
Popular Thriller Movies

A detective must uncover the truth behind the death of his daughter. But the truth hits close to home.
Playback 2010
Sophie is a troubled young girl, haunted by the abuse she suffered as a child and harbouring a deep fascination with the unexplained. In the hope of satiating her obsession with the latter, she instigates a trip to the Welsh countryside with four friends, aimed at tracking down the legendary Beast of Bodmin. It seems the mythical creature – often thought to be a large wildcat or fox – has caught the public's attention once more thanks to a spate of attacks on livestock and one local farmer. Armed with a video camera and a case of beer, the group head off into the woods but they soon uncover much more than they bargained for, with Sophie falling foul of a mysterious madman who locks her away in an apparent attempt to protect her from some unnamed terror.
Splintered 2010
The Bad Penny
The Bad Penny
Six years ago Jack "The Ripper" Stemmons, an American boxer had his career destroyed by a St. Louis bookie. After Jack seeks revenge he is forced into hiding. Jack disappears half way around the world in Thailand. There he falls victim to the addictive spell of Bangkok's exotic and dangerous underworld. Eventually he finds solace in the arms of a beautiful prostitute who has been set in his path by a Russian gangster in order to get Jack back in the ring, This time in Bangkok's notorious underground fight clubs. No matter how hard Jack tries to distance himself from his past, it always hunts him down like a Bad Penny. When a mysterious fight fan appears, it's only a matter of time before Jack's past, present and future accelerate and collide into a twisted climax.
The Bad Penny 2010
Order of Chaos
Order of Chaos
Almost rich, almost thirty, he never lies or cheats, even when his beautiful fiancé orders him around and his ball-busting boss uses threats as motivation. John never makes a sound, eager to do right. Rick Carlson is not. A smooth talking and coercive, Rick turns John's life upside down when he not only moves into his building, but starts working at his competitive law firm.
Order of Chaos 2010
Caught Inside
Caught Inside
A group of surfers arrives in a remote spot off the Australian coast, and the isolation and pressure push one person over the edge, leading to a violent outburst and a fight for survival.
Caught Inside 2010
Five years ago David's life came undone when his young daughter fell victim to a brutal attack. The subsequent emotional fallout cost him his marriage and his job. Handicapped by guilt and anguish David abandoned his past and alienated himself. He took a second rate job as a security guard and plodded on - his wounds concealed but unhealed. All it would take is a scratch for them to open wide and consume him.... During a routine security inspection, David discovers a young Serbian girl stowed in the cab of a truck. Her sister and other girls have been murdered - all victims of a perfidious human trafficking racket. She pleads for his help. This is his chance at retribution. This time he will champion the young girl that places her trust in him. But David is taking on Goliath and he has his back against the wall and a gun at his head. Enlisting the help of a woman's refuge counselor, David embarks on a do or die mission to save the girl.
Takedown 2010
A lonely man finds a beautiful young woman unconscious and covered in blood while walking through the woods. He starts to fall for her but learns of a terrifying secret.
Cannibal 2010
A group of young vigilantes seeking revenge for a sexual betrayal fall far from grace. When the truth is out they find themselves on the dark side of justice.
Blame 2010
The Lazarus Papers
The Lazarus Papers
Lonny Smith, a young man with a suitcase full of money, who might drop dead at any moment is searching for love with each dying breath even if he has to pay for it...
The Lazarus Papers 2010
Bitter Feast
Bitter Feast
A celebrity chef exacts revenge on a food blogger who torpedoes his career.
Bitter Feast 2010
The Heavy
The Heavy
Sibling rivalry turned into betrayal between two brothers. One a prime candidate for Prime Minister, the other a henchman for a successful, yet shady businessman. Presented with an opportunity to take revenge against his brother, our anti-hero must come to terms with the truth in a world where you can trust no one and loyalty is rare.
The Heavy 2010
Enemies Among Us
Enemies Among Us
It's not politics as usual, or is it? The governor of Louisiana is about to become the vice-presidential candidate for his party but a murder and an international web spanning from South Africa to Pakistan and North Korea might just get in the way.
Enemies Among Us 2010
A distraught college student finds a phone that enables her to talk to her deceased mother in the past. Instead of a heart attack, she learns that her mother was murdered. She tries to use the phone to stop the murder from occurring before the killer finds and kills her too.
Disconnect 2010
The Unforgiving
The Unforgiving
Two survivors, who appear unwilling to answer questions, are the only links authorities have to a spate of attacks that have hit rural South Africa.
The Unforgiving 2010
In a hellish future where human beings have become stupefied by the state of permanent happiness they have been genetically altered to experience, Jack offers relief via drugs that cause his customers the welcome phenomenon of pain. But when Jack receives a mysterious videotape of his dead father, he sets out to unmask the dangerous conspiracy that has created this dystopian world.
Zenith 2010
The Truth
The Truth
When a couple is taken hostage in their home by an intruder, a simple home invasion robbery turns into something much more complicated...
The Truth 2010
Thomas Luster is a troubled businessman who tries to make sense of a life being driven out-of-control by a force closer to home than he first realizes. When he discovers that the man working against him is another side of his own personality he is forced to fight back against his manipulative alter-ego as murder, madness and mayhem combine to take Luster on the most bizarre and terrifying ride of his life.
Luster 2010
Returning home after difficult negotiations with potential customers, an employee of the Los Angeles-based pharmaceutical company, Tony West realizes that his wife is captured, while its unit and return home unscathed criminals require $ 50,000 in the next half hour. Doomed to hear Tony goes in search of money, but soon realizes that the kidnapping was not connected with the money …
Urgency 2010
Desert Son
Desert Son
After being abandoned in the desert by his abusive stepfather, Phillip finds himself cruelly cast into a game of life or death until a beautiful orphan named Lucy and her boyfriend Jack come to his rescue. The three runaways patrol the desert and live as petty thieves, but they soon find that the fight for survival against nature may become a fight for survival against each other.
Desert Son 2010
Special Ops
Special Ops
When an American soldier’s Black Ops Unit is ambushed during a raid to rescue a nano-nuclear device that has fallen into the wrong hands, he must run for his life to not only track down the missing device, but also clear his name when he is accused of aiding the terrorists.
Special Ops 2010
The Righteous and the Wicked
The Righteous and the Wicked
Hobbs, a notorious wanted bandit, gets caught up in a violently competitive hunt for stolen cash when he finds out outlaws have robbed the local bank. While trying to get back what's his he must saddle up to stop these outlaws leaving whomever stands in his way dead!
The Righteous and the Wicked 2010
Following a nuclear attack by terrorists on London, a mixed bag of survivors are trapped in a Government bunker cut off from the outside world. As they come to terms with their predicament they find that their security and safety are not as assured as they originally hoped…
S.N.U.B! 2010
Savage County
Savage County
About a group of teens who collide with their town's dark past when a prank gone wrong makes them the target of a family of bloodthirsty killers.
Savage County 2010