Massive Nature Season 1

July. 15,2004      
Trailer Synopsis

An epic run of nature documentaries charting the behaviour of large groups of animals and their predators.

Episode 6 : The Exodus
August. 19,2004
Every year the world's biggest flock of membranous mice, bats, - 40 million no less - swarm from a cave in Florida. Half are babies precariously taking wing on their maiden flight straight into the path of snakes and hawks with big appetites. How do they survive?
Episode 5 : The Edge
August. 12,2004
When thousands of young Adelie penguins leave the colony to start their adult life at sea, they face a terrifying ordeal. A huge predatory leopard seal is waiting for them just offshore. But which penguin chicks will get through? Is survival down to luck, or can past actions influence a penguin's fate?
Episode 4 : The Falls
August. 05,2004
Every year 300 million salmon return to the Alaskan river where they were born, but they are swimming into a trap. The upstream waterfalls are preyed upon by grizzly bears and bald eagles. How do the salmon survive the onslaught?
Episode 3 : The Crossing
July. 29,2004
It's nature's equivalent to D-Day when one and a half million wildebeest cross a short stretch of the Mara river in search of fresh grazing land. How do the animals contend with Africa's largest crocodiles and a host of big cats? Sean Pertwee narrates the series which unravels the mysteries behind the most dramatic wildlife events.
Episode 2 : The Trap
July. 22,2004
Somewhere in Africa, a group of flamingos get into a battle with baboons. Will the birds survive? And how come these two different species get into an encounter when this specific herd of pink vertebrates normally lives at Lake Bogoria (which is baboon-free)? We take a look back.
Episode 1 : The Deep
July. 15,2004
Millions of tiny sardines migrating along the coast of Africa are on a collision course with hungry dolphins, sharks, seals and gannets - is there any way of escaping the feeding frenzy?


Season 1
Season 1 2004