode 24 : Episode 24
January. 06,2019
When everyone finds out that it is Sumru who has purchased all of the offered stocks, they are all shocked. However for those who know Sumru they are constantly asking each other from where did she find the money to make this purchase. Azra speaks with Feride that the time has come for her to stand on her own feet, and Feride accepts this explanation with total understanding, so she rents herself a home in a modest neighborhood staying within her budget. At the same in order to protect Mert she takes back her request for an investigation of her father's death. The fact that Azra has not explained anything reasonable to Cenk about why she is keeping her distance angers Cenk very much. With this anger, when he sees Azra and Kadir together, he takes his anger out on Kadir. Cenk's fight with Kadir is going to cause all of the balance to turn upside down, to the point where even Azra's possibility to be reunited with Mert in now in jeopardy.
Episode 23 : Episode 23
December. 30,2018
When Mine's family returns home Azra is forced to move out. Even if Azra first thinks to move into a hotel, with Feride's insistence she agrees not to hurt her and moves back to the mansion. When Sumru learns that Azra has moved back to the mansion she immediately starts to threaten her using Mert. However, Sumru is not the only person threatening Azra with Mert. There is a secretive someone who is demanding her to withdrawn the complaint that she filed with the police regarding her father's death, and they are sending photographs of Mert to threaten her. While a news from the hospital regarding Fatma arrives there is hope once again, Cenk's discreet actions stops the company from continuing on a dangerous path, and the shares are now being sold on the public market. However, what is really important here is who is buying up all those shares.
Episode 22 : Episode 22
December. 23,2018
Cenk cannot accept his separation with Azra and look for other reasons under which Azra left him. Cenk is becoming more and more angry man and starts street fights.
Episode 21 : Episode 21
December. 16,2018
The decision that Mert announces at the hearing turns everything upside down and out of balance. Cenk is on the verge of a great test with both his love and his work.
Episode 20 : Episode 20
December. 09,2018
Azra takes another step getting closer with Mert right before the custody hearing. The possibility of winning the case against Sumru and to take away her brother gets stronger.
Episode 19 : Episode 19
December. 02,2018
Azra is hopeful that she is going to win the custody case and get the custody of Mert, so with this hope she ignores the threats made by Sumru and she enjoys the happiness of spending time with Cenk.
Episode 18 : Episode 18
November. 25,2018
After Azra is misunderstood, and the disappointment that she feels towards Cenk because of this situation, all becomes the beginning of everything falling apart.
Episode 17 : Episode 17
November. 18,2018
Azra tries to stand firm against Sumru's threats. Cansu and Kadir start a game which will effect the Çelen family. Azra and Cenk, on the other hand, live through difficult days because of Cansu.
Episode 16 : Episode 16
November. 11,2018
Azra opens a case with Çetin for her father's dubious death. Cenk searches the missing letter from his car. In the meantime, Cansu's unexpected disappearance leaves Azra and Cenk in a difficult situation.
Episode 15 : Episode 15
November. 04,2018
Burhan threatens Sumru in her workplace and continues threatens her with Cansu. Cenk tries to melt the ice between Azra and Mert.
Episode 14 : Episode 14
October. 28,2018
Not even enjoying the fact of finding her brother, Azra collapsed when Mert chooses Sumru. Mert thinks that Azra has abandoned him.
Episode 13 : Episode 13
October. 21,2018
When Cenk confesses to his mother his love for Azra, Serap soon begins to look for ways to send her out of the house. Serap decides to make tough decisions.
Episode 12 : Episode 12
October. 14,2018
When the Azra comes to live in the Çelen mansion, the balance is broken again. While Serap is looking for ways to send Azra out of the house, Cenk starts to give into his feelings for Azra.
Episode 11 : Episode 11
October. 07,2018
Even though Feride suffers deep pains while in the hospital, her past does not leave her side. The surprise waiting for Feride in the hospital will deeply affect her family.
Episode 10 : Episode 10
September. 30,2018
Feride's world is destroyed when she learns Azra's secret. Even though Azra wants to speak to Feride, the Çelen family does not allow her.
Episode 9 : Episode 9
September. 23,2018
The ceremony prepared for Feride's birthday is destroyed by Cenk's surprise. With the revealing of the relationship between Azra and Cansu, Cenk's plan works as he wishes.
Episode 8 : Episode 8
September. 16,2018
Cansu is certain that Sumru is hiding something regarding Mert and she learns where Mert is being held.
Episode 7 : Episode 7
September. 09,2018
Because his stubbornness and anger towards Azra, Cenk starts a relationship with Cansu. Azra, who is on the way to find Mert, is almost destroyed by the news from Feride.
Episode 6 : Episode 6
September. 02,2018
Cenk and Azra are confronted by the fact that all the heritage will be left to Azra. He thinks that Azra has set up a game for herself and is determined to go to America.
Episode 5 : Episode 5
August. 26,2018
Cenk, who sees Azra at Tarik's house, cannot believe his eyes. No doubt, Cenk's emotions will prevent him from making the right decisions.
Episode 4 : Episode 4
August. 12,2018
Realizing that the voice at the end of the phone is Mert, Azra wields her arms to reach her brother. Without a doubt, Cenk will not leave her alone.
Episode 3 : Episode 3
August. 05,2018
Azra who learns about the life insurance policy and payment confronts Sumru. With Feride's absence, the Çelen family goes into turmoil, and it is only going to get worse for them.
Episode 2 : Episode 2
July. 29,2018
The series of events that Azra goes through in order to take care of Mert will lead to more intersections with Cenk. However, Azra will blame Cenk for everything that she goes through.
Episode 1 : Episode 1
July. 22,2018
Azra and Cenk's lives cross paths with a small coincidence, but this coincidence will be the first spark to connect their lives together.


Season 2
Season 2 2019
Season 1
Season 1 2018


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