
Popular Romance Movies

Cake: A Wedding Story
Cake: A Wedding Story
When two star-crossed lovers, set on eloping, are forced into having a big wedding, the bride develops a plan of her own. Unfortunately, the groom is not privy to the plan. Meanwhile, family and friends start to take sides at a reception for a wedding that never took place!
Cake: A Wedding Story 2007
Ty Vsegda Budesh so Mnoy
Ty Vsegda Budesh so Mnoy
Когда старая любовь дает трещину, смелая красотка или романтичный поклонник могут увлечь вас в водоворот бушующих страстей. Так и случилось в жизни Михаила и Тамары. Резкий поворот в судьбе и неожиданная поездка в загородное поместье заставит супругов вместе пройти все круги любовного ада и по-настоящему испытать страсть и ревность, боль и наслаждение...
Ty Vsegda Budesh so Mnoy 2007
The One
The One
Tonkla agreed to join the club, causing a large number of people to join the club. Sapling and Daw Dao have to explore the area to camp together, making them feel better about each other. Wiyada saw the recruitment announcement for The Only One project, so she secretly submitted the seedling's application and was a finalist. Saplings need any path options.
The One 2007
Ded Moroz Ponevole
Ded Moroz Ponevole
Comedy, in Russian language
Ded Moroz Ponevole 2007
Людочка Сальникова относится к редкому типу счастливых женщин, абсолютно довольных тем, как сложилась их жизнь. Любящий муж Тимур, заботливый отец — чего еще можно пожелать? Однажды Мила с супругом отправляются на отдых в деревню. В доме, где они остановились происходит пожар, после которого молодая женщина исчезает. Родные, не сумев ее найти, считают, что Люда погибла в огне… На самом же деле героине удалось выжить. После долгих мытарств она приезжает в Москву и… застает Тимура в объятиях молодой жены своего отца. Потрясенной женщине открывается горькая правда: муж только притворялся, что любит ее, а ее гибель нисколько его не расстроила. Единственная цель благоверного — добиться от отца Людмилы получения наследства. Что остается женщине, в одночасье растерявшей все иллюзии? Только мстить своим обидчикам, восстанавливая попранное достоинство и справедливость!
Shutka 2007
indigo tiger
indigo tiger
Indigo finds herself adjusting to life and relationships after having been abducted by aliens. She soon finds herself in a new relationship by a former alien abductee and both deal with the instability of their future.
indigo tiger 2007
青苹果 2007
Oil on Water
Oil on Water
A loving young creative couple, Max and Anna, experience inexplicable difficulties which tears their relationship apart.
Oil on Water 2007
On Top of the Earth
On Top of the Earth
Sophie is both attracted to boys and girls. She is torn between Nicolas and Mathilde.
On Top of the Earth 2007
Smoking Po-Ryazanski
Smoking Po-Ryazanski
Выиграв конкурс красоты в своем родном Галушкино, новоиспеченная "Мисс Галушкино" Инна отправляется в Москву покорять мир высокой моды. На первом же дефиле происходит конфуз: на глазах у зрителей лопается бретелька платья, которое демонстрирует публике Инна. И молодой кутюрье Эжен Пахмутов, и модель совершенно уверены, что это провал. Но на деле все складывается иначе...
Smoking Po-Ryazanski 2007
This Is What It Is
This Is What It Is
Full of funny and acute observations This Is What It Is, is a candid and very personal account of love as seen from the male perspective.
This Is What It Is 2007
Green Paradise
Green Paradise
Kristina, a beautiful young lady who sells fresh fruits at her province, only wants a simple life. And her father, Ronaldo, manages a large hectre of Mango farm. Every weekend, Her ambitious father wants Kristina to go to the nearest beach resort and to try to sell fresh fruits. He hopes that someday she would find a wealthy man who would take them away from hardship. When finally, Louie and his friends came to the beach resort and met Kristina. Unfortunately, Kristina is in love with someone else... Who will Kristina love? And will her father hope in life come true?
Green Paradise 2007
Olya + Kolya
Olya + Kolya
Оля – красивая, добрая и слегка застенчивая девушка, верящая в настоящую любовь. Она едет в Москву осуществить свою мечту – стать студенткой Гнесинки. По дороге Оля знакомится с Колей, солдатом, получившим увольнение домой, в Москву. Они влюбляются друг в друга с первого взгляда и проводят вместе два незабываемых дня. Но настает момент расставания, и Коля вынужден вернуться в часть, оставив возлюбленную в жестокой и циничной столице. Прощаясь, они обещают друг другу обязательно встретиться снова, чтобы больше не расставаться никогда. Но не все складывается гладко. Влюбленным предстоит пережить немало испытаний и проверить свои чувства...
Olya + Kolya 2007
The Books of John
Prime Video
The Books of John
"The Books Of John" is a movie that follows the lives of three different people, Frank McLean, Will and Caryn. Frank finds himself alone after losing his longtime partner suddenly and without warning. Months later he finds that his partner had been keeping secret diaries. With the information in the diaries, Frank delves into his lover's past in an attempt to get to know more about the man that he never really knew. Will is a party boy who is a friend of Frank and Frank's late lover John.
The Books of John 2007
Two friends try to find meaning in life with women. David dreams of the perfect move to reclaim the heart of his Ex. Adam lusts for his cousin. In the end, both will determine the method for action and salvation.
Relations. 2007
The Trouble with Romance
The Trouble with Romance
A provocative, sexy and insightful exploration of relationships between men and women and why we all still yearn for love despite the trouble with romance.
The Trouble with Romance 2007
The simple art of looking for lovers and friends!
Wanted 2007
Tijuana Makes Me Happy
Tijuana Makes Me Happy
Every man remembers how hard it is being 15 years old: Your voice is cracking, your hormones are raging, school is boring, the girl you love is a young prostitute who won't go out with you because you don't have enough cash, so you start smuggling drugs across the border in order to save enough money to buy a rooster so you can enter a cockfight and win her love. It's a tale as old as time itself. Tijuana Makes Me Happy, which won the Grand Jury Prize at this year's Slamdance Film Festival, is both a charming coming-of-age story and a celebration of the most infamous of all Mexican border towns.
Tijuana Makes Me Happy 2007
All for Melissa
All for Melissa
Set in Hawaii, All For Melissa is a touching, beautiful feature film that tells the story of a young man's coming to grips with the reality of his everyday life. It shows that even though you may not get the girl of your dreams, the movie star fantasy; sometimes the girl next door, your best friend, is better than any dream girl ever could be. What sets All For Melissa apart from other films of this genre is the role the landscape, culture, and spirit of the Hawaii plays in the film. This is a love letter to Hawaii, a big aloha, and mahalo to the land and the people of this state.
All for Melissa 2007
One Love in a Million
One Love in a Million
A young couple - Anna and Mityai suddenly find a case with one million counterfeited dollars.
One Love in a Million 2007
У двадцатилетней Леры Мещериковой сложные отношения с матерью. Отец, бабушка и тетя Ольга любят Леру, но из-за их нерешительности и безволия девушке приходится самостоятельно отстаивать свой выбор. Татьяна не может смириться с тем, что дочь выходит замуж за парня из бедной семьи Дениса и в сердцах рассказывает Лере, что она приемная дочь Мещериковых. Лера уходит жить к Денису, и постепенно ее жизнь налаживается: она мирится с отцом, тот устраивает Дениса на работу, парень с радостью принимает известие, что у него скоро будет ребенок, и Татьяне приходится смириться с браком дочери. Но Леру гложет мысль, что она должна найти свою родную мать — только тогда она сможет разобраться в себе. Если бы девушка знала, что за это ей придется очень дорого заплатить…
Lera 2007
Sevendays Twentyfourhours
Sevendays Twentyfourhours
Ble is a weird guy because he has two different selves that can be switched into "Ble A" and "Ble B" everyday when he wakes up in the morning. Anyway, Ble doesn't feel it's weird and lives as a normal guy by having a job at 7-Eleven. His two dual characters always confusing his customers and co-workers at 7-Eleven, but that's not a big deal as long as he can make people laugh. Ble is happy with his life and job until one day that a girl called Tau steps into 7-Eleven to be his assistant. From that day, Tau is the only girl that Ble falls in love with, but Ble's unusual talent becomes a big problem for her.
Sevendays Twentyfourhours 2007
Akira's Hip Hop Shop
Akira's Hip Hop Shop
Asian man. Black woman. Two people from different worlds bond over rap, food and friendship. A hip-hop "When Harry Met Sally". "Save the Last Dance" meets "Tampopo."
Akira's Hip Hop Shop 2007
Counting Backwards
Counting Backwards
For some, the lives we have are not always the lives we wanted. For Joe, a small time guy from the small time town of Sandwich, Illinois, his has not even come close - until now. Faced with death and having recently met the girl of his dreams, Claire, Joe has to find a way to live the life of passion he'd always wanted, and he has to do it fast. Journey with Joe towards the great beyond, not half as imaginative as the path he's finally forged here on Earth. Ride with him as he's forced to figure out the meaning of life that he won't have time to live. With the help of his best friend, Frank, and his brilliant, if not terrified mother, Sarah, Joe will finally learn to live, love, and explore beyond his wildest dreams. And we'll get to watch one man's journey unfold, from the first day of the rest of his life on.
Counting Backwards 2007
My Kuya's Wedding
Prime Video
My Kuya's Wedding
Inseparable as siblings, Jeff and Kat grew up very close to each other through thick and thin. Kat being overzealous and very wary of girls who likes her brother Jeff. Her Kuya simply means the world to her. Years later, Kat is all grown-up and lovely, and soon awaits her Kuyas return after four years of hard work from abroad. But all this excitement of a sibling reunion is foiled at the airport upon sight of Heidi, Kats worst nightmare and her brothers fiancée. Fueled with envy, Kat embarks on an all-out scheme to pull out all the stops to their impending wedding with the help of her gay bestfriend of all seasons. However, as Kat schemes to freeze the marital icing off her siblings cake, she finds herself falling for the charms of an evicted reality show superstar - Aris who happens to be Heidis brother. As she desperately clings to her last semblance of family, her Kuya Jeff, will Kat be able to stop this bridezilla from snatching away her only Kuya in her life?
My Kuya's Wedding 2007
Male intuition
Male intuition
Ekaterina is a successful business woman who has everything: career, arranged life, comfortable home, children, but no beloved man. After the nanny of her two children suddenly quit, she faced a serious problem - the search for a new Mary Poppins for her difficult children. The spoiled offspring of a rich mother - Frosya and Grisha - cut off one pretender after another.
Male intuition 2007
After thirty years of being a daughter, wife and mother, Dolors decides to see what happens when she tries thinking of herself for the first time. Dolors has to learn how to follow her own path to its end, and be strong enough not to look back - to home, and a husband she still loves and respects, but who has still to learn to listen to his wife and find out what her needs are.
Silenci 2007
This story is about the fact that human happiness can not be bought for any money.
Boomerang 2007
Fall Into Me
Fall Into Me
'Fall Into Me' is a romantic comedy about lies and love. The lies we tell to get the love that we want. Maria and Steve, two unlikely liars, find themselves lies colliding and their lives forever changed.
Fall Into Me 2007
The Illuminati III: Murdered By The Monarchy
The Illuminati III: Murdered By The Monarchy
Rasputin, Jack the Ripper, the sadistic sex romps in the castle of the Marquis de Sade, Nostradamus at the Royal French Court, the real-life Prince Dracula impaling virgins, Ivan the Terrible's enforced campaign of cannibalism, the links between Freemasonry, the Knights Templar and the Royal Families of Europe, plus the historical facts behind the occult underground temples and catacombs at the place where Princess Diana was killed... One cannot catch one's breath with all the rabid hatred and murder at the hands of the Royal Establishment... This film is a powerful exposure of the torture, strangulations, poisonings, rapes, hangings, impalings and methods of vehicular homicide perpetrated by the Royal Elite throughout history...
The Illuminati III: Murdered By The Monarchy 2007
If you hear me
If you hear me
Larisa is a young woman in her early thirties with a successful career in a travel agency. She has enough money but leads a monotonous lonely life. One day Gera, a man from her past, reappears, tells her that he had divorced his wife and wants them to get back together. Larisa though doesn't want to plunge back into the relationship that hurt her so badly in the past and therefore escapes on a spontaneous business trip to Crimea. There she nearly gets into an accident on water but is fortunately saved by a mysterious handsome Stranger...
If you hear me 2007
Dreaming Lhasa
Dreaming Lhasa
Karma, a Tibetan filmmaker from New York, goes to Dharamsala, the Dalai Lama's exile headquarters in northern India, to make a documentary about former political prisoners who have escaped from Tibet. She wants to reconnect with her roots but is also escaping a deteriorating relationship back home.One of Karma's interviewees is Dhondup, an enigmatic ex-monk who has just escaped from Tibet. He confides in her that his real reason for coming to India is to fulfill his dying mother's last wish, to deliver a charm box to a long-missing resistance fighter. Karma finds herself unwittingly falling in love with Dhondup even as she is sucked into the passion of his quest, which becomes a journey into Tibet's fractured past and a voyage of self-discovery
Dreaming Lhasa 2007
Pirozhki s Kartoshkoy
Pirozhki s Kartoshkoy
Веселая история о том, как уберечь отношения и жениться на любимой девушке. Не дать брачному аферисту разрушить союз и увести свою невесту. Иногда для этого нужно приложить много усилий, а иногда нужно просто... просто проснуться. А пирожки? Просто хорошо, когда твоя девушка вкусно готовит.
Pirozhki s Kartoshkoy 2007
One evening, a blind woman comes out of her car with a tear-stained face. In a flashback, we see the preceding events. She sits on a swing and falls for a man's voice who asks her for directions. But she does not want to touch his face. As a girl, she could fantasise about her face, until she touched it. Now, she fears the same with the man.
Unseen 2007
Magic Boy
Magic Boy
Magic Boy is a beautiful youth romance set in Mongkok where a girl falls in love with two amateur magicians. One is into stage magic. The other is into street magic. Over 30 genuine magic tricks are performed in this first full length feature in Hong Kong to use amateur magicians as the subject matter. Anjo Leung, in his film debut, is a real student of magic while director Adam Wong continues his sensitive and poetic expression of the frailties of youth, this time using magic tricks as an allegory of the illusory nature of love.
Magic Boy 2007
I've Fallen for You
I've Fallen for You
A boy and a girl who have wildly divergent personalities yet share the name, Alex Reyes, decide to team up for a cycling contest. But while female Alex is focused on winning the prize money, male Alex is more concerned with his parents breaking up. Through their intense training sessions, the two become closer than friends and eventually help each other confront their biggest problems.
I've Fallen for You 2007
Sanjay (Sumanth) is an extremely practical guy who believes in nothing but logic and reasoning. He listens to his mind and ignores his heart. Hamsa Vahini (Sneha) is a girl who believes strongly in human bonds and trusts everybody easily. Hamsa likes Sanjay immensely and proposes to marry him. Sanjay too accepts the proposal. In a casual chitchat, Sanjay reveals that he does not love her though he is marrying her. He feels that it is a marriage of convenience and practicality. Sanjay's confession hurts Hamsa and she cancels the engagement. As Sanjay slowly realizes the power of love and starts missing her, Hamsa becomes pragmatic and practical due to her family related circumstances, and ignores his pleas for forgiveness. The rest of the story is all about how she finally accepts Sanjay's love.
Madhumasam 2007
Nymphs in the Mist
Nymphs in the Mist
Nymphs in the Mist 2007
Anna - an ordinary woman 35 years old. She works in a small office, she is divorced, single mother with a son. Repeated attempts to arrange a personal life and find a good father to the boy came to nothing. One day, returning home, the main character accidentally witnesses a politician's assassination.
Psycho 2007