
Popular History Movies

2 Yanks Taking the Piss in Tramore, Christmas '92
2 Yanks Taking the Piss in Tramore, Christmas '92
Mike and I spent 2 months in Tramore, County Waterford, Ireland in the fall/winter of '92. We had been on the road since the summer, and planned to be gone for another year or so. We made a video to send home to our friends and family in the States as a Christmas card. This is the part of the video where we took our friends on a tour of Tramore.
2 Yanks Taking the Piss in Tramore, Christmas '92 2014
Return of the Black Death
Return of the Black Death
The black death had devastating effects in centuries past, but what actually caused it and how many lives did it take? The world has not seen a disease outbreak like it before or since. This film tells the story of skeletons recently unearthed in a long-lost plague cemetery beneath the streets of London. Was it the Bubonic Plague, or as scientists now suspect, an Ebola-like virus?
Return of the Black Death 2014
World War Brown
World War Brown
After Senator Down Town Brown accidentally breaks FDR's back, FDR declares war on him. Mr. Brown flees to Not C Germiny to his cousin Adolf Hitler. He joins the Third Reich in order to destroy FDR.
World War Brown 2014
Leonardo: Seeking the Truth
Leonardo: Seeking the Truth
This film will take the viewer on a journey with a person whose genius epitomized the Renaissance era and the subsequent development of science and art. The hand of this prodigy will sketch the first prototype of a helicopter, paint the most mysterious painting of all time and illustrate human anatomy. The story, told by Leonardo's friend will uplift the veil to reveal da Vinci's life in Florence and Milan at the time of political instability, his numerous scientific and artistic escapades as well as the creation of masterpieces, which stir awe and reverence in the hearts of men up to this day.
Leonardo: Seeking the Truth 2014
Der Mauerfall – Minecraft-Kurzfilm
Der Mauerfall – Minecraft-Kurzfilm
Der Mauerfall – Minecraft-Kurzfilm 2014
Faberge: A Life of Its Own
Prime Video
Faberge: A Life of Its Own
This feature-doc tells the epic story of the Faberge name, from Imperial Russia until the present-day, spanning one hundred and fifty years of turbulent history, romance, artistic development and commercial exploitation. From the bejewel led Easter eggs of the Romanov Tsarinas to the 1970s allure of 'Brut by Faberge' aftershave, and from the Russian revolution to today's high-fashion glitz in New York and London, the film explores a multi-faceted world that began with one man: the prodigiously talented Peter Carl Faberge, Court Jeweler of St Petersburg. Shot at locations across Russia, Europe and USA (including the collection of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II), the film features interview contributions from the world's foremost Faberge authorities, as well as personal reminiscences from Faberge family members.
Faberge: A Life of Its Own 2014
The Coloured Sky: New Women II
The Coloured Sky: New Women II
5 channel video installation, HD colour with sound, 12'00-15'48". Music by Wang Wenwei. With a haunting lyricism and dreamlike narrative, The Coloured Sky: New Women II examines the secret desires and anxieties of young women as they come of age. The work captures a journey that has on one hand ended and on the other has barely begun. The ingenues, teetering on the brink of womanhood, frolic self-consciously in an artificially staged beach scene, aware of their burgeoning sexuality and its underlying power. The shadow of China's historic system of concubinage hangs over these contemporary scenes, as the idealized beauties negotiate a new social milieu in which future prospects hinge on appearance and the cultivation of male fantasy.
The Coloured Sky: New Women II 2014
Le Cateau
Le Cateau
As Gen Smith-Dorrien’s II Corps retreated from Mons, along with rest of the BEF, they were closely pursued by Von Kluck’s Army. On reaching Le Cateau on 25th Aug Smith- Dorrien realized he would have to stand and fight if his Corps was not going to be picked of piecemeal by the Germans. This film follows the fortunes of II Corps on the 26th Aug as they faced the 12 Divisions of the 1st German Army. Once again the skill, bravery and training of the officers and men off II Corps were able to delay the Germans for long enough to allow them to withdraw as a formed force and live to fight another day. Not a victory but a success. The Old Contemptibles lived to fight another day.
Le Cateau 2014
Will not perish / in All probability
Will not perish / in All probability
Everything is in constant conversation, even if we can't find the words to express ourselves. Let's help each other find in this collective search.
Will not perish / in All probability 2014
Whatever Comes Next
Whatever Comes Next
Whatever Comes Next is a documentary about the curious and dynamic life of Annemarie Mahler-Ettinger. The film portrays the painter and scholar, Annemarie Mahler. Born in Vienna in 1926, Mahler fled by herself as a twelve-year child to the United States and has since 1955 has lived in Bloomington, IN, and in the summers in Woods Hole, MA. The documentary portrays the artist's outer and inner lives, which bridge two centuries and two continents.
Whatever Comes Next 2014
The Man from Coxs River
The Man from Coxs River
Can a mission to save a mob of brumbies in an inaccessible wilderness bring fiercely independent horseman and feral control National Parks Ranger to see the world through each other's eyes?
The Man from Coxs River 2014
Vanishing Pearls: The Oystermen of Pointe à la Hache
Vanishing Pearls: The Oystermen of Pointe à la Hache
The Oystermen of Pointe a la Hache, Louisiana. This town of nearly 300 is struggling to survive following the BP Oil Spill that left their crop dead, finances in ruin and culture facing extinction. This community has a history of being overlooked by the State, and therefore, are taking matters into their own hands, to assure their voice is heard so that they may not otherwise vanish
Vanishing Pearls: The Oystermen of Pointe à la Hache 2014
Once My Mother
Once My Mother
Australian filmmaker Sophia Turkiewicz investigates why her Polish mother abandoned her and uncovers the truth behind her mother's wartime escape from a Siberian gulag, leaving Sophia to confront her own capacity for forgiveness.
Once My Mother 2014
Bletchley Park and the Ultra Secret
Bletchley Park and the Ultra Secret
This film tells the incredible story of Bletchley Park and the Ultra Secret. Filmed at Bletchley in collaboration with the Bletchley Trust and with interviews with Bletchley Veterans the BHTV team explain the importance of Bletchley to the Allied War effort. As Sir Harold Hinsley a Bletchley Veteran and Official Historian of British Intelligence during WW2 said, Ultra shortened the war by two to four year's and that the outcome would have been uncertain without it. The film also shows how the allies used the intelligence on land, sea and air. This film shows that the success at Bletchley was not just the result of a few brilliant men and women but the result of the efforts of thousands of unsung heroes.
Bletchley Park and the Ultra Secret 2014
Musical Recordings from the Realm of the Dead
Musical Recordings from the Realm of the Dead
Four separate individuals at the dawn of wireless technology unknowingly become accidental collaborators of a musical composition that is pieced together through radio waves.
Musical Recordings from the Realm of the Dead 2014
Mons 1914
Mons 1914
On the 22nd of August 1914 the recently deployed BEF fought and delayed the German First Army of Von Kluck in around the industrial coal mining town of Mons. After 2 days of hard fighting the 3rd and 5th Division of II Corps, assisted by the Cavalry division, having borne the brunt of the battle withdrew South West in the direction of Paris. Whilst this battle was in reality a minor Corps action, when taken in the context of the Great War, it showed that the British regular soldier was more than a match for the German army when he was properly led and not vastly outnumbered by guns and men. This film shot on the battlefield tells the story of this 2 day battle bringing out the heroism and skill of the”Old Contemptible s “in delaying and escaping from Von Kluck’s attacking force of 6 Infantry and 5 Cavalry Divisions.
Mons 1914 2014
Devil's Rope
Devil's Rope
The history of barbed wire, whose use dates back to the first settlers of the Wild West, always driven by their reckless and ruthless spirit of conquest and selfish ambition to leave their mark on wild lands; of its relationship with politics and mercantilism; of the perversion of the millenary relationship between men and animals; of the evolution of surveillance techniques. Fences and borders: the tragic tale of the enclosure of the world.
Devil's Rope 2014
Soft Vengeance: Albie Sachs and the New South Africa
Soft Vengeance: Albie Sachs and the New South Africa
Albie Sachs is a lawyer, writer, art lover and freedom fighter during the lead up to the overthrow of the apartheid regime in South Africa.
Soft Vengeance: Albie Sachs and the New South Africa 2014
No Exit
No Exit
Like many people of his generation, Ali has decided to run away from the hardships of war. Along his way, he meets a strange person in a bus station: an encounter that will change his perspective.
No Exit 2014
Wrong Side Up
Wrong Side Up
A twelve-year-old boy's fate is determined by his father's departure and the impending Dust Bowl as he is forced to care for his family and their farm.
Wrong Side Up 2014
The Rule
The Rule
See how the Benedictine monks of Newark Abbey, in the heart of one of America's most dangerous cities, are able to achieve amazing success with the most vulnerable population: inner city African American and Latino teenage males. While Newark, NJ, with a high poverty rate of 32%, has an abysmal high school graduation rate, St. Benedict's Prep has a near 100% COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE rate. The film details how their "recipe for success" follows the 6th century Rule of Saint Benedict and how this rule can serve as a model for whole cities nationwide.
The Rule 2014
D-Day:  Hidden Traces
D-Day: Hidden Traces
D-Day - June 6th 1944 : Uncovered by recent archeological digs, traces left behind by soldiers and civilians on the battle ground such as helmets, badges, bullets, weapons, and cans plus findings of underground passages and secret blockhouses provide new insights into WW2 history.
D-Day: Hidden Traces 2014
Archimedes: The Master of Numbers
Archimedes: The Master of Numbers
In an attempt to lift the veil of mystery surrounding the life of the famed Archimedes, a historian seeks out Telesilla, his surviving wife. He hopes the woman would share the story of the great scientist, who tragically died during the capture of Syracuse. After certain reservations Telesilla shares her tale.
Archimedes: The Master of Numbers 2014
You're Pretty, Oh Man-Bok
You're Pretty, Oh Man-Bok
Oh Man Bok lost her mom an her dad abandoned them when her mom was pregnant with her. Her new family over her as their own, and her siblings love her a lot as well. They make sure that she never feels lonely and a part o the family. One day she hears a song on the TV, the song her mom used to sing to her, she knew that the song was meant for her mom. She decides to...
You're Pretty, Oh Man-Bok 2014
Remembering 16 March
Remembering 16 March
Survivors tell the inside story of the massacre of the leftist students at Istanbul University on 16 March 1978 and the political atmosphere before the coup of 12 September 1980.
Remembering 16 March 2014
Palisades in Palisades
Palisades in Palisades
For this video, Palisades in Palisades, 2014, Rose wanted to expand both her conceptual concerns and her cinematographic repertoire. “I was learning how to make a shot in relation to the content,” she explains, “and how the shots were metaphors for pure sensual material.” The artist accomplished this by using a remote-control camera that could zoom from 200 feet away all the way up to the pores in an individual’s skin. She chose to shoot in New Jersey’s Palisades Interstate Park, a onetime Revolutionary War battleground turned landscaped circuit park that sits atop an ancient cliff.
Palisades in Palisades 2014
The Other Man: F.W. de Klerk and the End of Apartheid
Prime Video
The Other Man: F.W. de Klerk and the End of Apartheid
F.W. de Klerk was the last President of apartheid-era South Africa. In less than 4 years he went from being Mandela's jailor to his deputy president. Together they changed history for the better and may have prevented a civil war, yet little is known about de Klerk. Through his probing lens, Rossier explores the fascinating political journey and legacy of this complicated figure.
The Other Man: F.W. de Klerk and the End of Apartheid 2014
Etegan: Bashkir Legends In Song
Etegan: Bashkir Legends In Song
The film is based on the Bashkir legend about seven girls who gave their lives defending homeland from marauding raiders. It shows the ancient Bashkirs' way of life and view of the universe through folk songs: Giants, idols, and the division of the world into the World of Angels, the World of The Living and the World of the Dead. Dying in an unequal battle, the girls go to the upper world and turn into stars of the Big Dipper, which Bashkirs name Etegan.
Etegan: Bashkir Legends In Song 2014
Harlem Street Singer
Prime Video
Harlem Street Singer
Harlem Street Singer tells the little-known story of Reverend Gary Davis, the great American ragtime, blues and gospel guitarist. Not only is he one of the greatest folk guitar players of all time, he also represents the sweep of popular music in America during the twentieth century. Harlem Street Singer traces his journey from the tobacco warehouses of the rural south to the streets of Harlem, and onto the 1960s folk music scene, a blind street musician and itinerant preacher who rose out of abject poverty to influence a generation of musicians from Ramblin’ Jack Elliott to the Grateful Dead.
Harlem Street Singer 2014
Takhta 3 Ratu
Takhta 3 Ratu
A fictitious plotline set during the times of the sixth Sultan of Malacca, Sultan Mansur Shah, Erma Fatima’s latest offering ‘Takhta 3 Ratu’ tells the story of three women Tun Teja (Erra Fazira), Puteri Hang Li Po (Soo Wincci) and Galuh Chenderai Kirana (Izreen Azminda). The play also stars Awie as Hang Tuah, Datuk Rahim Razali as Datuk Paduka Bendahara, Remy Ishak as Megat Panji Alang and Azri Iskandar as Sultan Mansur Shah.
Takhta 3 Ratu 2014
Miguel is a 17 year-old boy that sees the future as a distant horizon, immersed in his bubble of friends and a sketchbook full of sentimental poems. 'Saudade' is the portrait of a threshold: the end of high school, which we experience through Miguel. Set amidst the backdrop of the Ecuadorian economic crisis of 1999, 'Saudade' tackles notions of economic dislocation, friendship, family and young love while juxtaposing the crumbling of Miguel's life, against the crumbling of his country.
Saudade 2014
The Guarantee
The Guarantee
On the night of September 29, 2008, the Irish government decided to guarantee the entire domestic banking system.'The Guarantee' tells the story of that night, and what led to it.
The Guarantee 2014
Rabindranath Tagore: The Poet of Eternity
Rabindranath Tagore: The Poet of Eternity
United Nations/UNESCO observed in 2009 that the sesquicentennial birth anniversary of the poet Rabindranath Tagore, the first non-European to receive a Nobel Prize in literature, would be celebrated world wide. The celebrations were kicked off by UNESCO in Paris in May 2010. The movie documents messages from world leaders and many celebrations around the world and provides a renewed platform for hope and inspiration through greatest songs and poems of the poet amid wars and strife.
Rabindranath Tagore: The Poet of Eternity 2014
Blood And Ink
Prime Video
Blood And Ink
While tattoos can be found on people in almost every country in the world, few know the history behind this ancient form of body modification. Part of this tale traveled on the arms of sailors from the islands of the South Pacific to Europe and beyond.
Blood And Ink 2014
Shadows from My Past
Shadows from My Past
SHADOWS FROM MY PAST interweaves the tragic fate of one Austrian Jewish Family from Vienna. Letters written from 1939 - 1941 as they were trying to save their children and each other reverberate to today. SHADOWS features many face-to-face, unrehearsed interviews with contemporary Austrians and near past contemporary interviews including Simon Wiesenthal, Kurt Waldheim, President Heinz Fischer, Theodore Bikel, Jorg Haider, survivors and many others. SHADOWS interweaves the memories of Gita Kaufman's family with Austria's present perceptions with Austria's present perceptions of its role in the persecution and deportation of Jews during World War II. SHADOWS underlines the need for Holocaust memory preservation, tolerance education, and serves as a warning for today.
Shadows from My Past 2014
King’s Seal
King’s Seal
In the circle of life - birth, survival and death, Aboriginal people have a network of sites and tracks, embedded in the land, that connect them to all things and enable them to practice their laws, traditions and beliefs. Colonisation in Australia, denied Aboriginal people access to their land - breaking the life cycle for Aboriginal people. The Free-Settler Colony of South Australia was going to be different. King William IV recognised the continued rights to land for Aboriginal people in South Australia's founding document, the Letters Patent, in Feb 1836. The first ever Aboriginal rights granted in Australia's colonial history. Rights to the land, to occupy and enjoy their land for always, enshrined in law by the King's seal. What actually occurred in South Australia after colonisation in 1836 was treason. The King's Letters Patent was disobeyed and Aboriginal rights that were granted, to occupy and enjoy their land, were denied.
King’s Seal 2014
Anne of Brittany, Twice Queen
Anne of Brittany, Twice Queen
The life of Anne of Brittany was an extraordinary adventure of love, betrayal, desperation and jealousy. Married at 14 to King Charles VIII, then seven years later to King Louis XII, she united her Duchy with its historic enemy: France. Throughout her life, Anne, a woman of great intelligence, devoted herself to the administration of her duchy and jealously guarded its autonomy, but in the end her daughter Claude, Anne's heir, was betrothed to Francis of Angoulême, the future Francis I and Brittany was finally absorbed into the kingdom of France.
Anne of Brittany, Twice Queen 2014
The Homing Bird
The Homing Bird
A boy accidentally lets loose his father's pigeons, and goes on a dramatic journey in order to retrieve them. After leaving for the war, they are one of the only things he has left of his father.
The Homing Bird 2014
The Great War - 1917 - Year of Endurance
The Great War - 1917 - Year of Endurance
Part of the documentary series looking at the course of the First World War. This volume examines the events of 1917, when the Allies launched desperate attacks on the German lines with huge casualties, but with little result. By the end of the year, the Russians had withdrawn from the conflict following the Revolution, while the Americans were slowly becoming involved.
The Great War - 1917 - Year of Endurance 2014
The object of my love
The object of my love
The search for stories to write a script about love. While she investigates those mythical and literary stories that left a mark on the collective imagination, she comes across, along the way, other plots of real and contemporary love affairs.
The object of my love 2014