
Popular War Movies

Why Hitler Lost WWII
Why Hitler Lost WWII
Explores the fascinating reasons behing Hitler's demise and delves into several explanations for the failed 1,000-year Reich.
Why Hitler Lost WWII 1
黄桥决战 1985
Baron Day Barracks
Baron Day Barracks
Baron Day Barracks 1
Avrianos polemistis
Avrianos polemistis
Drama about a family split by the war in Cyprus.
Avrianos polemistis 1987
A surreal short film about bureaucracy, paperwork and chaos from the police machine.
NOVICE No 21 2000
Journey of a Freedom Fighter
Journey of a Freedom Fighter
A freedom fighter's journey from armed resistance to cultural resistance.
Journey of a Freedom Fighter 2014
Η Κρήτη στις φλόγες
Η Κρήτη στις φλόγες
Η Κρήτη στις φλόγες 1947
The Great Indian Wars: 1540-1890
The Great Indian Wars: 1540-1890
The year 1540 was a crucial turning point in American history. The Great Indian Wars were incited by Francisco Vazquez de Coronado when his expedition to the Great Plains launched the inevitable 350-year struggle between the white man and the American Indians. From that point forward, the series of battles between the military and civilian forces of the United States and the native American Indians began when blood was shed and ultimately tens of thousands of lives were lost on both sides. The Battle of Tippicanoe, the Battle of Horseshoe Band, all three Seminole Wars and the Battle of Little Big Horn were some of the most important conflicts that led up to the last massacre, the Battle of Wounded Knee, where America's landscape would be forever changed!
The Great Indian Wars: 1540-1890 1999
Lost Generation
Lost Generation
Four outnumbered hungarian soldiers hold a stand in the woods, against the soviet army, near the end of the second world war.
Lost Generation 2020
A lone wanderer yearns for companionship in a world where everyone looks out for only themselves. However, in the midst of a newfound camaraderie during battle, tension soon begins to rise as the pair drudges closer toward the inevitable.
Companions 2023
One Of Us
One Of Us
During the Second World War, Stockholm was the Casablanca of the Nordics. A place where information was everything. Swedish intelligence's most important spy was a 22-year-old German secretary and art student called Erika Wendt. A girl whose dream was of a life in Sweden with her boyfriend after the war. Then in 1943, Erika was invited to dinner by her German boss and suddenly ordered back to Berlin. Did the Gestapo know about her double life? This film is based on an actual event.
One Of Us 2022
Long Road to Summer
Long Road to Summer
The project for the 100th anniversary of Artek, a military drama, the story of Artek's men in the summer of 1941.
Long Road to Summer 1
John Bull's Animated Sketchbook No. 4
John Bull's Animated Sketchbook No. 4
An animated recreation of the sinking of the Lusitania is the centrepiece of this pioneering mix of comedy, satire and outrage in cartoon propaganda.
John Bull's Animated Sketchbook No. 4 1915
Aad en Arie Vocaat Advocatenbureau: Civil War
Aad en Arie Vocaat Advocatenbureau: Civil War
While Aad and Arie are on vacation, someone breaks in. This takes a surprising turn, for everyone involved...
Aad en Arie Vocaat Advocatenbureau: Civil War 2023
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Chapter 4 Sho Kohen Gekitotsu Zenya
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Chapter 4 Sho Kohen Gekitotsu Zenya
[Machine Translation] This is the 10th and final stage production of the best-selling novel "The Legend of the Galactic Heroes," which has sold a total of 15 million copies. In addition to Ryuichi Kawamura, vocalist of the rock band LUNA SEA, who has played the lead role, Wataru Yokoo and Takatsugu Nikaido of Kis-My-Ft2 appear for the first time in a year, and new members such as Yuma Sanada and Yuki Nozawa of the noon boyz join the cast. The latest in visual technology and direction, this entertainment masterpiece has attracted a great deal of attention!
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Chapter 4 Sho Kohen Gekitotsu Zenya 2014
The Last Crusader
The Last Crusader
The Last Crusader 2005
Set a day after the Syrian war began, Dayan paints a portrait of the thousands of refugees unable to return to their families once borders were established by terrorist groups. Seiban, an aging Syrian father living in exile with his family, has to make a choice: part with his special-needs children in order to escape, or keep them close and put the family's lives at the mercy of the military. As he struggles to decide, the world around his family crumbles under the weight of war, leaving little hope for their survival.
Dayan 2018
Bad Omen
Bad Omen
Forty year old Mohammad turns to a 7-year-old boy in front of the camera and narrates the story of the Iran-Iraq war.
Bad Omen 2009
Hitlers Hidden Holocaust
Hitlers Hidden Holocaust
National Geographic Channel (NGC) journeys back to Nazi Europe to tell the story of Hitler's Hidden Holocaust -- the killing frenzy of Hitler's extermination brigades, known as the Einsatzgruppen or "action groups." Woven together with harrowing testimonials from survivors, witnesses and experts, this one-hour special presents in chilling detail -- with photographic evidence and rare video footage - how Nazi soldiers planned, documented and committed these horrific crimes. It was the same routine: Go into a town, round up Jewish families, take them to a ditch and shoot them, often in front of curious spectators.
Hitlers Hidden Holocaust 2009
Ansichten aus Lemberg
Ansichten aus Lemberg
Ansichten aus Lemberg 1915
Die Durchbruchsschlacht in Galizien
Die Durchbruchsschlacht in Galizien
Die Durchbruchsschlacht in Galizien 1916
Баллада о комиссаре
Баллада о комиссаре
Баллада о комиссаре 1967
The War File D-Day
The War File D-Day
Four years to plan, two years of organising and only one day of execution, D-Day was the turning point of WW2, the largest movement of troops and vessels (over 5,000) and had it failed the map of Europe would be very different now. Using original footage this programme looks at that day in June 1944.
The War File D-Day 2008
D-Day: The Shortest Day
D-Day: The Shortest Day
With testimony from the UK, the US, the Commonwealth and Germany, 'D-Day: The Shortest Day' documents the meticulous planning leading up to the world's biggest amphibious invasion, the terror and triumph of the landings and the bitterness of the fighting in the days that followed.
D-Day: The Shortest Day 2007
Oni szli Szarymi Szeregami
Oni szli Szarymi Szeregami
The documentary tells about the underground activity of the Polish Scouting Association, known as the "Gray Ranks", during World War II.
Oni szli Szarymi Szeregami 2011
The Battle of the Atlantic
The Battle of the Atlantic
Germany in 1941. War in Europe for two years. The Nazis at the height of their power. Since the beginning of the war, there has been a frontline in the west where the traces of horrible fights disappear on the spot:The Battle of the Atlantic. England, traditionally the leading naval power worldwide was to be cut off from all supplies by a blockade while the balance of power is not in favor of the German Kriegsmarine. Their commander-in-chief complains that "the war was five years early." That a victory seems achievable at the beginning is the result of a weapon that was only known in Germany at the height of perfection and drill: submarines.
The Battle of the Atlantic 1
D-Day:  Hidden Traces
D-Day: Hidden Traces
D-Day - June 6th 1944 : Uncovered by recent archeological digs, traces left behind by soldiers and civilians on the battle ground such as helmets, badges, bullets, weapons, and cans plus findings of underground passages and secret blockhouses provide new insights into WW2 history.
D-Day: Hidden Traces 2014
The Heroes
The Heroes
Four soldiers and a beautiful Greek nurse, thrown together in North Africa during World War II, team up to pull off a heist of two-million pounds in boxes marked "plasma."
The Heroes 1973
The Unknown Face of Finland in War
The Unknown Face of Finland in War
Documentary about Finnish concentration camps build for Russians inhabiting the Karelia area during the Continuation War.
The Unknown Face of Finland in War 1995
Testvérháború: 3. Fejezet
Testvérháború: 3. Fejezet
Testvérháború: 3. Fejezet 2024
An Early Autumn Day
An Early Autumn Day
An Early Autumn Day 1962
La Desbandá
La Desbandá
La Desbandá 2023
Grigoris Afxentiou, the Cross Eagle of Machiras
Grigoris Afxentiou, the Cross Eagle of Machiras
Documentary on the battle in Cyprus between English soldiers and EOKA insurgent Grigoris Afxentiou.
Grigoris Afxentiou, the Cross Eagle of Machiras 1973
A direct sequel to Methagu, which tells the biography of LTTE Leader Prabhagaran.
Methagu-II 2022
Scarred Baghdad 2003... confusion, uncertainty and death engulf the bombed ruins of a Psychiatric Asylum. Voyeuristically we move between the past and the present of three Iraqi lives entangled by the chaos of the American 'Shock and Awe' campaign...
Dreams 2006
The Birthday
The Birthday
The four sequences in the film cover four days in a life of young Warsaw lad in September 1938, 1939, 1943 and 1944. In the first sequence Jurek decides not to study in the Sorbonne but enlists in a Polish military school instead. In the second sequence the war starts and Warsaw is occupied. In the third sequence he works in the underground resistance. The final sequence takes place during the Warsaw uprising.
The Birthday 1980
Death of the Wolfpacks
Death of the Wolfpacks
It was the longest single battle of World War II - Admiral Doenitz's plan to disrupt Allied shipping and logistic lines by churning up the seas with his attacking submarine wolf packs. For nearly six years, his battle of wits against Allied naval commanders almost made him a wizard of submarine warfare. If Hitler had given Doenitz his quota of U-boats, would England had sued for peace?
Death of the Wolfpacks 1
Serious Games 4 – A Sun With No Shadow
Serious Games 4 – A Sun With No Shadow
An exploration of how the U.S. military employs video game technology to train troops for war. In A Sun With No Shadow, Farocki calls attention to the subtle differences between the simulations for combat training and PTSD. With the former, the sun can be programmed to cast shadows in the virtual combat zones, while the latter, less expensive technology does not offer this feature.
Serious Games 4 – A Sun With No Shadow 2010
Pour le pays
Pour le pays
Short World War I film.
Pour le pays 1915
My Spain
My Spain
A documentary on the experiences of Kosta Nađ in the Spanish Civil War. Kosta Nađ (Hungarian: Nagy Kosztá) apart from being a participant in the Spanish Civil War, also took part in World War 2 as a Partisan. He was a general of the JNA army, a hero of socialist work and a national hero of Yugoslavia.
My Spain 1986