Lupin the Third Season 3

March. 03,1984      TV-14
Trailer Synopsis

Everyone's favourite master thief Lupin returns! And this time he’s sporting an exceptionally fashionable pink jacket. Join Lupin and his gang as he goes on zany, colourful adventures across the globe as they vie for hidden treasures and face deadly foes. Topped with some wild animation and classic Lupin antics, each episode is an exciting rollercoaster ride!

Episode 50 : Kill the Atomic Submarine Ivanov
November. 06,1985
Lupin has absconded with the Russian submarine Ivanov, and the world's spy agencies are haggling over the price to buy it with Fujiko. However, Lupin just wants to use it to salvage some sunken gold in Bermuda. Will the Ivanov be Lupin's watery, iron coffin?
Episode 49 : Pops Was Adopted into the Family
September. 28,1985
Lupin wants to steal the valuable jewel of a famous female shot putter, but Zenigata is putting up a valiant defense. His efforts impress the lady so much that she wants to adopt him! Whose tenacity will win the day?
Episode 48 : Tears Stood in Hades' Eyes
August. 31,1985
The Tears of Hades is an exquisitely large diamond embedded in a statue; Lupin plucks it from Hade's eye but soon finds more than meets the eye. The diamond holds secret plans, and a group of mercenaries want Lupin to exchange it for the life of a girl named Maria. Does Hades weep for joy or sorrow?
Episode 47 : A Famous Picture
August. 17,1985
A young boy named Ken attacks Goemon! Ken's father was killed by the mafia after painting a picture that contains a treasure map. Goemon enlists Lupin's help to avenge Ken's loss. With Ken kidnapped, can Lupin reveal the painting's secret and keep Ken from suffering his father's fate?
Episode 46 : Worn-Out Wings
July. 27,1985
When did Lupin start playing with dolls?! The dolls in question can lead to a large sum of money and are promptly stolen by Lupin. However, Fujiko double crosses him (again!) and takes them to an eccentric collector. The collector wants to make Fujiko part of his collection too. With Lupin and the gang stuck on a deserted island, can he rescue Fujiko and the treasure? Fly, Zantetsuken!
Episode 45 : A Toast to the Con-Game
July. 20,1985
The key to an unbreakable safe is hidden in a near impregnable prison. With a bit of help, Lupin makes off with the key, but crime boss Carlos makes off with the safe. As the two sides square off, can any of them remember the old saying about honor among thieves?
Episode 44 : Our Papa Is a Thief
July. 06,1985
Lupin has his eyes set on a jewel heist, but he finds his hands a bit full. Some children are claiming that he is their father! Jigen and Goemon scoff at Lupin's impropriety until they find themselves in the same mess. Can the gang juggle their jobs and fatherhood?
Episode 43 : Farewell, Cinderella
June. 29,1985
A king concocts a scheme to find a new Cinderella to fit his diamond slipper. However, Lupin has a different ending in mind for this fairy tale. Who will win the happy ending?
Episode 42 : Plunder the Pyramid of Insurance
June. 22,1985
Lupin decides to engage in a little pyramid scheme with two hired guns. Can Lupin turn those giant stone bricks into giant piles of cash?
Episode 41 : A Night under Martial Law
June. 08,1985
Lupin is using a coup d'état to pilfer a nation's treasure but finds the treasure already gone. While in disguise as an evil general, Jigen has also been wounded by a mysterious woman. Do the paths of revenge and avarice cross each other?
Episode 40 : In a Panic over the Treasure
May. 25,1985
Lupin has lottery fever! However, he never leaves anything to random chance. All that stands between him and the jackpot is an elaborate security system. And the winning number is...
Episode 39 : Give the Gold to the Rival
May. 11,1985
A Neo Nazi organization has stolen a shipment of gold to finance their dream of a United States of Africa. Lupin is taking the blame for the job and for trying to kill Zenigata. Can Lupin clear his name when his opponent is a solid gold tank?!
Episode 38 : Letiethia Loved Me
April. 27,1985
While trying to enjoy a simple Japanese meal, Goemon has been arrested and thrown into prison! This is all part of a scheme to use Goemon as leverage against Lupin. An arm to a mermaid statue is in the wreckage of the Santa Maria; if Lupin can retrieve it, Goemon will be freed as payment for Lupin's services. Can Lupin outwit everyone and resist the amorous advances of a dolphin?
Episode 37 : Pops Boils over with Rage
April. 20,1985
An attempt to break an old man out of prison turns into a trap for Lupin. He can quickly escape from this trap, but others have set another more dangerous trap in motion. When Zenigata's rage boils over, Lupin has more to worry about than a set of cuffs.
Episode 36 : The Eagle Alights on the Glory
April. 06,1985
Betraying Lupin once again, Fujiko steals a golden bird statue from him, but her heart has been stolen by Valon. Valon leads the rebel forces of a small African nation and believes the bird is the key to a legendary treasure that will overthrow the dictatorship. To find the treasure, they must penetrate the computer controlled defenses of the dictator's palace. Will the golden bird soar towards freedom?
Episode 35 : Target Was Gone Beyond the Snow Field
March. 30,1985
When a heist of gold bullion goes awry, Lupin suspects a pair of adept disguise artists beat them to the score. He finds them tucked away in a mountain cabin but also finds himself Zenigata's prisoner! How will Lupin get his plan rolling and steal the gold for himself?
Episode 34 : Manhattan Crisis
March. 23,1985
Lupin is in Manhattan to score the mafia's largest cash deposit, but the mafia has caught wind of his plans. To thwart Lupin, they have placed a hefty bounty on his head, and all of New York aims to collect! Can Lupin take a bite out of the Big Apple for himself, or is he going to be worm food?
Episode 33 : A Boy Genius Plays a Dangerous Game
March. 16,1985
The Macintosh Jewelry building is Lupin's next target, but he quickly finds himself having to rescue a kidnapped boy. This is no ordinary boy though; his is the keeper of revolutionary scientific research. He also happens to be a huge fan of Lupin and as much of a lecher as Lupin. How can Lupin stop Macintosh from stealing the boy's secrets, steal Macintosh's inventory, and keep himself from getting slapped for the boy's penchant for peeking up women's skirts?
Episode 32 : 10 million Dollar Key
March. 09,1985
Stopping for some fast food proves to be a fast way to prison for Lupin courtesy of Zenigata. A mysterious man breaks Lupin out of prison and takes him to his boss. They have an interesting proposal for Lupin -- steal the ten million dollar US presidential limo for us. Lupin is game for the challenge and knocks over the Chase Manhattan bank to find the spare key. Lupin's clients have a more sinister plot behind the theft and want Lupin to take the fall. Is Lupin destined to save the US government?
Episode 31 : Reversal. Reversal and Again Reversal
March. 02,1985
Mr. Gellon has an impressive art collection, a collection worthy of Lupin's special attention. However, Mr. Gellon is aware of Lupin's motives and takes steps to ensure the safety of his collection. Both sides try every conniving trick in their arsenal to thwart the other; can Gellon and his luchadore henchman stop Lupin from making off with his entire gallery?
Episode 30 : The Name of the Cocktail Is Revenge
February. 23,1985
One rainy night, a valuable gold shipment makes its way across the country, but Lupin is busy playing bartender to an attractive woman. He pours her a special cocktail laced with the promise of revenge for her father's murder. Does revenge and thievery mix well?
Episode 29 : Let's Go to the Honey-Moon
February. 16,1985
Lupin has won Fujiko's hand in marriage by stealing Marie Antoinette's bridal ensemble; as a honeymoon surprise, Lupin plans their trip to... the moon?! Does Lupin's plan have the right stuff, or will his wedding flame out?
Episode 28 : The Alaska Star Is a Ticket to Hell
February. 09,1985
A showdown for the Alaska Star is brewing, but Jigen has a personal score to settle with Georgy. As the Star sparkles in the twilight, is Jigen doomed to repeat the past?
Episode 27 : Code Name Is Alaska Star
February. 02,1985
The Star of Alaska is a mysterious gem sought by the CIA, the KGB, and now Lupin. The Star is also tied to Barbara, a woman from Jigen's past. As the parties maneuver for the gem, a shot rings out... Barbara!
Episode 26 : The Ghost of New York
January. 26,1985
The gang is in New York to steal a solid gold pinball machine, but Goemon finds himself haunted by an attractive specter. Will the gang be pinball wizards, or will Goemon's friendly ghost spook the treasure away?
Episode 25 : We Are not Angels
January. 19,1985
Lupin has set his eyes on the "Heart's Eggs", but the woman who possesses them has them locked behind an impregnable safe. Can Lupin penetrate the safe and steal the eggs? Are his motives selfish, or does he have a benevolent streak?
Episode 24 : Pray for the Repose of Your Soul
January. 12,1985
Lupin has his sights on a valuable antique owned by Hong Kong businessman Gozen. However, Gozen has plans to amuse himself by using the antique to bait Lupin and the gang into a trap. To counter Goemon's swordsmanship, Gozen enlists the kung-fu expert and Goemon's former rival Seiryu. Silver threads gleam in the moonlight, and the martial arts battle rages in the sky between the skyscrapers. Can Goemon best his rival and help Lupin secure Gozen's prize?
Episode 23 : The Strategy of Beirut Mobile Bank Robbery
December. 29,1984
Lupin and company plan to rob a bank, but not just any bank. This bank carries the "Prince of Oils" money and has extremely high security. Also, wheels on the bottom of the bank enable it to move, making it an unusually difficult task for Lupin. In order to get inside of the bank, they need to wait for the bank to stop moving. Disguising himself, Lupin manages to get into the bank, but will he be able to leave?
Episode 22 : The Fire Is Not Suitable for a Diamond
December. 22,1984
Lupin and company are sneaking inside a room with a vault in it. After breaking into the vault, they all begin to steal thousands of wonderful diamonds. But a fire breaks loose in the room, and they narrowly escape with only one diamond but without Fujiko. Lupin immediately investigates the incident and soon finds that the diamonds are all fakes and part of a plan to make the cost of the diamonds rise. What Lupin doesn't know is that the owner is telling Zenigata that Lupin burned the diamonds to increase their value. Lupin will not let this go unanswered. What will Lupin do? Where did Fujiko run off to?
Episode 21 : Farewell, Golden Legend
December. 15,1984
An ancient japanese piece of art is being excavated when Lupin and Jigen pop onto the scene. Apparently, the "Golden Legend" has a dazzling pearl where its eye is, and Lupin wants it. After learning more about the "Golden Legend", they kidnap one of the archeologists, and Lupin and company find themselves on a wild adventure with Zenigata on their tail... and maybe someone else too.
Episode 20 : Cross His Name Off the List
December. 08,1984
Lupin and Fujiko are enjoying a nice day together. Fujiko asks Lupin to steal an expensive painting. Learning Fujiko is the reward, Lupin jumps at the job. After Lupin runs off with the painting, he learns its a fake and finds himself in a bind when he learns Fujiko double crossed him and is working for the owner of the painting. After finding out the man once conned him years before, Lupin begins to wonder what this man plans to do. Lupin's suspicions get the best of him, and after a couple of failed attempts, he breaks into the man's house. What does this man wish to do, and what is Fujiko up to?
Episode 19 : An Act of Betrayal
December. 01,1984
Lupin breaks into a prison and frees a strange looking man he knows from previous heists. When the strange man questions what Lupin plans on doing with him, Lupin begins to talk about a hidden "safe trunk" containing millions. Lupin proposes an offer to split it 50-50 if he helps him get the trunk, an offer the man readily agrees to. But Zenigata is on Lupin's tail. Who is this man, and will he really agree to help Lupin? Will Jigen and company come to help? Will Zenigata finally catch Lupin?
Episode 18 : Show Time Is Death Feeling
November. 24,1984
Lupin and Jigen are after the party presents of "the boss of the underworld". While checking out the future scene of the crime, Lupin finds a dancer named Jenny. Jenny is being stalked by two thugs, but Lupin saves her. Lupin hangs out with this Jenny so he can get some valuable information on the premises. Will Lupin succeed in his mission, and what secrets does Jenny hold?
Episode 17 : Are You Really Getting Married?
November. 17,1984
It is Fujiko's birthday, and this year she wants the "Golden Puppet" worth ten million dollars. If Lupin can get her the Golden Puppet, Fujiko claims she will marry him. Lupin goes to the bank vault and escapes with all the gold nuggets. Now, they must get married, but Fujiko gives Lupin a sleeping potion and escapes with the Golden Puppet. Lupin manages to find her, and they both get arrested by Zenigata. In jail, Lupin pleads for a wedding in the biggest church, and Zenigata allows it. Will they really get married? Where did Goemon and Jigen run off to?
Episode 16 : The Golden Apple has Poison
November. 10,1984
Lupin and Jigen sneak aboard a yacht narrowly avoiding Zenigata; aboard that yacht is the precious golden apple being sent to New York for exhibition. Zenigata catches on to Lupin's plans to steal the apple and keeps his eyes open. Meanwhile, Fujiko is trying to get her hands on it as well, but she is stuck with the owner of the apple, the annoying Prince Oji. When the attempt on the yacht does not work out, Lupin has plans for the New York Marathon. Will Lupin or Fujiko ever get their hands on the apple? What tricks does Zenigata have up his sleeve? And what secret does the golden apple hold?
Episode 15 : The Killer Comes Along Quietly
November. 03,1984
In an abandoned baseball stadium, Jigen and a mysterious woman are shooting it out. She soon bests Jigen and proceeds to take on Goemon in a sword fight. She manages to strike him down as well. Lupin shows up and congratulates her on the success of her training with him. The woman's name is Glory, and Lupin needs her in order to access an ancient treasure. Only a girl who is pure of heart can ride atop a camel that will lead them to the treasure. Lupin and Glory head off to Jordan leaving Jigen and Goemon behind. They find out quickly that Lupin is in danger. Bruce the Robot-Man, one of the world's greatest assassins, is after Lupin and his $100,000 reward. Will Glory's training save her when the Robot-Man strikes? And is she all that she seems to be?
Episode 14 : Let's Play the Abduction
October. 27,1984
In Central Park, Zenigata waits outside an armored car to ambush Lupin. Not to protect the money, but because Lupin is the prime suspect in the kidnapping of Madam Fiona. Lupin steals the money, eludes Zenigata, and delivers it to another party. It would seem he had been hypnotized by Fujiko to perform the task and is quickly knocked out with a monkey wrench. Zenigata arrests Lupin; and shortly afterward, Madam Fiona is set free claiming Lupin to be her kidnapper. Fujiko arrives at Madam Fiona's mansion expecting her cut of the profits only to find that Madam Fiona insists that she marry her bratty son, Roger. With the help of Goemon and Jigen, Lupin escapes prison.
Episode 13 : Play a Joke on the Variation
October. 20,1984
After narrowly escaping Zenigata, Lupin is both physically and mentally exhausted. However, he jumps at the chance to help Fujiko. Together, they attend a party of rich women located in an old castle, intent on stealing all their jewelry. Things take a turn for the worse when the castle tower they are in turns out to be a rocket ship that carries them all to an island nation at war. Zenigata is then called in to collect funds for the ransom of all the women as well as capture Lupin. When he gets there, he finds Lupin hanging from a cross, seconds away from being shot to death by Fujiko. It is all part of the plot designed by the mysterious Madam Razor.
Episode 12 : The Prisoner of a Valtan Palace
July. 28,1984
After much labor, Lupin successfully steals a painting of Lupin the First's beloved. He is less than thrilled to discover that it is in fact a fake. Fujiko enters the scene and explains that it is actually a Valtan forgery. Valtan has the artist and his daughter Sofia captive in his palace; he forces him at gunpoint to recreate his own paintings. Lupin heads off to Valtan's palace to rescue an old friend of his grandfather's and maybe keep a few paintings for himself.
Episode 11 : The Ruby Sheds Bloody Tears
July. 07,1984
In Chicago, a sniper kills a man under the orders of the mysterious "Mother". Even more strange, Fujiko seems to be under her spell. Lupin sneaks into Mother's mansion and manages to steal the Dracula Heart ruby. Once every century, this ruby bleeds, and whoever drinks its blood is granted youth for another 100 years. Mother has used the blood to maintain life for the past 300 years and will not be denied. She wants the ruby back, and Fujiko will do anything to reclaim it for her.
Episode 10 : Lay a Plot with the Treasure
June. 23,1984
A message appears in the morning paper reading "Lupin Is an Idiot". Lupin says it is a secret code from his late grandfather telling him it's time to reclaim Lupin the First's prized diamond. But the gem is locked away in police headquarters, encased in a globe of liquid. Should a single vibration touch the liquid, the entire facility will explode. To make matters worse, Lupin is tricked into accepting a challenge from the police chief. If he does not steal the diamond within one week, he will spend the rest of his life in prison
Episode 9 : The Copy-Man Comes Expensive
June. 16,1984
Lupin visits a doctor to seek treatment for one of the worst cases of athlete's foot in the world. The Doctor takes a skin sample and informs him that the only way to make a cure is with powder from an ancient seed locked away in a museum. Unable to withstand the horrible itching, Lupin sets off immediately to steal the seed. Unfortunately for him, he was set up, and Zenigata arrests him with haste. To make matters worse, the Doctor has plans for the skin sample that he took from Lupin.
Episode 8 : Virgin Mary's Getaway Strategy
June. 09,1984
Deep within the frozen Alaskan wilderness, a mysterious cult chants before a sold gold Virgin Mary idol. The high priest prophesizes the coming of the great demon who will steal their sacred artifact. Elsewhere, Lupin and Fujiko are escaping a fleet of police officers. Without warning, a team of hooded cult members appears and quickly abducts Fujiko right from their getaway car. Lupin gathers his teammates and heads off to Alaska to save Fujiko before she is burned at the stake. All is not as it seems, however. What is the true identity of the high priest and his cult? And does somebody else have eyes for the Virgin Mary statue?
Episode 7 : The Man Is Called The Death Garb
May. 26,1984
Back in her younger days, Fujiko performed a heist with the man known as Death Garb. Greedily, she left him to die so she could have the money for herself. Now, Death Garb is back and has the ability to effortlessly dodge bullets. Lupin dedicates himself to Fujiko's survival, but Fujiko seems more interested in using him as a shield. After first avoiding a round from Jigen's magnum and then the best strikes Goemon can offer, all hope seems lost. How did Death Garb obtain his new power, and can Lupin devise a way to kill him?
Episode 6 : Lupin Has Come With A Tank
May. 19,1984
Alone, Jigen enters a bar to meet with his old war buddy, Giranko. Back in his army days, Giranko taught Jigen his infamous quickdraw. But his friend seems troubled. Soon, the enemy army invades the city, and Giranko heads off to battle with Jigen not far behind. Meanwhile, Lupin and Goemon search the city for their lost comrade so they can find the lost treasure they came in search for and leave. But Jigen will not go. What is Giranko hiding? And can Lupin withstand the might of an entire army?
Episode 5 : Goemon Daydream
April. 07,1984
Lupin, Jigen and Goemon head to an ancient South African temple to receive a treasure map from a retired Nazi. Shortly after receiving the map, it is stolen from them by two young soldiers and a giant condor who are working for another former Nazi. Fleeing with the map, one of the soldiers, a young lady, encounters Goemon. Before she can shoot, Goemon cuts all of her clothes to ribbons not realizing she was a woman. She escapes with the map via her pet condor while Goemon, disgraced by his actions, leaves to meditate. Will Lupin be able to outwit the former Nazi? And can Goemon ever get the image of naked women out of his head?
Episode 4 : Telepathy Is Love's Signal
March. 24,1984
Deep beneath the whirlpools of the Bermuda Triangle, Lupin and Jigen discover a pirate ship containing tons of Spanish gold. Before the two can collect it, a submarine manned by a team of female pirates intervenes. After a quick skirmish, Lupin and Jigen escape empty-handed, as do the pirates who cannot get past the whirlpools to reach the gold. Later that evening, Fujiko is kidnapped right before Lupin's eyes. The Captain informs him that if he wants to see Fujiko again he must steal the gold for them. Will the pirates hold up their end of the bargain? And whose voice is Lupin hearing in his head?
Episode 3 : Good Afternoon, Hell's Angel
March. 17,1984
Lupin sneaks into an old castle to steal a collection of priceless angel paintings; what he finds instead is a teenage girl named Flora. Despite his numerous objections, Lupin cannot seem to get rid of her, and she accompanies him back to his hideout. As it turns out, Flora is the daughter of the late Malcolm Hurst, owner of the angel collection. If Lupin agrees to let her be a thief for the next three days, she will reveal the location of the paintings. Lupin has no choice but to put up with this energetic girl all while avoiding attacks from Hurst's greedy ex-wife, who wants the paintings for herself.
Episode 2 : Expose The Great Trap
March. 10,1984
With the permission of the ICPO Captain, Inspector Zenigata hatches a foolproof plan to at last capture Lupin. By melting down six tons of gold, forging it into the shape of a meteor, and then televising it's discovery to the world, Zenigata is positive Lupin will try to steal it. Indeed, Lupin does steal it; but under closer inspection with Goemon's sword, the meteor appears to be a gold-plated rock.
Episode 1 : The Gold Is Beckoning Lupin
March. 03,1984
On his deathbed, the notorious gangster Al Capone gave a tile to his most loyal servant. That tile, along with four others, would reveal the location of his greatest treasure. After a quick phone call from Fujiko, Lupin and company are on the case. Quickly, they acquire four of the necessary tiles; but soon after, Fujiko is captured by the evil mob boss, Lord Chinkai while Lupin is intensely interrogated by Stromo the mercenary.


Season 6
Set in London, Lupin targets a treasure said to be hidden by the Raven, a mysterious organisation that pulls the strings of the British Government from its shadows. A single piece of art holds the key. But Scotland Yard and MI6 will do whatever it takes along with Inspector Zenigata and none other than Sherlock Holmes, the world’s greatest detective, to stop Lupin. Has the world’s greatest thief met his match?
Season 6 2021
Season 5
International thief Lupin the Third and his gang update their classic arsenal of tricks with cutting-edge technology to pull off capers in France while agents from multiple government organizations tirelessly pursue them.
Season 5 2018
Season 4
Master thief Lupin the Third is poised to marry the danger-loving, Italian superstar Rebecca Rossellini. But his high-profile wedding finds him in the crosshairs, both from his eternal rival Inspector Zenigata and the super-powered MI6 agent Nyx. Lupin travels across Italy and beyond, chasing treasure with the loyal gunslinger Jigen and the ace swordsman Goemon, while his beautiful partner-slash-rival Fujiko Mine keeps him on his toes.
Season 4 2015
Season 3
Everyone's favourite master thief Lupin returns! And this time he’s sporting an exceptionally fashionable pink jacket. Join Lupin and his gang as he goes on zany, colourful adventures across the globe as they vie for hidden treasures and face deadly foes. Topped with some wild animation and classic Lupin antics, each episode is an exciting rollercoaster ride!
Season 3 1984
Season 2
Five years after Lupin and his gang made their daring escape out of Japan and went their separate ways, Jigen, Goemon and Fujiko each receive an invitation from Lupin for a reunion aboard the luxury liner Sirloin… Thus begins the new adventures of Lupin III.
Season 2 1977
Season 1
Follow Lupin III as he embarks on elaborate heists and classic car chases; all the while staying one step ahead of relentless Inspector Zenigata with the help of his gunslinging partner Daisuke Jigen, the buxom femme fatale Fujiko Mine, and the stoic but swift swordsman Goemon Ishikawa XIII.
Season 1 1971

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